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Coleen's been the most gossipy one there from the start. When either Jas, Rhian, Danica or Danica and the Prince had convo's she'd always walk in the room and listen, pretending to do her make up or other things, then she'd relay it to others. And I think I'm remembering it right that in some task or other the hm's voted her as the gossipy one.

Yellow Rose

Colleen listened to what the HMS had to say about Harvey.

She then went to tell Harvey what was said,"I love them all but...."

Harvey went to speak to Kemop about it and I was so happy that Martin put him straigh on three occassions when he told Harvey "I was coming to speak to you about it ,but on your own not in front of everyone"

Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Harvey is an immature prat and Coleen is a two-faced, poo-stirring witch.

Both of them make me

Harvey was owned,alphad and rolled over by Martin.....he hated it.Tried to switch it onto Julian and his humour,said he was a man who can handle his drink and then blamed his behaviour on alcohol....what a posturing egotistical nomark.


Colleen is worse than Julie with her stirring and bitching....loves everybody..yeah right

Originally Posted by erinp:

Colleen listened to what the HMS had to say about Harvey.

She then went to tell Harvey what was said,"I love them all but...."

Harvey went to speak to Kemop about it and I was so happy that Martin put him straigh on three occassions when he told Harvey "I was coming to speak to you about it ,but on your own not in front of everyone"


I always find the people who use the word "respect" the most, tend to be the most disrespectful. *tries not to roll eyes disrespectfully* 


Poated on DS

Harvey does Shakespeare...(modern version)

"To be, or not to be, innit, that is da question what I is askin' bruv. Whether it is wicked and stuff with all da pointy arrows and fings coming from da hood or to take arms against da sea of agro by well mashin' dem, know what I mean? To be well dead or just chillin', man, it means nuffin' cos that just ain't cool, bitch, no matter if you is all stiff or not, you get me? And dere is da rub, innit, or is you just busting me chops or what."


MC Harvey [Celebrity Big Brother 2012)

MC Harvey was given a warning by Big Brother last night after ‘flashing’ fellow CBB housemate Coleen Nolan!


Harvey’s drunken antics during a party thrown by Big Brother on Tuesday night  caused a huge row in the house.

The 33-year-old rapper dropped his pants in front of Coleen in the bedroom  for a prank, saying it was “just banter”.

But the other housemates weren’t pleased, and Big Brother warned Harvey that  his actions could been seen as “offensive and inappropriate”

The footage was cut from last night’s latest highlights show.

Julie moaned: “Big Brother was very angry with him because he went too  far.”

While comedian Julian added: “It wasn’t just disrespectful to Coleen but  everyone.”

Meanhile Martin confronted Harvey: “It was disrespectful what you did.

“There is ‘banter’ and then there is getting your arse out and opening your  cheeks and showing it all to Coleen.

“Maybe it seemed funny at the time because everyone had had a drink but you  crossed the line.”

He added: “Whether Coleen is your mate or not, you went from respect to  disrespect towards a woman.

“This is the sort of thing you do as boys at football but not to a  woman.”

However a defiant Harvey insisted he had done nothing wrong.

“I know my boundaries with everyone in here,” he said. “I would never have  done that to you or Julie or Julian but Coleen is a friend.

“Some of these people who have complained about me I have no respect for  because they are hypocrites.

“They can’t tell me what to do.”

He continued: “Julian makes jokes about bums and has put his hand down  Coleen’s dress.

“Maybe I find that offensive.”

A Big Brother spokesman told the Daily Star today: “Harvey was  called into the Diary Room and told his behaviour could be seen as  inappropriate

Read more:

Originally Posted by erinp:

Poated on DS

Harvey does Shakespeare...(modern version)

"To be, or not to be, innit, that is da question what I is askin' bruv. Whether it is wicked and stuff with all da pointy arrows and fings coming from da hood or to take arms against da sea of agro by well mashin' dem, know what I mean? To be well dead or just chillin', man, it means nuffin' cos that just ain't cool, bitch, no matter if you is all stiff or not, you get me? And dere is da rub, innit, or is you just busting me chops or what."

Very funny


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