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bitterness at being evicted this week when he thought he was safe and the ÂĢÂĢÂĢÂĢ  signs for a week of anything and everything to line his bank balance 


Aaron is his target for being the person who topped the votes each time they were up and now he is out he has  seen  how popular and large Aarons fan bases are compared to his own - any friendship he had in the house has been forgotton in his bitterness and campaign to do as much damage as he can to his rival .........  they both had game plans and his failed .....

Originally Posted by MrsH:

bitterness at being evicted this week when he thought he was safe and the ÂĢÂĢÂĢÂĢ  signs for a week of anything and everything to line his bank balance 


Aaron is his target for being the person who topped the votes each time they were up and now he is out he has  seen  how popular and large Aarons fan bases are compared to his own - any friendship he had in the house has been forgotton in his bitterness and campaign to do as much damage as he can to his rival .........  they both had game plans and his failed .....

Senora Reyes
True Originally Posted by Senora Reyes:

Just goes to show you can have all the money, come from a wealthy background, but still lack class.

Truer words have never been said Senora class comes from within not based on how you speak your wordly goods or how much money you have in the bank,I am seeing the real Harry since he has left the house and its not pretty..selling your friend down the river is way below the belt

Originally Posted by Marguerita:
Originally Posted by grannyg:

  they both had game plans and his failed 


  ^^^ This is the crux of the matter imo^^

Grannyg I agree they all have a game plan shame on Harry he could not take defeat gracefully without turning on his friend and trying to ruin his chances of winning.

 Sorry Marg  I had to help Granda there and didn't finish what I had started so just saw your post there after I had posted ^^^^ up there, so I'm sure you'll get the gist 


 Nice to see you again Marg hope you go from strength to strength




* Harry to Aaron: "I don't want you to have been portrayed in a way that isn't true" regarding what was said by the families when nominating Aaron. -- 28:12 mark:
* Harry to Faye: "I know how much you like Aaron..." "I think he feels like he's in an awkward situation as well, because he said he really, really likes you outside, but everyone is going to slag him off and say he's been leading you on or whatever. But I haven't thought in any way that he's been leading you on. But I think you've got to trust your own instinct....I would just not listen to your mom and sister. At the end of the day, you've got 18 days left...I wouldn't read too much into the whole -- I know what they said you've got to take on board, but at the same time, just have fun doing whatever you want to do. If you want to hang out with Aaron and if you want to get off with Aaron, then do whatever you want to." Faye says she doesn't know if she'll be able to do that, because it'll be too weird. Harry responds, "Only if you let it be weird. I feel sorry for him, though, in the fact of five nominations of all people saying 'I don't like how you're treating Faye.' It's kind of, like, ouch." -- 31:14 mark:


Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by stonks:
Originally Posted by erinp:

I knew I should have trusted my gut reaction regarding Harry(Fox Hunting) more fool me.

But has'nt fox hunting been banned for years in England?....

It's complicated. The Hunting Act bans the killing of foxes by packs of dogs.

However, there's no ban on hunt meetings, and - providing you don't use more than 2 dogs - they're allowed to to flush out foxes and then shoot them.


Then there are the "fox-less" alternatives, such as drag hunting where the dogs chase a lure.

And that's before we consider the question of illegal fox hunts that still "allegedly" take place...


Eugene's Lair
Originally Posted by Eugene's Lair:
Originally Posted by stonks:
Originally Posted by erinp:

I knew I should have trusted my gut reaction regarding Harry(Fox Hunting) more fool me.

But has'nt fox hunting been banned for years in England?....

It's complicated. The Hunting Act bans the killing of foxes by packs of dogs.

However, there's no ban on hunt meetings, and - providing you don't use more than 2 dogs - they're allowed to to flush out foxes and then shoot them.


Then there are the "fox-less" alternatives, such as drag hunting where the dogs chase a lure.

And that's before we consider the question of illegal fox hunts that still "allegedly" take place...


I was never into fox hunting, I wore my ribbons up with pride.... and all my families land has no hunting notices on, we just don't allow it in any shape or form but i've lost 11 hens to the foxes....


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