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To avoid crying while cutting onions, try holding a piece of bread in your mouth...

On a dark night, the human eye can detect the light of a candle from more than a mile away...

There's a Starbucks cup in every scene in the movie 'Fight Club'...

A group of Flamingos is called a Flamboyance...


The largest cowbell ever made was unveiled in Germany in 2003. It was 3.28 metres high and weighed a whopping 920kgs

Needless to say they couldn’t find a cow big enough to wear it  

@Moonie posted:

The largest cowbell ever made was unveiled in Germany in 2003. It was 3.28 metres high and weighed a whopping 920kgs

Needless to say they couldn’t find a cow big enough to wear it  


It took of the creator of the Rubik’s Cube one month to solve the cube after he created it...
The current record held for the fastest solve of the Rubik's Cube is currently 3.47 seconds...
A robot, however, has solved the Rubik's Cube this year in an incredible 0.38 seconds!!

@slimfern posted:

It took of the creator of the Rubik’s Cube one month to solve the cube after he created it...
The current record held for the fastest solve of the Rubik's Cube is currently 3.47 seconds...
A robot, however, has solved the Rubik's Cube this year in an incredible 0.38 seconds!!

I never could get the hang of it


In the 19th century, voting was actually kind of dangerous. Crooks known as "coopers" would grab people off the streets, beat them up, and get them drunk or high on opium. The victims were then forced to vote at multiple polling places, but in order to disguise these drugged-up voters, the coopers would dress their victims in shabby disguises...

@slimfern posted:

In the 19th century, voting was actually kind of dangerous. Crooks known as "coopers" would grab people off the streets, beat them up, and get them drunk or high on opium. The victims were then forced to vote at multiple polling places, but in order to disguise these drugged-up voters, the coopers would dress their victims in shabby disguises...

Don’t put ideas in todays politicians minds Slim .


In Washington, when two trains come to a crossing, neither can go till the other has passed...

In Montana it is illegal to have a sheep in the cab of your truck without a chaperone...

In Vermont, woman must gain written permission from their husband to wear false teeth...

In Utah it is illegal to not drink milk...
(That's me stuffed then)

Last edited by slimfern
@slimfern posted:

In Washington, when two trains come to a crossing, neither can go till the other has passed...

If neither can go till the other has passed, they are both in for a long wait!


There was once a third common condiment used on every table of rich people along with salt and pepper, but nobody wrote it down so we don’t know what is was. They speculate it was mustard seed but nobody knows for sure!

@Former Member posted:

There was once a third common condiment used on every table of rich people along with salt and pepper, but nobody wrote it down so we don’t know what is was. They speculate it was mustard seed but nobody knows for sure!

Oh , that’s interesting Roxan

@Former Member posted:

There was once a third common condiment used on every table of rich people along with salt and pepper, but nobody wrote it down so we don’t know what is was. They speculate it was mustard seed but nobody knows for sure!

Everyone forgot?

@Former Member posted:

There was once a third common condiment used on every table of rich people along with salt and pepper, but nobody wrote it down so we don’t know what is was. They speculate it was mustard seed but nobody knows for sure!

Roman soldiers were paid partly in salt and their salarium gave way to today’s word for “salary.” The word “salad” also originated from “salt,” and began with the early Romans salting their leafy greens and vegetables...


You can tell the temperature by counting a cricket’s chirps...

The coldest temperature ever officially recorded was -89.2°C...

A 2003 heatwave turned grapes to raisins before they were picked from the vine...

Worms wriggle up from underground when a flood is coming...

@slimfern posted:

You can tell the temperature by counting a cricket’s chirps...

The coldest temperature ever officially recorded was -89.2°C...

A 2003 heatwave turned grapes to raisins before they were picked from the vine...

Worms wriggle up from underground when a flood is coming...

Wow , that’s cold


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