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I can spell antidisestablishmentarianism off by heart in maybe 6 seconds. It was the longest word in the dictionary when I was scholered.

Hope the sun is shining in Devon - bit dull here. Our speciality     

Feck a job with the Scottish Tourist Board must be hard.

It's a beautiful sunny morning here in Devon

Wouldn't want a job with any tourist board atm

Last edited by slimfern

Dolly Parton lost a look-alike contest...

A dairy cow will produce up to 3 percent more milk when listening to music. But they don't like country music, especially Willie Nelson. They need something with a good beat...

After losing a drunken poker bet in 2009, a New Zealand man had his name legally changed to:
"Full Metal Havok More Sexy N Intelligent Than Spock And All The Superheroes Combined With Frostnova."
It took five years, but the name was finally approved by the government. All 99 characters of his new name are on his passport...

@slimfern posted:

Dolly Parton lost a look-alike contest...

A dairy cow will produce up to 3 percent more milk when listening to music. But they don't like country music, especially Willie Nelson. They need something with a good beat...

After losing a drunken poker bet in 2009, a New Zealand man had his name legally changed to:
"Full Metal Havok More Sexy N Intelligent Than Spock And All The Superheroes Combined With Frostnova."
It took five years, but the name was finally approved by the government. All 99 characters of his new name are on his passport...

Good grief at that name

@slimfern posted:

Dolly Parton lost a look-alike contest...

A dairy cow will produce up to 3 percent more milk when listening to music. But they don't like country music, especially Willie Nelson. They need something with a good beat...

After losing a drunken poker bet in 2009, a New Zealand man had his name legally changed to:
"Full Metal Havok More Sexy N Intelligent Than Spock And All The Superheroes Combined With Frostnova."
It took five years, but the name was finally approved by the government. All 99 characters of his new name are on his passport...

Do you know the phrase "the nuts" originates from poker, It's when you went in the salon and left your wagon on the line   

Dunno if I've ever lost my nuts. Poker's the Guardian crossword   


Vibrators were invented in the 19th century to cure mental illness in women...

The unicorn is the national animal of Scotland...

The Japanese word 'Kuchi zamishi' is the act of eating when you're not hungry because your mouth is lonely...

Google images was literally created after Jennifer Lopez wore that infamous dress at the 2000 Grammys...
So many people were searching for her outfit, the search engine added an imagine function.

Queen Elizabeth II is a trained mechanic...

@slimfern posted:

Vibrators were invented in the 19th century to cure mental illness in women...

The unicorn is the national animal of Scotland...

The Japanese word 'Kuchi zamishi' is the act of eating when you're not hungry because your mouth is lonely...

Google images was literally created after Jennifer Lopez wore that infamous dress at the 2000 Grammys...
So many people were searching for her outfit, the search engine added an imagine function.

Queen Elizabeth II is a trained mechanic...

All I can say is my mouth must be really lonely


Oranges are a hybrid of tangerines and pomelos, also known as "Chinese grapefruit," and they were originally green...

Dolphins have names for one another...

Toto the dog was once a cow...
In the original 1902 stage version of The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, Dorothy did not have a dog but a faithful cow named Imogene.

Speed dating was invented by a rabbi...
(That's Rabbi, not Rabbit)

@slimfern posted:

Oranges are a hybrid of tangerines and pomelos, also known as "Chinese grapefruit," and they were originally green...

Dolphins have names for one another...

Toto the dog was once a cow...
In the original 1902 stage version of The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, Dorothy did not have a dog but a faithful cow named Imogene.

Speed dating was invented by a rabbi...
(That's Rabbi, not Rabbit)


The storyline on IMDB reads:
Chased off by the antics of Hank the Mule, Dorothy ends up in her cornfield, where she realizes her family's Scarecrow is alive. She helps him down and he takes a tumble on the turnstyle. A cyclone soon arrives and leaves Dorothy, Scarecrow, Toto and Hank spinning around on a haystack, with Imogene the Cow flying soon after. Soon after their arrival, the Wizard of Oz issues a public decree that he is a humbug, to make sure no one ever finds out. Glinda pops up out of the background and transforms Toto into a man in a bulldog suit to serve as a better protector for Dorothy. Then they encounter the Tin Woodman, the Cowardly Lion, and Eureka. Nevertheless, she is captured by Momba, the Wicked Witch of the West (suggesting Baum thought the other witches were Mombe, Mombo, and Mombu, in keeping with the council in _Queen Zixi of Ix_) and her flying lizards and soldiers. Dorothy defeats Momba, and they arrive at the Emerald City just in time for the Wizard's going away party.

Dorothy is said to have been played by Bebe Daniels though there's no existing records to prove that, Bebe Daniels made quite a number of films, the best known being "42nd Street" (1933) in which she played Dorothy Brock.

El Loro
@El Loro posted:

The storyline on IMDB reads:
Chased off by the antics of Hank the Mule, Dorothy ends up in her cornfield, where she realizes her family's Scarecrow is alive. She helps him down and he takes a tumble on the turnstyle. A cyclone soon arrives and leaves Dorothy, Scarecrow, Toto and Hank spinning around on a haystack, with Imogene the Cow flying soon after. Soon after their arrival, the Wizard of Oz issues a public decree that he is a humbug, to make sure no one ever finds out. Glinda pops up out of the background and transforms Toto into a man in a bulldog suit to serve as a better protector for Dorothy. Then they encounter the Tin Woodman, the Cowardly Lion, and Eureka. Nevertheless, she is captured by Momba, the Wicked Witch of the West (suggesting Baum thought the other witches were Mombe, Mombo, and Mombu, in keeping with the council in _Queen Zixi of Ix_) and her flying lizards and soldiers. Dorothy defeats Momba, and they arrive at the Emerald City just in time for the Wizard's going away party.

Dorothy is said to have been played by Bebe Daniels though there's no existing records to prove that, Bebe Daniels made quite a number of films, the best known being "42nd Street" (1933) in which she played Dorothy Brock.

Was Bebe Daniels the one in Life with the Lyon’s ( radio) El ?

@El Loro posted:

Here's the 1910 short film version of "The Wizard of Oz" which was based on that musical rather than the book:

Not bad for a film of such an age, and although there are a few differences the Judy Garland film pretty much kept to the story.
The animal costumes though, hmmmm they were almost pantomime like weren't they.

I recognised the music at 3:57 but can't recall the name of it ?


Wasps Attack When Drunk...
Worker wasps have a single job: to supply their queen with nectar. And when they've stored up all they can, they have nothing to do. So they do what many of us might: they get buzzedβ€”on fermented fruit.

Disney Is the Second-Largest Buyer of Explosives in the World...

Deaf People with Schizophrenia "See" Voices...

Once Upon A Time, Antarctica Was as Warm as California...

@slimfern posted:

Wasps Attack When Drunk...
Worker wasps have a single job: to supply their queen with nectar. And when they've stored up all they can, they have nothing to do. So they do what many of us might: they get buzzedβ€”on fermented fruit.

Disney Is the Second-Largest Buyer of Explosives in the World...

Deaf People with Schizophrenia "See" Voices...

Once Upon A Time, Antarctica Was as Warm as California...

Wow Some interesting facts there Slim .

@Former Member posted:

@slimfern - drunken wasps! Makes me like them now!

Not surprised about Disney, those firework displays every night at all the parks must cost a fortune!

@Baz posted:

Yes , they must spend masses on those firework displays !

My eldest boy was a qualified pyrotechnic for a while, setting up displays for large organisations, he told me some of them cost many thousands of pounds.

Last edited by slimfern

There’s a law allowing a random citizen to kill a Scott entering the city of York if the said person is holding an arrow above his head...

Around thirty places in the world are named Birmingham; furthermore, there are places on the Moon that hold this name...

One in eight people in the United States has been employed by MacDonalds...

Horses and cows can sleep standing up, but they can only dream when lying down...

There are more Lego mini-figurines in existence than actual people on Earth...

@slimfern posted:

There’s a law allowing a random citizen to kill a Scott entering the city of York if the said person is holding an arrow above his head...

Around thirty places in the world are named Birmingham; furthermore, there are places on the Moon that hold this name...

One in eight people in the United States has been employed by MacDonalds...

Horses and cows can sleep standing up, but they can only dream when lying down...

There are more Lego mini-figurines in existence than actual people on Earth...

Some interesting facts there Slim .


70% of all known serial killer murders come from America...

Dorangel Vargas is known as the people eater or β€˜El Coomegente’. He’s a serial killer in Venezuela and he’s also known as the Andes’ Hannibal Lecter. Vargas ate and killed at least 10 people in his lifetime. But he had a specific preference when it comes to eating the meat of a person. He did not eat the flesh of a woman – he only eats men. According to him, a guy’s meat tasted so much better than that of a woman.

Also, he avoided eating fat people because according to him, they contained too much cholesterol and could be harmful to him. Well, these serial killer facts show that even murderers have their own definition of class...

@slimfern posted:

70% of all known serial killer murders come from America...

Dorangel Vargas is known as the people eater or β€˜El Coomegente’. He’s a serial killer in Venezuela and he’s also known as the Andes’ Hannibal Lecter. Vargas ate and killed at least 10 people in his lifetime. But he had a specific preference when it comes to eating the meat of a person. He did not eat the flesh of a woman – he only eats men. According to him, a guy’s meat tasted so much better than that of a woman.

Also, he avoided eating fat people because according to him, they contained too much cholesterol and could be harmful to him. Well, these serial killer facts show that even murderers have their own definition of class...


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