Heels were initially invented for men...
Back in the 10th century, horse-riders, who were mostly men, figured out that shoes with a slight heel helped their foot stay more firmly in the stirrups. The idea spread quickly and soon enough armies of men were wearing heels! By the 17th century, heeled shoes were a major fashion trend for both men and women as they were a symbol of high status.
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T-Shirts were initially invented for Bachelors that couldn't sew of fix buttons..
Believe it or not, t-shirts were invented over 100 years ago! Back in 1904, Cooper Underwear Company started advertising their new product – t-shirts – to bachelors who could not sew or replace buttons. At the time, the t-shirts were completely white and the trend picked up quickly.
270,000 trees are cut down each day for toilet paper...
This fact is a great one to pull out during an awkward silence! According to industry experts, each day, 270,000 trees are cut down in order to keep up with the global demand for toilet paper. Interestingly, Americans alone use about 34 million rolls of toilet paper a day!
@slimfern posted:270,000 trees are cut down each day for toilet paper...
This fact is a great one to pull out during an awkward silence! According to industry experts, each day, 270,000 trees are cut down in order to keep up with the global demand for toilet paper. Interestingly, Americans alone use about 34 million rolls of toilet paper a day!
Keyboards are designed to slow down your typing...
Have you ever wondered why the letters on a keyboard are organized the way they are? While it seems like the letters were randomly strewn across the keys, this method of organizing the keyboard was developed as a way to slow down typists. Back in 1872, typewriter users were typing too fast and causing the typewriters to jam. So, the QWERTY method actually kept the machines from breaking down and it is still used today
Crisps are Flammable...
Next time you need to light a fire, make sure to have a bag of crisps close by. Surprisingly, the go-to snack is both flammable and non-toxic, especially those powdered with seasoning. Interestingly, crisps that are powdered with cheese are extra handy as they will burn for a longer time. Definitely remember to bring bags of crisps on your next camping trip.
@slimfern posted:Keyboards are designed to slow down your typing...
Have you ever wondered why the letters on a keyboard are organized the way they are? While it seems like the letters were randomly strewn across the keys, this method of organizing the keyboard was developed as a way to slow down typists. Back in 1872, typewriter users were typing too fast and causing the typewriters to jam. So, the QWERTY method actually kept the machines from breaking down and it is still used today
Originally the R was where the full stop is and vice versa. The manufacturer Remington wanted to change that to the familiar layout so that their salesmen could impress customers with the fact that
TYPEWRITER can be typed from the top row of letters.
Nigella cooks in a shipping container
Shoes were originally called straights as they could fit on either foot
White Chocolate isn't Chocolate...
White chocolate is made up of sugar, cocoa butter, milk products, vanilla, and lecithin. The sweet treat does not contain chocolate solids, so, technically, it is not chocolate.
A lightbulb is still working after 120 years
@Saint posted:A lightbulb is still working after 120 years
@slimfern posted:White Chocolate isn't Chocolate...
White chocolate is made up of sugar, cocoa butter, milk products, vanilla, and lecithin. The sweet treat does not contain chocolate solids, so, technically, it is not chocolate.
Yes, I sort of knew that …cos it doesn’t really taste like chocolate to me
More People have CellPhones than Toilets...
According to UN reports, there are 6 billion mobile phone users around the world while only 2.5 billion of the world’s 7 billion people have access to a toilet. It is important to note that toilets have been around for centuries whereas cellphones have only been in use for the last 30 years.
Mistletoe is an Aphrodisiac...
The holiday decoration isn't just pretty. It's also an ancient symbol of fertility and virility — and the Druids considered it an aphrodisiac. So the next time someone cracks a joke about meeting you under the mistletoe, consider yourself warned.
@slimfern posted:Mistletoe is an Aphrodisiac...
The holiday decoration isn't just pretty. It's also an ancient symbol of fertility and virility — and the Druids considered it an aphrodisiac. So the next time someone cracks a joke about meeting you under the mistletoe, consider yourself warned.
I thought it was poisonous
@Baz posted:
I thought it was poisonous
I don't think it means for it to be ingested
@slimfern posted:
I don't think it means for it to be ingested
Well what do they do then? Rub it on their privates
@slimfern posted:More People have CellPhones than Toilets...
According to UN reports, there are 6 billion mobile phone users around the world while only 2.5 billion of the world’s 7 billion people have access to a toilet. It is important to note that toilets have been around for centuries whereas cellphones have only been in use for the last 30 years.
Oddly - more people break their phone by dropping it down the toilet than any other way!!
I have never broken a mobile due to dropping it on the ground but I did drop one in the local park pool when filming the wildlife on it. It floated just under the surface. I managed to fish it out but it was totally destroyed
@Baz posted:
Well what do they do then? Rub it on their privates
More of a psychological aphrodisiac I think you'll find
@Saint posted:Oddly - more people break their phone by dropping it down the toilet than any other way!!
Why would a person need to take their phone to the toilet with them I ask you...Bonkers!
@slimfern posted:Why would a person need to take their phone to the toilet with them I ask you...Bonkers!
I do
The Brits invented speeding tickets...
The very first speeding ticket was issued to a driver named Walter Arnold in Kent in 1896, after he was caught going four times the speed limit. As the speed limit was only 2mph, he was fined for reaching a top speed of 8 mph!
@slimfern posted:The Brits invented speeding tickets...
The very first speeding ticket was issued to a driver named Walter Arnold in Kent in 1896, after he was caught going four times the speed limit. As the speed limit was only 2mph, he was fined for reaching a top speed of 8 mph!
Hot water will turn into ice faster than cold water...
Coca-Cola was originally Green...
You can't kill yourself by holding your breath...
A snail can sleep for three years...
Butterflies taste with their feet...
@slimfern posted:Hot water will turn into ice faster than cold water...
Coca-Cola was originally Green...
You can't kill yourself by holding your breath...
A snail can sleep for three years...
Butterflies taste with their feet...
I’m coming back as a snail then .
@slimfern posted:Why would a person need to take their phone to the toilet with them I ask you...Bonkers!
They tend to have them in their pockets and accidentally drop them whilst using the loo
Duck billed platypus is the only venomous mammal
@Saint posted:They tend to have them in their pockets and accidentally drop them whilst using the loo
I’ve never dropped mine …yet
Your nostrils work one at a time...
Copper door knobs are self-disinfecting...
The longest wedding veil was the same length as 63.5 football fields...
Pringles aren't actually potato chips...
Water makes different pouring sounds depending on its temperature...
There's a futures market in copper - as you well know
@slimfern posted:Keyboards are designed to slow down your typing...
Have you ever wondered why the letters on a keyboard are organized the way they are? While it seems like the letters were randomly strewn across the keys, this method of organizing the keyboard was developed as a way to slow down typists. Back in 1872, typewriter users were typing too fast and causing the typewriters to jam. So, the QWERTY method actually kept the machines from breaking down and it is still used today
I've known that for quite a while now. Have you ever used the 'Dvorak' keyboard?
I loved it! Can't remember the full layout now, but all the vowels were controlled by the left hand, where A S D F G are on a QWERTY keyboard - A O E U I
I found it quite easy to swap from the QWERTY keyboard at work to the Dvorak keyboard I had at home.
Lemon Sole isn't a sole and doesn't taste of lemons!
@Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing posted:Lemon Sole isn't a sole and doesn't taste of lemons!
Two for two then EFFT
There are more life forms on your body than people on earth...
Women can give birth after they die...
There's a brewery in Japan that makes beer from elephant dung...
Blue cheese can change your dreams...