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Heels were initially invented for men...
Back in the 10th century, horse-riders, who were mostly men, figured out that shoes with a slight heel helped their foot stay more firmly in the stirrups. The idea spread quickly and soon enough armies of men were wearing heels! By the 17th century, heeled shoes were a major fashion trend for both men and women as they were a symbol of high status.

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T-Shirts were initially invented for Bachelors that couldn't sew of fix buttons..
Believe it or not, t-shirts were invented over 100 years ago! Back in 1904, Cooper Underwear Company started advertising their new product – t-shirts – to bachelors who could not sew or replace buttons. At the time, the t-shirts were completely white and the trend picked up quickly.

@slimfern posted:

270,000 trees are cut down each day for toilet paper...
This fact is a great one to pull out during an awkward silence! According to industry experts, each day, 270,000 trees are cut down in order to keep up with the global demand for toilet paper. Interestingly, Americans alone use about 34 million rolls of toilet paper a day!


Keyboards are designed to slow  down your typing...
Have you ever wondered why the letters on a keyboard are organized the way they are? While it seems like the letters were randomly strewn across the keys, this method of organizing the keyboard was developed as a way to slow down typists. Back in 1872, typewriter users were typing too fast and causing the typewriters to jam. So, the QWERTY method actually kept the machines from breaking down and it is still used today


Crisps are Flammable...
Next time you need to light a fire, make sure to have a bag of crisps close by. Surprisingly, the go-to snack is both flammable and non-toxic, especially those powdered with seasoning. Interestingly, crisps that are powdered with cheese are extra handy as they will burn for a longer time. Definitely remember to bring bags of crisps on your next camping trip.

@slimfern posted:

Keyboards are designed to slow  down your typing...
Have you ever wondered why the letters on a keyboard are organized the way they are? While it seems like the letters were randomly strewn across the keys, this method of organizing the keyboard was developed as a way to slow down typists. Back in 1872, typewriter users were typing too fast and causing the typewriters to jam. So, the QWERTY method actually kept the machines from breaking down and it is still used today

Originally the R was where the full stop is and vice versa. The manufacturer Remington wanted to change that to the familiar layout so that their salesmen could impress customers with the fact that
TYPEWRITER can be typed from the top row of letters.

El Loro

More People have CellPhones than Toilets...
According to UN reports, there are 6 billion mobile phone users around the world while only 2.5 billion of the world’s 7 billion people have access to a toilet. It is important to note that toilets have been around for centuries whereas cellphones have only been in use for the last 30 years.

@slimfern posted:

More People have CellPhones than Toilets...
According to UN reports, there are 6 billion mobile phone users around the world while only 2.5 billion of the world’s 7 billion people have access to a toilet. It is important to note that toilets have been around for centuries whereas cellphones have only been in use for the last 30 years.

Oddly - more people break their phone by dropping it down the toilet than any other way!!

@slimfern posted:

Keyboards are designed to slow  down your typing...
Have you ever wondered why the letters on a keyboard are organized the way they are? While it seems like the letters were randomly strewn across the keys, this method of organizing the keyboard was developed as a way to slow down typists. Back in 1872, typewriter users were typing too fast and causing the typewriters to jam. So, the QWERTY method actually kept the machines from breaking down and it is still used today

I've known that for quite a while now. Have you ever used the 'Dvorak' keyboard?

I loved it! Can't remember the full layout now, but all the vowels were controlled by the left hand, where A S D F G are on a QWERTY keyboard - A O E U I

I found it quite easy to swap from the QWERTY keyboard at work to the Dvorak keyboard I had at home.

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing

It's impossible to hum while you hold your nose...

Bigger Forks Lead You to Eat Less...

Naps Could Save Your Life...
Research has found that a mid-day nap can make you more creative, focused, and fresh for the rest of the day. But one study also found that they can also reduce your risk of heart attack. Specifically, those who regularly nap were found to be 37 percent less likely to die from a heart attack or other coronary ailment than those who worked straight through the day.

Vacuum cleaners were originally horse-drawn...

Alfred Hitchcock was frightened of eggs...

Spider webs were used as bandages in ancient times...

The inventor of the Pringles can is now buried in one...
In 1966, Fredric Baur developed the ingenious idea for Procter & Gamble to uniformly stack chips inside a can instead of tossing them in a bag. Baur was so proud of his invention that he wanted to take it to the grave—literally.


Pine trees have proven that they can grow inside the body...
Doctors recently went into surgery to remove what they thought was a tumour. It turned out to be a fir tree growing in the man’s lungs.

More than 80 million bacteria are exchanged in a single kiss...
Think about that next time you give your date a kiss. Is it really worth it?

In 2017, homicide archivist Thomas Hargrove estimated that there are more than 2,000 serial killers currently at large...

A human head remains conscious for around 20 seconds after being decapitated...

Chainsaws were originally created for childbirth...

Before caesareans were perfected, if babies were too big to pass through the birth canal, a chainsaw was used to remove parts of the pelvis quickly.

@slimfern posted:

Pine trees have proven that they can grow inside the body...
Doctors recently went into surgery to remove what they thought was a tumour. It turned out to be a fir tree growing in the man’s lungs.

More than 80 million bacteria are exchanged in a single kiss...
Think about that next time you give your date a kiss. Is it really worth it?

In 2017, homicide archivist Thomas Hargrove estimated that there are more than 2,000 serial killers currently at large...

A human head remains conscious for around 20 seconds after being decapitated...

Chainsaws were originally created for childbirth...

Before caesareans were perfected, if babies were too big to pass through the birth canal, a chainsaw was used to remove parts of the pelvis quickly.

Blimey this is a hell of a thing to read first thing in the morning!

wonder how they know about the decapitation thing?

@Former Member posted:

Blimey this is a hell of a thing to read first thing in the morning!

wonder how they know about the decapitation thing?

I guess it was noted from the times when it was a common way of doing away with so called criminals....when women used to sit and knit whilst waiting

Be thankful you're not a chicken....
There was a chicken called 'Mike the Headless Chicken' that lived for 18 months after its head was cut off...

Last edited by slimfern
@slimfern posted:

Pine trees have proven that they can grow inside the body...
Doctors recently went into surgery to remove what they thought was a tumour. It turned out to be a fir tree growing in the man’s lungs.

More than 80 million bacteria are exchanged in a single kiss...
Think about that next time you give your date a kiss. Is it really worth it?

In 2017, homicide archivist Thomas Hargrove estimated that there are more than 2,000 serial killers currently at large...

A human head remains conscious for around 20 seconds after being decapitated...

Chainsaws were originally created for childbirth...

Before caesareans were perfected, if babies were too big to pass through the birth canal, a chainsaw was used to remove parts of the pelvis quickly.

Good grief

@slimfern posted:

I guess it was noted from the times when it was a common way of doing away with so called criminals....when women used to sit and knit whilst waiting

Be thankful you're not a chicken....
There was a chicken called 'Mike the Headless Chicken' that lived for 18 months after its head was cut off...

Have visions of them blinking up from the basket! Poor Mike!


In 1915, Dr. D.K. Briggs of Blackville, South Carolina, declared 30-year-old Essie Dunbar dead after an apparent epilepsy attack. She was buried the following morning, but her sister in the neighbouring town couldn’t get there until after the coffin had been lowered into the ground. When she arrived, she asked the ministers to dig up the coffin so she could see her sister one last time. When the screws were removed and the coffin opened, Essie sat up and smiled at her sister. She went on to live another 47 years, although many people believed her to be a zombie...

@slimfern posted:

I guess it was noted from the times when it was a common way of doing away with so called criminals....when women used to sit and knit whilst waiting

Be thankful you're not a chicken....
There was a chicken called 'Mike the Headless Chicken' that lived for 18 months after its head was cut off...

I'm saying that's 'fake news' for headlines - nothing can live for 18months with no food or water


The mother of Mike Nesmith from The Monkees invented liquid paper, while working as an executive secretary at a bank in 1951. She initially covered typing mistakes with paint, but after perfecting the formula, she offered it to IBM but they passed, so she started marketing it herself and did well out of it. She eventually sold the rights to Gillette in 1979 for $47.5m plus future royalties.

Last edited by Former Member
@Former Member posted:

The mother of Mike Nesmith from The Monkees invented liquid paper, while working as an executive secretary at a bank in 1951. She initially covered typing mistakes with paint, but after perfecting the formula, she offered it to IBM but they passed, so she started marketing it herself and did well out of it. She eventually sold the rights to Gillette in 1979 for $47.5m plus future royalties.

Wowâ€Ķ..she did well then


I can spell antidisestablishmentarianism off by heart in maybe 6 seconds. It was the longest word in the dictionary when I was scholered.

Hope the sun is shining in Devon - bit dull here. Our speciality     

Feck a job with the Scottish Tourist Board must be hard.

It's a beautiful sunny morning here in Devon

Wouldn't want a job with any tourist board atm

Last edited by slimfern

Dolly Parton lost a look-alike contest...

A dairy cow will produce up to 3 percent more milk when listening to music. But they don't like country music, especially Willie Nelson. They need something with a good beat...

After losing a drunken poker bet in 2009, a New Zealand man had his name legally changed to:
"Full Metal Havok More Sexy N Intelligent Than Spock And All The Superheroes Combined With Frostnova."
It took five years, but the name was finally approved by the government. All 99 characters of his new name are on his passport...

@slimfern posted:

Dolly Parton lost a look-alike contest...

A dairy cow will produce up to 3 percent more milk when listening to music. But they don't like country music, especially Willie Nelson. They need something with a good beat...

After losing a drunken poker bet in 2009, a New Zealand man had his name legally changed to:
"Full Metal Havok More Sexy N Intelligent Than Spock And All The Superheroes Combined With Frostnova."
It took five years, but the name was finally approved by the government. All 99 characters of his new name are on his passport...

Good grief at that name

@slimfern posted:

Dolly Parton lost a look-alike contest...

A dairy cow will produce up to 3 percent more milk when listening to music. But they don't like country music, especially Willie Nelson. They need something with a good beat...

After losing a drunken poker bet in 2009, a New Zealand man had his name legally changed to:
"Full Metal Havok More Sexy N Intelligent Than Spock And All The Superheroes Combined With Frostnova."
It took five years, but the name was finally approved by the government. All 99 characters of his new name are on his passport...

Do you know the phrase "the nuts" originates from poker, It's when you went in the salon and left your wagon on the line   

Dunno if I've ever lost my nuts. Poker's the Guardian crossword   


Vibrators were invented in the 19th century to cure mental illness in women...

The unicorn is the national animal of Scotland...

The Japanese word 'Kuchi zamishi' is the act of eating when you're not hungry because your mouth is lonely...

Google images was literally created after Jennifer Lopez wore that infamous dress at the 2000 Grammys...
So many people were searching for her outfit, the search engine added an imagine function.

Queen Elizabeth II is a trained mechanic...

@slimfern posted:

Vibrators were invented in the 19th century to cure mental illness in women...

The unicorn is the national animal of Scotland...

The Japanese word 'Kuchi zamishi' is the act of eating when you're not hungry because your mouth is lonely...

Google images was literally created after Jennifer Lopez wore that infamous dress at the 2000 Grammys...
So many people were searching for her outfit, the search engine added an imagine function.

Queen Elizabeth II is a trained mechanic...

All I can say is my mouth must be really lonely


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