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I haven't been following the live show thread so I wanted to see how you all feel about the winner this year.  Was she your choice?  Did she do much to deserve it?  Did she change your opinion of her?  Do you care?


I had been watching it but didn't get to see any of it from when KP went in so I'm not up to speed on how it all went which is why I'm asking what you all thought.  I do like KP, I watched her reality shows with Peter and always felt like he was playing up a LOT and paving the way for the divorce so I was hoping to see CBB and see if I still thought she was ok.



Replies sorted oldest to newest

She wasn't my choice  - but since I didn't have strong feelings for any of them (if you discount loathing) I don't really care.


She did nothing to deserve it though, she sat mute most of the time and when she did open her mouth it was only to talk about her exes, and her sex life   I'm no prude, but I really don't want to know everything that goes on under her duvet and what her and her men's preference are in the bedroom   She was like a kid that's just discovered a naughty word. 


I didn't watch the series - i think that's 2 of the last 3 CBB's that i've now missed/avoided.


Hasn't Katie Price been a rumoured housemate for several years now - it's as if she were destined to win if ever she appeared. Also; how long has she been referred to as "Pricey" - can't say that i had ever heard that nickname before.

Cold Sweat
Originally Posted by Cold Sweat:

I didn't watch the series - i think that's 2 of the last 3 CBB's that i've now missed/avoided.


Hasn't Katie Price been a rumoured housemate for several years now - it's as if she were destined to win if ever she appeared. Also; how long has she been referred to as "Pricey" - can't say that i had ever heard that nickname before.


she is known as Pricey to her Friends and it was decided that would be the name she would be called in the house as there was already another Katie 


I gave up watching halfway through.


I can't stand Katie Price, but I'm happy Hopkins didn't win, but coming 2nd place is a little disturbing. This is a woman who goes out of her way to upset groups of people with her bullshit opinions. She entered the house disliked, yet the fickle public started supporting her, and seemed to forget all the offensive, moronic, things she'd write about just for attention. Her winning would've been the biggest facepalm/eyeroll.


I've also heard how she's spouting shit about the winner and coming across as a sore loser... which pleases me no end.

Originally Posted by Rawky-Roo:

I gave up watching halfway through.


I can't stand Katie Price, but I'm happy Hopkins didn't win, but coming 2nd place is a little disturbing. This is a woman who goes out of her way to upset groups of people with her bullshit opinions. She entered the house disliked, yet the fickle public started supporting her, and seemed to forget all the offensive, moronic, things she'd write about just for attention. Her winning would've been the biggest facepalm/eyeroll.


I've also heard how she's spouting shit about the winner and coming across as a sore loser... which pleases me no end.

Sometimes 'playing the Devils Advocate' in a debate, makes people 'think'...

I am sure she does make rash stupid statements about certain subjects, but, if it makes people think and debate that subject then that is not a bad thing in my opinion.....  


ive not watched CBB for years

but i detest KH so i thought id give it a go

and i was hooked

i wanted perez to win cos he was a pain in the arse

we call him coke cos he got up everyones nose

KP didnt do much to win but i reckon she got votes when she called KH a slag

i spit me beer out at that

so yeah for me it was keith or KP after perez went



Originally Posted by pirate1111:

ive not watched CBB for years

but i detest KH so i thought id give it a go

and i was hooked

i wanted perez to win cos he was a pain in the arse

we call him coke cos he got up everyones nose

KP didnt do much to win but i reckon she got votes when she called KH a slag

i spit me beer out at that

so yeah for me it was keith or KP after perez went




Originally Posted by Carnelian:
Originally Posted by Yellow Rose:

I bet Hopkins can't wait to write about Pricey and Perez in the trashy Sun

I bet she can't.  There's little more repugnant than a right wing rent-a-gob, dispensing their uncharitable poison when they earn their living through the most shallowest means.

With her air of superiority I'm surprised she wants to be known as a writer for the Sun, but I guess journalists for papers like the Guardian don't make such distasteful comments about people as she makes a living doing.


Yellow Rose

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