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Originally Posted by Baby Bunny:

It's tomorrow..........................................................  (the 25th)



Although now I am starting to doubt myself!! 


*waits for confirmation before spending any money on pressies*



It's the 25th now Babs, I was going to watch CSI and did the thread at 11.45.... and I've seen it, I may as well have hung on 


*Picks a book up* 


Thank the Lord for that!!!  


I've had to start a fred and everything to make sure I wasn't going gaga!!


Anyway, this is distracting from hoochie's big day (although I'm sure she'll have a laugh about it).


I shall return when order has been restored....


Carry on


Oh, and LOL at premature congratulations ..... better than having to put up with anything lasting longer than 10 minutes though, eh?

Baby Bunny
Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average:


I know I'm slightly early, but CSI is on + in 15 minutes 



Have a wonderful Birthday Hoochie and a great holiday, the next meal is on me   x x


oh and thanks for the personalised postcard 




 Dame .....I adore you!  


So sweet of you to think of my birthday early ..... and the pic isn't that far out!   


Starfleet Admiral hoochie

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