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A teensy bit early..... but I need to go to bed.

Happy birthday to the bestest forum cow in the world!

You.... not the one in the pic.

Here's one of the weirdest presents I've ever bought for anyone ever.......

I didn't even know those things had names till I met you!!!!

This is just summat for you to dream over....

There.....I think I have covered the range of photo sizes nicely.

Have an AMAZING day Ditty....and I'll see you tomorrow.

Oooooh ...nearly forgot the sparkly one!

Yeah I know. It's a christmas one.   Sparkly cows are a rare breed

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& Z!!!!1!

ooooh oh & oh!!!!!

that bib lady is better than me... my drinking problem is more Airplane like in that I miss my mouth!  

the bag on wheels is just wrong|   As are the cottages, & the plate.

Scary.... I quite like the bed writing tray thingy!

The plate - nuff said!

With these gifts you are spoiling me... quite literally!

Thank you xx

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