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Originally Posted by slimfern:
Originally Posted by Pengy:
Originally Posted by slimfern:

Awwwwwwww Pengy!

He is adorable!



*notices a slight FFS Mum in his eye* 

he hates having his photo taken - and I mean really hates it so I had to give him a treat and a big hug - the outfit he absolutely loves 

He suits his outfit  


(don't tell him I said that) 

my lips are sealed 


Here's the latest installment of his pumpkin creations.  Sadly before I had a chance to take a photo of it the boy dog had somehow managed to get on to the dining table and had a chew of the pumpkins teeth 


When I discovered the atrocity I said to them 'who did this?'  The girl dog was almost skipping around the room with glee as she let me know it had been the boy dog.


Originally Posted by Cinds:
Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:

My great niece came home from Brownies with a letter for her Mum to sign to say she was allowed to dook (bob) for apples the traditional way.  

It's crazy isn't it.

yep... not sure if it's because they're scared they'll drown or they don't want mums saying 'my little darling came home with damp hair'  

Originally Posted by Cinds:

Here's the latest installment of his pumpkin creations.  Sadly before I had a chance to take a photo of it the boy dog had somehow managed to get on to the dining table and had a chew of the pumpkins teeth 


When I discovered the atrocity I said to them 'who did this?'  The girl dog was almost skipping around the room with glee as she let me know it had been the boy dog.


hahaha... the little doggy grass    Pumpkin man looks like a happy chappie though.

Originally Posted by Cinds:

Here's the latest installment of his pumpkin creations.  Sadly before I had a chance to take a photo of it the boy dog had somehow managed to get on to the dining table and had a chew of the pumpkins teeth 


When I discovered the atrocity I said to them 'who did this?'  The girl dog was almost skipping around the room with glee as she let me know it had been the boy dog.


 them girlie dogs are right grasses 

Originally Posted by Pengy:
Originally Posted by noseyrosie:

Thanks Pengy 

I was going to make a recipe with the pumpkin insides but nah... too lazy . I'm just sitting here eating it raw. Its like not very nice melon.

no you need to make pumpkin soup with it's innards 

I should. Wasn't enough as it was mostly seeds and stringy stuff <<<  excuse.

Originally Posted by noseyrosie:

Thanks Pengy 

I was going to make a recipe with the pumpkin insides but nah... too lazy . I'm just sitting here eating it raw. Its like not very nice melon.

Hahaha so right.  I've eaten it raw and thought the same thing.


But I was watching something (I think daybreak this morning) and they said once the pumpkin is orange the flesh is over ripe and will be too stringy to cook with.


I once made a pumpkin pie (using tinned pumpkin) and it was friggin delicious.


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