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Originally Posted by Cinds:

I'll post pics of the others when they're finished.


As for celebrating it, I'll be either sitting in the house with all of the lights off and the curtains closed ignoring the constant knocking at the door.  OR we'll go out for tea to avoid ignoring the constant knocking at the door.

If you already thought that I was a Christmas scrooge, Mr Grinch type, I can further reveal that I slant the car on the drive so nobody can get near the front door. 

Garage Joe

Joe it wouldn't stop them where I live.  I'm sure every kid in a 10 mile square radius knocks at my house on Halloween.  I used to buy sweets for them, but then one delightful mother pissed me right off, when her kids had very nicely taken something out of the bowl of candy, the mother piped up 'don't just take one, grab handfuls'.  Nice way to teach your kids to be greedy. 

Originally Posted by Garage Joe:
Originally Posted by Cinds:

I'll post pics of the others when they're finished.


As for celebrating it, I'll be either sitting in the house with all of the lights off and the curtains closed ignoring the constant knocking at the door.  OR we'll go out for tea to avoid ignoring the constant knocking at the door.

If you already thought that I was a Christmas scrooge, Mr Grinch type, I can further reveal that I slant the car on the drive so nobody can get near the front door. 


I like your style GJ 


Saturday night is gonna be the annual party at my house. Open door policy...the whole street's invited. I bought enough booze to get the whole of London drunk, could feed the country on the munchies I bought and the kids are decorating the house and garden with me tomorrow. Wednesday I'll have hunners of stuff for the kids who come to the door. I love it

Originally Posted by Garage Joe:
Originally Posted by slimfern:
Originally Posted by Garage Joe:

We don't believe in it.



Have better things to spend our money on!

Yet another example of US hegemony. They'll be doing prom evenings next.

Its not American - it travelled over to the U.S. with the Scots and Irish emigrants. Its been celebrated in Ireland and Scotland dating back centuries. 

My maternal grandparents met at a Halloween party in the 20's, and Halloween celebrations bring back happy memories of my 70's N.I. childhood.



Originally Posted by Cinds:

Joe it wouldn't stop them where I live.  I'm sure every kid in a 10 mile square radius knocks at my house on Halloween.  I used to buy sweets for them, but then one delightful mother pissed me right off, when her kids had very nicely taken something out of the bowl of candy, the mother piped up 'don't just take one, grab handfuls'.  Nice way to teach your kids to be greedy

 ... Jeez thats awful.

You'd expect bad manners from the kids not the mother. 

Originally Posted by noseyrosie:
Originally Posted by Garage Joe:
Originally Posted by slimfern:
Originally Posted by Garage Joe:

We don't believe in it.



Have better things to spend our money on!

Yet another example of US hegemony. They'll be doing prom evenings next.

Its not American - it travelled over to the U.S. with the Scots and Irish emigrants. Its been celebrated in Ireland and Scotland dating back centuries. 

My maternal grandparents met at a Halloween party in the 20's, and Halloween celebrations bring back happy memories of my 70's N.I. childhood.





Rosie, I remember taking forever to try and scoop out the contents of a swede and the pain it used to cause in my hands.  Plus we had to save what we scooped so my parents could cook it and force us to eat it. 

Originally Posted by noseyrosie:
Originally Posted by Garage Joe:
Originally Posted by slimfern:
Originally Posted by Garage Joe:

We don't believe in it.



Have better things to spend our money on!

Yet another example of US hegemony. They'll be doing prom evenings next.

Its not American - it travelled over to the U.S. with the Scots and Irish emigrants. Its been celebrated in Ireland and Scotland dating back centuries. 

My maternal grandparents met at a Halloween party in the 20's, and Halloween celebrations bring back happy memories of my 70's N.I. childhood.



I'm English......

Wherever it sprang up is still a waste of time & money! 

As is Bonfire night!

Originally Posted by Cinds:


Rosie, I remember taking forever to try and scoop out the contents of a swede and the pain it used to cause in my hands.  Plus we had to save what we scooped so my parents could cook it and force us to eat it. 

We had to get our father to do the turnip and even he had difficulty!  


I do think they look sinister when lit up - but its not worth the effort. 

Originally Posted by Garage Joe:
Yep ! We used to carve out turnips, put candles in, and then just hang around. There was none of this Halloween fetishism of outfits, pumpkins, trick or treat begging, egging windows, and plastic shieght in those days. Not in the North East to my knowledge.

Joe so some parts of England had it too? I didn't know that.


In N.I. we used to have a bonfire, bob for apples and coins etc. We were only allowed to knock on a couple of neighbours' doors, and we got coins not sweets, in return for a song:

Halloween is Coming,

The goose is getting fat

Please put a penny in the old man's hat

If you haven't got a penny, a ha'penny will do

If you haven't got a ha'penny, well God Bless you!

And there was no such thing as "tricking". No, I don't like that development either 

Originally Posted by Cinds:

All this talk of swede has got me wanting a bowl of it mashed, and I don't even like it.  This diet must have me so hungry I'm prepared to eat anything, or I'm pregnant. 


Keep going on the diet!

I quite like turnip/swede  its lovely with bacon or sausage and gravy.... mmmmm.

I'm also going to make a recipe and use up the pumpkin insides this year for the first time.



I hate halloween.


But this year I will dress the kids up and keep an eye while they trick or treat.  Give the kids who knock some treats (I typed threats there by accident.  Depending on my mood on wednesday they could get the latter) and then visit my parents and the OHs mum where no doubt the kids will want to trick or treat again in their streets.  Back to unload their bags of crap and leave anything they don't like with my da, who will eat anything going, and then home again for some wine to reward me for not swearing at the trick or treaters who knock a few times for sweets when I've already given them some.

Originally Posted by Pengy:

We will  be having a BBQ in the back garden with the neighbours so unfortunately I'll not hear the doorbell ringing 


the dog has a spider outfit to wear 

Brilliant lol  Did you make that Pengy? I'd love to see pics if you have time  

Its mostly apartments round here, so no families = no kids and anyway my intercoms out of order. How great is that  

Originally Posted by Cagney:

Saturday night is gonna be the annual party at my house. Open door policy...the whole street's invited. I bought enough booze to get the whole of London drunk, could feed the country on the munchies I bought and the kids are decorating the house and garden with me tomorrow. Wednesday I'll have hunners of stuff for the kids who come to the door. I love it

Tomorrow? Yay! you're starting early Cagney 

Originally Posted by slimfern:
Originally Posted by Pengy:

We will  be having a BBQ in the back garden with the neighbours so unfortunately I'll not hear the doorbell ringing 


the dog has a spider outfit to wear 


Does he know he has to wear it yet ? 

he's tried it on to make sure it fits


@ Rosie - no I bought it - I spoil him because he's my baby - when he's wearing it properly I'll take a snap and put it up here 

Originally Posted by Pengy:
Originally Posted by slimfern:
Originally Posted by Pengy:

We will  be having a BBQ in the back garden with the neighbours so unfortunately I'll not hear the doorbell ringing 


the dog has a spider outfit to wear 


Does he know he has to wear it yet ? 

he's tried it on to make sure it fits


@ Rosie - no I bought it - I spoil him because he's my baby - when he's wearing it properly I'll take a snap and put it up here 

Looking forward to that...s'pect you'll post on FB too....double the pleasure! 

Originally Posted by Pengy:
Originally Posted by slimfern:
Originally Posted by Pengy:

We will  be having a BBQ in the back garden with the neighbours so unfortunately I'll not hear the doorbell ringing 


the dog has a spider outfit to wear 


Does he know he has to wear it yet ? 

he's tried it on to make sure it fits


He Lubs his Mummy! 

Originally Posted by slimfern:
Originally Posted by Pengy:
Originally Posted by slimfern:
Originally Posted by Pengy:

We will  be having a BBQ in the back garden with the neighbours so unfortunately I'll not hear the doorbell ringing 


the dog has a spider outfit to wear 


Does he know he has to wear it yet ? 

he's tried it on to make sure it fits


@ Rosie - no I bought it - I spoil him because he's my baby - when he's wearing it properly I'll take a snap and put it up here 

Looking forward to that...s'pect you'll post on FB too....double the pleasure! 

he's got his own account and a lady friend who's several years older than him who he will show it first to on Fb so  you're getting a sneak preview 

Originally Posted by Pengy:
Originally Posted by slimfern:
Originally Posted by Pengy:

We will  be having a BBQ in the back garden with the neighbours so unfortunately I'll not hear the doorbell ringing 


the dog has a spider outfit to wear 


Does he know he has to wear it yet ? 

he's tried it on to make sure it fits


@ Rosie - no I bought it - I spoil him because he's my baby - when he's wearing it properly I'll take a snap and put it up here 

Thanks Pengy. Thats gonna be so cute. 

In the Simpsons Movie I think they had "spider-pig". Milo could be spider-dog  

Originally Posted by Pengy:
Originally Posted by slimfern:
Originally Posted by Pengy:
Originally Posted by slimfern:
Originally Posted by Pengy:

We will  be having a BBQ in the back garden with the neighbours so unfortunately I'll not hear the doorbell ringing 


the dog has a spider outfit to wear 


Does he know he has to wear it yet ? 

he's tried it on to make sure it fits


@ Rosie - no I bought it - I spoil him because he's my baby - when he's wearing it properly I'll take a snap and put it up here 

Looking forward to that...s'pect you'll post on FB too....double the pleasure! 

he's got his own account and a lady friend who's several years older than him who he will show it first to on Fb so  you're getting a sneak preview 

Hahaha you are summat else....

I feel honoured 


^^^ British spelling!

Don't ya just hate it when you spellchecker on here underlines your words !!


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