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Freddie's intelligence is a figment of his over active imagination. Sadly, he's managed to convince too many people that he is intelligent.

I'm not in the least convinced; as far as I'm concerned he's nothing but a jumped up, spoilt hooray Henry, he's got all the charm of a slug and the scruples and morals of an alley cat . . . . he'll make an ideal Tory MP!!
Originally posted by Barolo:
Freddie's intelligence is a figment of his over active imagination. Sadly, he's managed to convince too many people that he is intelligent.

I'm not in the least convinced; as far as I'm concerned he's nothing but a jumped up, spoilt hooray Henry, he's got all the charm of a slug and the scruples and morals of an alley cat . . . . he'll make an ideal Tory MP!!

But I thought you had to be intelligent to get into Oxford?
Originally posted by Barolo:
Freddie's intelligence is a figment of his over active imagination. Sadly, he's managed to convince too many people that he is intelligent.

I'm not in the least convinced; as far as I'm concerned he's nothing but a jumped up, spoilt hooray Henry, he's got all the charm of a slug and the scruples and morals of an alley cat . . . . he'll make an ideal Tory MP!!

He isn't that intelligent, he has always depended at least partly on the intelligence of his friends in the house. It's obvious he doesn't have the strength to really carry the fight to both Bea and Lisa, but no doubt he will get the sympathy vote.
Free Thinking
Originally posted by Summer_Breeze:
Originally posted by Barolo:
Freddie's intelligence is a figment of his over active imagination. Sadly, he's managed to convince too many people that he is intelligent.

I'm not in the least convinced; as far as I'm concerned he's nothing but a jumped up, spoilt hooray Henry, he's got all the charm of a slug and the scruples and morals of an alley cat . . . . he'll make an ideal Tory MP!!

But I thought you had to be intelligent to get into Oxford?

You do, intelligence isn't the main requirement though in BB
Yellow Rose
Originally posted by Summer_Breeze:
Originally posted by Barolo:
Freddie's intelligence is a figment of his over active imagination. Sadly, he's managed to convince too many people that he is intelligent.

I'm not in the least convinced; as far as I'm concerned he's nothing but a jumped up, spoilt hooray Henry, he's got all the charm of a slug and the scruples and morals of an alley cat . . . . he'll make an ideal Tory MP!!

But I thought you had to be intelligent to get into Oxford?

Money counts more than intelligence.

My nephew was at Oxford, got a 1st in Chemistry but he's not intelligent, clever but not intelligent.
Originally posted by redtriangle:
He goes on about being so intelligent but acts like a child all the time.
Its turning into a school playground in there...

You're of course entitled to your opinion. Mine is that Freddie's become very confused about who to trust, he's also losing perception of how he thought of himself, after many weeks he's now becoming too easily led by others and is losing his way and sense of self.
Yellow Rose
Originally posted by Yellow Rose:
Originally posted by fookat:
i can tell you from experience that when youve been battered down or are very low you can cry very easily and get in a right state like he did and it aint something to sneer at Shake Head

I'm really not understanding why some here are making such cold remarks about Freddie genuinely being upset.

Because, the don't like the guy and it's any excuse to put him down and ridicule him. More or less what the HM's are doing. He is an easy target and it says alot about people who can kick a man when he is down.
Originally posted by Yellow Rose:
Originally posted by fookat:
i can tell you from experience that when youve been battered down or are very low you can cry very easily and get in a right state like he did and it aint something to sneer at Shake Head

I'm really not understanding why some here are making such cold remarks about Freddie genuinely being upset.

I think they key word here is empathy....some people have more than others. Any human being who lacks empathy to the degree that Bea does is a seriously dangerous individual.
Originally posted by Barolo:
Freddie's intelligence is a figment of his over active imagination. Sadly, he's managed to convince too many people that he is intelligent.

I'm not in the least convinced; as far as I'm concerned he's nothing but a jumped up, spoilt hooray Henry, he's got all the charm of a slug and the scruples and morals of an alley cat . . . . he'll make an ideal Tory MP!!

That says more about your prejudice than it does about Freddie.
cologne 1
Originally posted by cologne1:
Originally posted by Barolo:
Freddie's intelligence is a figment of his over active imagination. Sadly, he's managed to convince too many people that he is intelligent.

I'm not in the least convinced; as far as I'm concerned he's nothing but a jumped up, spoilt hooray Henry, he's got all the charm of a slug and the scruples and morals of an alley cat . . . . he'll make an ideal Tory MP!!

That says more about your prejudice than it does about Freddie.

I think sometimes we think why is he not just getting up and telling her to f..k off and letting her know what a nasty piece of work she is,and bring her down she wouldnt do that to me.

But we are all different another person could not handle that at all and would be like freddie in that situation and when its not your way it is hard to see how anyone could take that even a grown man

Freddie acted that way because that is freddie its his way and yes he is university educated and book smart,but there is a big difference when it comes to other parts of your life the books do not come into play,my cousin has degrees first class in them, really intelligent on loads of subjects, but is the most naive person and sometimes stupid person over normal things i have ever seen Laugh

Tonight i think i have seen freddie at his most genuine in his upset and stress very hard to watch.
freddie was loathed by lisa and kris, and the others jumped on the band wagon in their verbal abuse of freddie for weeks, bea comes in and life in the house is not so bad for freddie, so now basically bea has shattered that friendship, so freddie is sort of regressing to his earlier weeks,and is probably trying to battle with how is going to cope, how long can a person actually bottle all that anxiety before it ruptures and spills out
Originally posted by mozart:
freddie was loathed by lisa and kris, and the others jumped on the band wagon in their verbal abuse of freddie for weeks, bea comes in and life in the house is not so bad for freddie, so now basically bea has shattered that friendship, so freddie is sort of regressing to his earlier weeks,and is probably trying to battle with how is going to cope, how long can a person actually bottle all that anxiety before it ruptures and spills out

Exactly Mozart. I cannot imagine how he must be feeling and how he is going to cope. If Marcus goes on Friday, he will just have Siavash. Siavash alone will not be able to save Freddy from the lions.

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