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Originally posted by BBaddict:
I would imagine she was joking when she said it
There is absolutely nothing 'funny' about making so-called 'jokes' about peoples' weight. That line 'I was only joking' that people say after INSULTING them, makes me really angry. Mad No you WEREN'T 'only joking;' you were being rude and offensive and you insulted me. End of!
No there is nothing funny about making jokes about people's weight, I agree.

But how on earth can any of those girls believe it? Are they that insecure? Do they look at themselves in the mirror at all? One of them was in the selection of FHM top honeys or something and the other is a model and Noireen has the nation held in a grip of *lust* and admiration....

Noireen doesn't like her, none of the girls like her. They've said enough things about her to fill a book, none nice.... Angel is pushing buttons. This is obviously their weak point. Their appearance.
Originally posted by storm:
Originally posted by BBaddict:
I would imagine she was joking when she said it
There is absolutely nothing 'funny' about making so-called 'jokes' about peoples' weight. That line 'I was only joking' that people say after INSULTING them, makes me really angry. Mad No you WEREN'T 'only joking;' you were being rude and offensive and you insulted me. End of!

In a late night convo with Marcus, Angel said she wanted to motivate them to exercise, and that is why she said what she did. There is a lot lost in translation with Angel. Those girls were trying to find any old excuse to nominate her (all four of them Wink) and they found it. It doesn't mean that Angel meant it in a nasty way. But they have just run with it ...
Twee Surgeon
Originally posted by Summer_Breeze:
No there is nothing funny about making jokes about people's weight, I agree.

But how on earth can any of those girls believe it? Are they that insecure? Do they look at themselves in the mirror at all? One of them was in the selection of FHM top honeys or something and the other is a model and Noireen has the nation held in a grip of *lust* and admiration....

Noireen doesn't like her, none of the girls like her. They've said enough things about her to fill a book, none nice.... Angel is pushing buttons. This is obviously their weak point. Their appearance.
Summer breeze, when I was 18-22 years old; I was 8 stone 10 and I am 5 ft 5 and I was a size 10-12, and I thought I was fat, especially as most of my mates were a dress size or two smaller.

When I looked in the mirror I thought I looked fat, and I was bullied by a boyfriend at the time, who accused me of being plump, and called me nasty names; he was 6 ft tall and 10 stone and like a rake, and I starved myself to get to 7 stone 12, and a size 8.

I looked ill and gaunt and he loved me like that. Many many many people of all shapes and sizes, have issues with their weight, not just chubby/overweight folk. Angel was very insensitive saying what she said. It's unkind throwaway remarks like that that lead to people having food disorders. And maybe they 'are' insecure... if they are; so what? many people are. Shame on Angel for what she said.. Shake Head
Originally posted by Blizzie:
She told Marcus, last night, that she was being ironic and that she uses the same sort of thing on her clients at the gym.

I do agree with Summer Breeze that it is incredible that they actually take it seriously though. In fact it's very sad.

It may be sad to some Blizzie, but many many people ARE sensitive about their weight, even slimmer/thinner people. Guess some people may find this hard to understand, but it doesn't make it any less true. I am pleased for you and summer breeze that you are so self-assured and confident, and personal remarks about your weight/figure/appearance don't get to you. I feel you are in a small minority.
Originally posted by storm:
Originally posted by Blizzie:
She told Marcus, last night, that she was being ironic and that she uses the same sort of thing on her clients at the gym.

I do agree with Summer Breeze that it is incredible that they actually take it seriously though. In fact it's very sad.

It may be sad to some Blizzie, but many many people ARE sensitive about their weight, even slimmer/thinner people. Guess some people may find this hard to understand, but it doesn't make it any less true.

I know. I have a daughter who has had problems with this.

I'd love to see them laughing it off and showing a healthy attitude to it all.

Sophie is tiny, with her comedy boobs and plans for comedy lips in the future.

Karly looks very slim, but normal.

Noirin looks a very healthy size.

And yes, it is sad that there is such an obsession with weight nowadays. I've never doubted that it is true though.
Originally posted by storm:
Originally posted by Summer_Breeze:
No there is nothing funny about making jokes about people's weight, I agree.

But how on earth can any of those girls believe it? Are they that insecure? Do they look at themselves in the mirror at all? One of them was in the selection of FHM top honeys or something and the other is a model and Noireen has the nation held in a grip of *lust* and admiration....

Noireen doesn't like her, none of the girls like her. They've said enough things about her to fill a book, none nice.... Angel is pushing buttons. This is obviously their weak point. Their appearance.
Summer breeze, when I was 18-22 years old; I was 8 stone 10 and I am 5 ft 5 and I was a size 10-12, and I thought I was fat, especially as most of my mates were a dress size or two smaller.

When I looked in the mirror I thought I looked fat, and I was bullied by a boyfriend at the time, who accused me of being plump, and called me nasty names; he was 6 ft tall and 10 stone and like a rake, and I starved myself to get to 7 stone 12, and a size 8.

I looked ill and gaunt and he loved me like that. Many many many people of all shapes and sizes, have issues with their weight, not just chubby/overweight folk. Angel was very insensitive saying what she said. It's unkind throwaway remarks like that that lead to people having food disorders. And maybe they 'are' insecure... if they are; so what? many people are. Shame on Angel for what she said.. Shake Head

Awwwww Frowner that's terribly sad and I am so sorry. I'm also sorry if my post about Angel and the girls has made you feel unhappy.

My point really was that there is evidence that these girls are attractive. They don't feel like you did, they know they look good. They entered competitions which judged them for their appearance and came out top (Karly) they have modelled for Playboy (Sophie and Noireen only has to see the reaction of the people who find her attractive in the house to know she is looking good. None of those three women currently have issues about their weight and appearance and nobody is picking at them in the way that Angel has been picked at for being different or the way you were treated so abhorrently by the person who was your boyfriend.

As I said, I don't agree with what Angel said, I think it is a really weak thing to do, to use a person's appearance as a weapon against them. I am not even an Angel fan. But I am trying to view this in context of her character as we know it. In that respect it doesn't surprise me much because Angel is a very abrupt person who clearly has had enough of the bitching and wants to hit where it hurts.
Originally posted by storm:
Originally posted by BBaddict:
I would imagine she was joking when she said it
There is absolutely nothing 'funny' about making so-called 'jokes' about peoples' weight. That line 'I was only joking' that people say after INSULTING them, makes me really angry. Mad No you WEREN'T 'only joking;' you were being rude and offensive and you insulted me. End of!

Oops, smack my hands! I was just assuming a feeble excuse for her, sorry Blush
Originally posted by storm:
Originally posted by Blizzie:
She told Marcus, last night, that she was being ironic and that she uses the same sort of thing on her clients at the gym.

I do agree with Summer Breeze that it is incredible that they actually take it seriously though. In fact it's very sad.

It may be sad to some Blizzie, but many many people ARE sensitive about their weight, even slimmer/thinner people. Guess some people may find this hard to understand, but it doesn't make it any less true. I am pleased for you and summer breeze that you are so self-assured and confident, and personal remarks about your weight/figure/appearance don't get to you. I feel you are in a small minority.

Sorry Storm, I understand that you have been badly hurt but I am commenting on the BB housemates... not actually talking from my own personal experience Smiler

In fact, you couldn't be more wrong about me but you don't know that and it isn't relevant to Karly, Sophie or Noireen.
Originally posted by Summer_Breeze:
Originally posted by storm:
Oh you haven't made me unhappy summer breeze Smiler And thanks for your post. You're entitled to your opinion of course. Smiler

I hope so because I don't want to upset anybody. I am truly only making observations about what I see on the telly and what I know of their characters.

Cool. I understand. But it could be, as much as they appear confident and happy, they may be a wee bit insecure deep down. A few people (family/neighbours) used to comment how slim I was when I was about 20, and I still didn't think I was thin - especially as my mates were about a size 8 and I was a 12. I even got some mates making pot shots about my 'pot belly' at the time. And I did laugh it off, but was deeply hurt at the time.
But surely the whole point is that they (mostly) look healthy and vibrant - the other night when Angel took her clothes off I actually gasped in shock because she REALLY didn't look healthy - she looked starved.

Tiny, tiny boobs, ribs and pelvis with flesh stretched over them, concave arse.

All jokes aside, I seriously do think that for her to be promoting that look and calling healthy girls fat is really not on.
Originally posted by storm:
I looked ill and gaunt and he loved me like that. Many many many people of all shapes and sizes, have issues with their weight, not just chubby/overweight folk. Angel was very insensitive saying what she said. It's unkind throwaway remarks like that that lead to people having food disorders. And maybe they 'are' insecure... if they are; so what? many people are. Shame on Angel for what she said.. Shake Head

Originally posted by storm:
Thanks Blizzie. Smiler Yes it is a shame that someone so young and slim and attractive takes these comments to heart, and has a complex, but as I said; throwaway comments like this cause people to hav eating disorders sadly... even slim people. Sad but true Frowner

I agree that some people with weight/eating issues would take a comment like that, which was meant in jest, to heart. However, the girls in question wouldn't have and just used it as an excuse to nominate her.
there would be many a way you could motivate someone do keep fit

calling them big arse and fat would be the least thing to say

especially from a fitness instructor of all people

everyone every where knows weight issues are touchy subjet for any girl of any shape of size big or thin

just as i would hate anyone of the housemate to slate angels body image

i think it is wrong for angel to slate theres.
Originally posted by darloboy07:
Some of the clique have also said some very nasty things about Marcus though, like Sree said about Marcus breath etc. So it's just not the girls Wink, it's just pure nastiness Shake Head.

What clique? Confused

I have noticed this season that gossip does seem to be having a big impact upon nominations.

Angel is the housemate that i have seen Sophie in the company of the least. I believe that nominating Angel was quite an obvious selection for her to make. However, the information that Sophie used to support her nomination (imo) has come from conversations that she has listened to; firstly from the morning that Freddie confronted Kris in the bathroom, and latterly in the company of Noirin and Lisa.
Cold Sweat

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