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Originally posted by CaptVimes:
Originally posted by Free Thinking:
Well I suppose they think she was hated now so they have to think of the reasons why. They were not expecting her to go and didn't know it was a vote to save.
They dont though, happens every year lately HMs start to self destruct when they try and second guess the public and their fellow HMs. They should just be grateful its not them and carry on.

All HMs try and guess who will go and they would have been right if it had been a vote to evict, it's very likely Lisa would have gone.

People are blowing this out of all proportion. Roll Eyes
Free Thinking
Originally posted by Ņ•ÏÎđ∂Ņ”ŅÐžÏƒÎ·ÐšŅ”Îģ:
Originally posted by pretty~cocoa~eyes:
Originally posted by MrMeatAndPotatoPie:
David came to the defense of herNod From C4 website...

"I don't think she was a bitch and I spent a lot of time with her," said David. He then turned to Halfwit and blasted: "If you think she was, you must be a very bad judge of character."

"Who said she was a bitch?" retaliated Halfwit. David then made a plea to halt any future criticism of Hira.

"It's a ******* gameshow!" boomed Marcus in response to David's suggestion.

David is coming to his own... I predict Freddie will lose more fans this week...

David is starting to come across as genuine and loyal. Two attributes in a housemate's personality which would earn my support.Smiler
Me too...He only bitches about people who dont like him and have voiced it...
Originally posted by ~LEE~:
Originally posted by pretty~cocoa~eyes:
Originally posted by ~LEE~:
Mad Now we'll wait for the denials from FM's...Again.
Looking forward to the defence Laugh

There can't possibly be one Disappointed....They were none too nice about her on the HL's show yet we were told it never happened. Big Grin

Hi Lee Hug

Who told you it didn't happen,it was on the highlights so can't be denied by fans or detractors alike!
Originally posted by Pwillow:
Originally posted by cup:
Originally posted by Pwillow:
But all the housemates still think it was a vote to evict and are wondering why Hira went.

AND that is what marcus and fred come up with they could have came up with alot of reasons but they feel she was b..chy and turned into a monster in dairy room Big Grin

Well it's the only room other housemates can't hear what others are saying,they do it every year,speculate on why housemates went.

And i'm not making excuses for anybody or anyone's actions.

Take care cup Smiler

I think speculating that hira was ripping them apart in diary room based on what, dear god they cannot be for real.
Originally posted by Pwillow:

Hi Lee Hug

Who told you it didn't happen,it was on the highlights so can't be denied by fans or detractors alike!

ValentineAww pwillow great to see you....There are threads and posts saying Freddy didn't say anything about Hira during that convo with Marcus....He agreed with Marcus and called Hira Mrs Nice not in a complimentary way either imo.
Freddie and Marcus are speculating as to why Hira may have been evicted. It's as simple as that. If I was in their position I would think similar thoughts and wonder if Hira was not quite what she seemed. Of course, we know Hira is a lovely girl without any side to her but they don't know that, yet! They still think it was a vote to evict, but we know otherwise Wink
Twee Surgeon
Originally posted by ~LEE~:
Originally posted by Pwillow:

Hi Lee Hug

Who told you it didn't happen,it was on the highlights so can't be denied by fans or detractors alike!

ValentineAww pwillow great to see you....There are threads and posts saying Freddy didn't say anything about Hira during that convo with Marcus....He agreed with Marcus and called Hira Mrs Nice not in a complimentary way either imo.
They say his nodding doesnt mean he is agreeing Laugh...Im lost for words...
Originally posted by Free Thinking:
Originally posted by CaptVimes:
Originally posted by Free Thinking:
Well I suppose they think she was hated now so they have to think of the reasons why. They were not expecting her to go and didn't know it was a vote to save.
They dont though, happens every year lately HMs start to self destruct when they try and second guess the public and their fellow HMs. They should just be grateful its not them and carry on.

All HMs try and guess who will go and they would have been right if it had been a vote to evict, it's very likely Lisa would have gone.

People are blowing this out of all proportion. Roll Eyes
Well they dont all do it actually the clever ones keep out of it because it really doesnt make you look good. The persons gone you have nothing to gain from speculating what they may have done but a lot to lose.
Originally posted by Azure:
Originally posted by MrMeatAndPotatoPie:
Its Freddie though so nothing wrong with it Sleepy

very true the nasty spoilt oik is a great catch is'nt he Freddie Fans he is such a sweetie....pft he is a loathesome hypocritical liar and has been since week one.

Azure hun,i've never made excuses for Freddie,if he's wrong i'll say he's wrong,i don't blindly defend any housemate.

Hope you're well Hug
Originally posted by ~LEE~:
Originally posted by Pwillow:

Hi Lee Hug

Who told you it didn't happen,it was on the highlights so can't be denied by fans or detractors alike!

ValentineAww pwillow great to see you....There are threads and posts saying Freddy didn't say anything about Hira during that convo with Marcus....He agreed with Marcus and called Hira Mrs Nice not in a complimentary way either imo.

Great to see you too Lee Valentine

I can't see how anyone can defend Freddie during that convo,he nodded and agreed with Marcus,and even i a Freddie fan saw it and was disappointed Frowner
Originally posted by DanceSettee:
ah the legendary Freddy intelligence and unquestionable insight Laugh Laugh Laugh
Come on, don't tell me you wouldn't be thinking something similar if your thinking she has been actively voted out?
Why was she voted out? Would be the first thought - there must be something dodgy here.

I'm sure it will dawn on someone soon to consider the 'vote-to-save' idea and there will be a bit of sheepishness for the negative thoughts, but as a society, negativity is our first instinct, so why should the house be any different?
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Originally posted by Twee Surgeon:
Freddie and Marcus are speculating as to why Hira may have been evicted. It's as simple as that. If I was in their position I would think similar thoughts and wonder if Hira was not quite what she seemed. Of course, we know Hira is a lovely girl without any side to her but they don't know that, yet! They still think it was a vote to evict, but we know otherwise Wink

True they would be thinking what have the public seen ,that we haven't eg Horrible biatching in the diary room maybe etc?This is the point of BB(well it was) totally cut off from the outside.
Originally posted by erinp:
Originally posted by ~LEE~:
Originally posted by pretty~cocoa~eyes:
They say his nodding doesnt mean he is agreeing Laugh...Im lost for words...

No need to be lost for words.... Nod<----- Now what does that indicate?.... Shake Head<-----And this....See no words necessary Big Grin
Laugh Thumbs Up in the words of Science "you get me"

Originally posted by ~LEE~:
Originally posted by Pwillow:

Great to see you too Lee Valentine

I can't see how anyone can defend Freddie during that convo,he nodded and agreed with Marcus,and even i a Freddie fan saw it and was disappointed Frowner

Pwillow I did support Freddy but off late I've gave up tbh...I'm very disappointed in him on a regular basis. Frowner

I'm disappointed in him over Hira,i liked Hira too,i hate when they get info about the outside world as it changes them,and aligning with Bea did him no favours either.
Originally posted by Pwillow:
Originally posted by ~LEE~:
Originally posted by Pwillow:

Hi Lee Hug

Who told you it didn't happen,it was on the highlights so can't be denied by fans or detractors alike!

ValentineAww pwillow great to see you....There are threads and posts saying Freddy didn't say anything about Hira during that convo with Marcus....He agreed with Marcus and called Hira Mrs Nice not in a complimentary way either imo.

Great to see you too Lee Valentine

I can't see how anyone can defend Freddie during that convo,he nodded and agreed with Marcus,and even i a Freddie fan saw it and was disappointed Frowner
There is very little that halfwit, doesnt agree with, if it comes from marcus's mouth. Ive noticed that particularly the last week. He never seems to disagree with him on anything. Wonder if he told marcus that he thought he would have gone had the original noms counted, as he divulged this to Bea yesterday?
Little Miss Spurs
Originally posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
Originally posted by pretty~cocoa~eyes:
I love Lisa and her "housemate" coming back theory Laugh
I've just said that to hubby, that next it'll be that it was a fake eviction and that Hira is now in the secret house with Kris, Karly and the others. Laugh
Laugh.....I wouldnt put it past her Laugh
Originally posted by cologne1:
Originally posted by Pwillow:
Originally posted by cologne1:
Originally posted by Pwillow:
But all the housemates still think it was a vote to evict and are wondering why Hira went.

Exactly. Smiler Hug

Hiya cologne Hug

Hope everything is well with you hun Valentine

For now. Smiler Valentine

Glad to hear that cologne Valentine

I'm here if you need to talk Hug
Originally posted by Little Miss Spurs:
Originally posted by Pwillow:
Originally posted by ~LEE~:
Originally posted by Pwillow:

Hi Lee Hug

Who told you it didn't happen,it was on the highlights so can't be denied by fans or detractors alike!

ValentineAww pwillow great to see you....There are threads and posts saying Freddy didn't say anything about Hira during that convo with Marcus....He agreed with Marcus and called Hira Mrs Nice not in a complimentary way either imo.

Great to see you too Lee Valentine

I can't see how anyone can defend Freddie during that convo,he nodded and agreed with Marcus,and even i a Freddie fan saw it and was disappointed Frowner
There is very little that halfwit, doesnt agree with, if it comes from marcus's mouth. Ive noticed that particularly the last week. He never seems to disagree with him on anything. Wonder if he told marcus that he thought he would have gone had the original noms counted, as he divulged this to Bea yesterday?
I have noticed that, he takes everything Marcus and Bea say as gospel and that influences his judgement....
Originally posted by ~LEE~:
Originally posted by Pwillow:

I'm disappointed in him over Hira,i liked Hira too,i hate when they get info about the outside world as it changes them,and aligning with Bea did him no favours either.

You're spot on pwillow...Can he turn it around?....If he continues to show this side of him I doubt it very much. Frowner

hes got to sort it out and get away from bea.
Originally posted by ~LEE~:
Originally posted by Pwillow:

I'm disappointed in him over Hira,i liked Hira too,i hate when they get info about the outside world as it changes them,and aligning with Bea did him no favours either.

You're spot on pwillow...Can he turn it around?....If he continues to show this side of him I doubt it very much. Frowner

I hope he does but it's not looking good,Bea needs to go and he needs to get away from Marcus too,i think he's blown his chance Frowner

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