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Originally Posted by Mickey Maguire:
Originally Posted by Scotty:
Originally Posted by Mickey Maguire:
that looks like a fluffed up sparrows arse.

Don`t tell that to your Dad, he`ll beat the shit out of you.
Is that supposed to be funny! Cause I aint laughing scotty! That is just way below the belt even for your disgusting standards.

My apologies Mickey, I thought you were taking the mickey about being gay and living with an abusive father. I was worried about you too until your thread took a different turn. I obviously got it wrong. I wish you all the best. 
Good luck with your French lessons.
Originally Posted by Leccy Endellion:
Depends on the texture of your hair, if it's medium to thick I reckon you could mousse it.  Too thick and it would flop, same with really fine.

My hair is baby fine, and rubbish. I usually wear it longish and straight or bobbed coz there's naff all else I can do with it

Ask your hairdresser for some layers, helps to create movement in hair (particularly finer hair) and when blow-dried from the roots (and then blasted with cold air straight after), can make the hair appear fuller, too.

EDIT: Another good tip for finer hair is lowlights or some variations on colour. (NOT Jeremy Kylesque D.I.Y. streaks though )
Originally Posted by Karma_:
Ask your hairdresser for some layers, helps to create movement in hair (particularly finer hair) and when blow-dried from the roots (and then blasted with cold air straight after), can make the hair appear fuller, too.

EDIT: Another good tip for finer hair is lowlights or some variations on colour. (NOT Jeremy Kylesque D.I.Y. streaks though )
Did not knowt that about blow dry then cold air. Ta for the tip.  Variations on colour you say? Not just letting the grey grow in then?
Oh yuss if you want volume or a blow-dried style to stay longer the secret is to section off the hair, then blast each section of hair you're working on with hot air then immediately cold air. It's a bit of lengthy process but really helps. (Also helps to get a good shine on your hair too). Good root boosting products are worth the shekels, too and they last an age. (I'm partial to Label M and TiGi stuff)

Finish off with a bit of help from curling tongs (or straighteners) to boost volume at the roots, where you've already done the hot and cold stuff it will help to make it stay in place. Spritz with a finishing spray for sheen and some good hairspray and jobs a goodun
Originally Posted by Scotty:
Depends if you want to keep the length of you hair Tina but if not, I quite like this cut....

I love that cut but it looks like effortless bedhead and I bet it's far from it 

If you're dark Tina....don't go blonde. Roots are expensive and time consuming to keep right. The cut I've been getting asked for lately is the Kat Slater one. Forget her chavvy dresses and fake tan and she actually has a great cut 

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