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Yes, the prank has gone too far and should've been nipped in the bud but Corin is more then capable of looking after herself and giving as good as she gets.

It's not that Corin can or can't look after herself  LL, it's what's behind the so called prank that's winding people up, the intent isn't for a laugh, the intent is spiteful
Corin is more then capable of looking after herself and giving as good as she gets.
Yes she is LL, I'm sure of it, but that's not why I'm mad. I hate the thought of people rifling through my things and think it's way out of order. Then there's the eviction thing...deliberate goading with malicious intent.
A prank is something that is done with no malice aforethought and is soon over and done with. This is seriously beyond a joke now
Of course it is Dame, I totally agree.  What probably started off as a bit of a laugh has now turned quite malicious - as many pranks do.  What I am trying to say is that I don't think that Corin will be as upset as people will assume.  I think she will take it on the chin and not give them what they want.  If she was that bothered about what they are doing, then she could always go into the DR and make a complaint and then BB would have to act.

KT, if people were going through my things I would hit the roof so good on her for not doing so.
Reference: Dame Ann
Saying on DS her make up was hidden in Steve's bed, I hope Steve goes mad
Corin hid her makeup under Steve's pillow herself to safeguard it. . or so she thought. .and I think with Steve's permission.. tho am not sure of the last bit  but I know he ain;t happy with what went on so far..  Sam eventually looked there and found it...

Corin at first forgot she had hidden it herself then remembered where it was but too late Sam had got it again. . and was trying to get it under his bed by whacking it hard as it wouldn't fit. .in a way I hope he broke something just so he actually gets a proper telling off.. nasty little runt. .and that goes for his sleeping partner Dave and the other one who has jumped on the bandwagon now,  John James..

i think Xochi may be right about where she's hid the Eviction wig. .back where Sam hid it is a great place

Am not impressed that they are soooo trying to make her lose her rag tho.. so spiteful. and for once I will use the gang up bullying word too.. it's gone beyond a prank a long time ago..
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Reference: LL
Sorry, but the way folk are going on about Corin, you would think she is some delicate flower to be protected. Yes, the prank has gone too far and should've been nipped in the bud but Corin is more then capable of looking after herself and giving as good as she gets.
Nobody said that Corin`s a delicate flower. Yes, she`s very capable of handling herself but why should she be put through this? This isn`t prank gone too far. This is out and vindictive, nasty bullying of ONE housemate by more than just Sam the instigator of it all.  

Put yourself in Corin`s position and ask yourself how you would feel.
I know for certain I would feel upset, isolated and flaming mad at the same time. She`s being picked on for NO reason other than to make her lose her temper and the "boys" are enjoying it.
It`s disgusting!
Am not impressed that they are soooo trying to make her lose her rag tho.. so spiteful. and for once I will use the gang up bullying word too.. it's gone beyond a prank a long time ago..

leaves a nasty taste watching it Olly, but I would hate for any of them to be singled out like this. They forget Corin once offered to give her make up up for fags for all the smokers She didn't take her suitcase so Rachael could have her on her eviction night, although no one knows about it. She's not vindictive  in any way and it's being allowed to happen by BB 
Also...... I am very surprised that those involved are doing what they are doing before they have even made the final.  They are not making Corin look bad, even if she did lose her rag, but themselves.

Al depends on the editing, it's a soap opera as far as PEJ is concerned. They turned nothing into a hand job, even though Corin and JJ both said it was innocent. They are still implying it, so all depending on how good or bad they want Sam to look and the same for Corin.
Reference: Damn
leaves a nasty taste watching
absolutely Dame. .

the dig dig digging away is what is so hard to watch and in a way I don't think Sam realises that he is being used and gee'd on by the likes of Dave and John James who are delighting the most, as well as Sam, at the possibility that she may flip her lid..

especially JohnJames who is hating on her pretty badly this week all because she is a fan and wants the whole BB experience [ok she comes over a bit desperate for it at times but more or less harmless and not enough to warrant being targeted like this] and he apparently doesn't want it nor like the whole BB thing despite throwing money away on countless air miles to get in..

Dave just wants one less potential final night person and is happy to see Sam take one out for him.. 

Oh and Sams a plank for targeting the women in there. .first Josie now Corin..  all very bad form
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Sam`s back looking for Corin`s wigs..with a little help from Mario. 
They can`t find them.
Sam gives up on Corin for the moment but says he`s still on a mission to terrorise.
He plans to hide JJ1`s ÂĢ100 face cream...because he loves it. 
Mario`s delighted with this idea saying...yeh, that would cause a major bitchfest.
I expect nothing less from Sam the bam but I`m disappointed in Mario.
Watch out for Sam getting a couple of black eyes before the week`s out.
Scotty (Corin`s Cribette #5) offline 14,717 Forum Posts Today at 7:58 PM Last Edited: Reference: You would think that they would be on their best behaviour as it is nearing the final. I don't understand what they hope to achieve. Me neither LL. I`m beginning to think Sam`s not quite the full shilling.
Now you know I like young Sammy

I think that there are others in the house who are far more mature and should know better.  That's not condoning Sam, but the others should take their fair share of the blame and have a good look at themselves.
Now you know I like young Sammy I think that there are others in the house who are far more mature and should know better. That's not condoning Sam, but the others should take their fair share of the blame and have a good look at themselves.
Oh definitely LL. Sam`s been the instigator of the "pranks" though, that`s what get`s up my nose most.
I love young Sammy Pepper, I do. 

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