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well i hope people can see sam for the nasty little shit he really is now.......rather than....'oh he's like an excitable schoolboy who doesn't mean any harm'.........his comments to josie were ott......this is ott......he is malicious.......he gets his amusement by upsetting people and being nasty
Yes Spongee.....I thought he was just a little twerp, now I think he's a vindictive, nasty little twerp, who needs a good lamping ( in either sense of the word)
I'd be livid - livid I tell you - if he put his hands on my stuff. It' s a simple matter of basic common courtesy.
Livid doesn't even touch the sides of how I'd be if some little shitface went through my stuff. Both he and Glory Boy would be minus part of their anatomy by now.....and I'd be very happy to take the consequences as well
the difference between this not being a prank......and say for example when he put garlic in josie's pillowcase(which was a prank) is simple........when josie discovered it it was the end of it....he did it...she found it....the this case sam hasn't given up when corin found her stuff......he's carrying on because she hasn't given him the reaction he wants.......and he will carry on until she either cries or loses her temper or both....that is what he wants from this......and that is what makes him a nasty vindictive person

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