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I saw a bit of LF last night with Dave pawing Andrew on the sofa and whispering to him...I was repulsed and turned it off. Apparently Steve told Corin about the make-up plan, so she was aware that they were going to nick it. I expect Steve will have told her about this plan as well, so hopefully she won't blow up about it either. Anyway, I hope that one of her so-called friends has the guts to warn her and Dave et al are disappointed.I would hope that Josie, being the only other girl in there spills the beans, if she just sits back and lets it happen, then she's a bigger bitch than I originally thought. As for that twerp Sam and Glory Boy...the sooner they are out of the house the better, although the sooner this entire series is over the better. I have never seen such a rotten bunch of HMs in any BB,they are all awful, no exceptions
Good for Steve,I'm glad he pre-warned her....I'd like to think a *friend* would either put a stop to it or warn her about the rest,we'll wait and see....I'll be glad this series is over too KT,what had potential was absolutely ruined.
I saw a bit of LF last night with Dave pawing Andrew on the sofa and whispering to him...I was repulsed and turned it off. Apparently Steve told Corin about the make-up plan, so she was aware that they were going to nick it. I expect Steve will have told her about this plan as well, so hopefully she won't blow up about it either. Anyway, I hope that one of her so-called friends has the guts to warn her and Dave et al are disappointed.I would hope that Josie, being the only other girl in there spills the beans, if she just sits back and lets it happen, then she's a bigger bitch than I originally thought. As for that twerp Sam and Glory Boy...the sooner they are out of the house the better, although the sooner this entire series is over the better. I have never seen such a rotten bunch of HMs in any BB,they are all awful, no exceptions
good post Kaytee, i am glad Steve told her , i was living in hope that someone would
Am so pleased BB did that announcement. .the fallout will be so much less now. .tho am pretty sure Corin will still be angry if the way the wigs were stuffed in the pillowcases has ruined/damaged them. .am not au fait with false hair stuff so don't know if it can be sorted..
Olly I don't think the wig being in the cupboard above the oven is going to do it a lot of good Especially if the oven is on.
I expect Steve will have told her about this plan as well, so hopefully she won't blow up about it either.

Not sure Steve knows Kaytee, they were trying to keep it a secret from him last night because they think he will tell her, one of them said he knows something is going on, but I'm not sure he knows exactly what.
Whether the wigs melt or not, the fact that someone has been rifling through her stuff is the issue. That would be one of many reasons I couldn't be on BB.
Poor Corin, it's not even like she's ever hidden how much her slap and hair pieces make her more confident and able to face the world. They are trying to crush her spirit...and for 'Christian' Dave to be part of the plan is sickening and unGodly, to say the least
Not sure Steve knows Kaytee, they were trying to keep it a secret from him last night because they think he will tell her, one of them said he knows something is going on, but I'm not sure he knows exactly what.
Aaaah! I understood that he'd cottoned from what I saw on LF last night, but I admit I was so disgusted at Glory Boy that I switched off so probs didn't get the whole gist of the conversation.
Sam is telling David about Corin's eviction wig that he has stolen. "That is funny, dude," comments David. "She is going to blow up man, she is going to pop, this is going to be fun," he says.Sam is doing this as a prank ,JJ2 said to Dave last night on live feed thats Dave is encouraging and egging Sam on more than BB.!!
Sam and David have cemented their friendship by carrying out the next stage in their 'Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow' prank on fellow housemate Corin.

Last night Sam managed to steal one of Corin's wigs after a carefully laid plot between himself and David.

"I think me and you have bonded now, we're like father and son," David told him this morning. "I feel like I'm Doctor Evil and you're like Mini-Me!"

Sam confirmed that they were both in it together and concocted a plan to steal Corin's eviction night wig after realising he had taken the wrong hairpiece last night.

When Corin was in the toilet Sam quickly headed into the bedroom, avoided Josie's gaze, and managed to take another of Corin's wigs by hiding it down his shorts.

He then headed straight into the kitchen where he hid the wig in a cupboard above the oven.

"This is going to go off the Richter," Sam then told David as they laughed about their prank. "I had them visualised in my head last night and I got the completely different wig."

"Her two best wigs, in eviction week!" Sam said.

David then told Sam he was proud of him for going "where no man has gone before" before both quickly fell silent as Corin walked through the living room.
Reference: kaytee
If they are made of synthetic fibre they will eventually combust. BB should intervene in the interests of 'elf n' safety if nothing else.Where's Mario when you need him?

@ Mario and elf 'n safety  

I just remembered a past BB where they had a fire. . someone left the fat on the hob.. can't remember who and when it twas tho.. but I know it was burning fro ages before anybody did something. .well it seemed so at the time 
Mount Olympus *Olly*
What I don't understand is why no-one has taken Sam and Dave to one side and said to them that what they are doing is not funny and is wrong.  Dave is playing him quite nicely because when all this is over, Dave will be saying "I told Sam not to do it" etc., etc.,

Where is Steve, Josie, Andrew, Mario whilst all this is going on?

Unfortunately, the more Dave is egging him on and encouraging him and helping him, the more Sam will think it is ok to carry on.
I just remembered a past BB where they had a fire. . someone left the fat on the hob.. can't remember who and when it twas tho.. but I know it was burning fro ages before anybody did something. .well it seemed so at the time
I don't remember that Olly....but that house is made of plastic, they'll all go up in a sheet of flame( well you can only hope....not really)
Reference: LL
Where is Steve, Josie, Andrew, Mario whilst all this is going on?
Andrew protested to Dave that they should upset people, but Dave told him it was a task for BBLB.

Josie has only just found out about it. Well, she is presuming it's Sam, because she saw him dressed as a Ninja, and has just asked him to give it back, as Corin is getting upset.
Blizzie online 14,638 Forum Posts Today at 2:44 PM Last Edited: Reference: LL Where is Steve, Josie, Andrew, Mario whilst all this is going on? Andrew protested to Dave that they should upset people, but Dave told him it was a task for BBLB. Josie has only just found out about it. Well, she is presuming it's Sam, because she saw him dressed as a Ninja, and has just asked him to give it back, as Corin is getting upset.
Ahh right thanks blizzie. 

What a nice bunch of HM's they are.

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