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Hoochie, I`m with you on everything you`ve said.
I really can`t believe what I`m seeing. It`s cruel. It`s not easy to watch.
I hope Corin doesn`t give them what they want. Even if she doesn`t, she`s going to feel awful, and as you said, isolated. Paranoia could set in after this, taking away her sunny personality.

Stay strong Corin.
Dame_Ann_average(Corin's Crib# 4) offline 7,514 Forum Posts Today at 11:33 AM Last Edited: Reference: It's not just Sam though, some of the others are in on it and participating - that's what I understand anyway. he stole some last night and been back for her other one this morning, when he's constantly said he wants to see her upset it's no longer a prank and just downright nasty. He started it with telling them about his promise to take her make up, she took that in good spirit, Sam, Dave and Co aren't content with that, Sam's taking it to another level to see if they can upset her over the wigs.... I honestly can't see what they want to gain by upsetting someone.
I am not a Corin fan, but I admit that this isn't particularly nice and they have taken it too far.
Reference: kimota
They are also planning to stash the wig above the oven
Sam did stash them there kimota. That was Dave`s idea.
To be fair that was actually Sam's idea.  As much as Dave almost getting orgasmic at the thought of Corin  popping, it was nowt to with him..

When Sam was in the kitchen telling Mario about his plans he was looking for a place to hide the wig so it wouldn't get damaged. [after both JJ and Mario had told him to make sure he didn't damage it]

He asked Mario about the cupboard above the Oven and Mario said he didn't think opened as nobody had used it. .Sam tried it to see and it did open.

tho having seen the way he bundled the second wig into a pillow case with no regard for it and shoved it in with the first one I am not sure he cares if he damages it or not...

If I was Corin I;d take his prized hats and burn them in the garden..  and what annoyed me last night was the guys that were up were all saying they had no possessions that would get them riled up if anybody took them. . [Sam lied there. .hatgate for starters] they are blokes ffs women are different..  plus Corin who loves her clothes sacrificed getting ehr case back so Rachel could have hers for her potential eviction.. shame none of them know that cos that for Corin must have been a huge deal considering how much she values her possessions..

I am not liking this picking on one person thing and am specifically hating the fact Dave went from encouraging Sam with the make up to suggesting he also go for the wigs too.. nasty nasty house and shame on the others in the know that are supposed to be her friends not telling him he is going too far....

Just heard Sam ask Dave how far should they take it. .to when she burst into tears? he asked.. .then the cam cut away.

Dave still orgasmic at the thought of her popping. . he can't wait!... disgusting behaviour all round..

Blimey I've not posted about BB for a few days now and all my annoyance at all of the HM's seems to have welled up in one huge ranty waffle
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Ruining their own chances as well Dame.  None of them are going to come out of this smelling of roses and I don't understand why they are doing it.  Surely, they know that most decent people are not going to think that what they are doing is remotely funny anymore?
They'll come out of it as favourably as the editing wants them to LL,imo this has to be the worst BB ever.
Reference: LL
So? It is still not Sam that is doing it all on his own is it?
Sam planned it before he came into the house ( it`s on his VT) knowing that Corin loves her makeup and wigs. He was encouraged by Dave and JJ1 last night but it was HIS idea.

He was determined to carry out his VT promise regardless of any encouragement from others.
Scotty (Corin`s Cribette #5) offline 14,680 Forum Posts Today at 11:42 AM Last Edited: Reference: LL So? It is still not Sam that is doing it all on his own is it? Sam planned it before he came into the house ( it`s on his VT) knowing that Corin loves her makeup and wigs. He was encouraged by Dave and JJ1 last night but it was HIS idea. He was determined to carry out his VT promise regardless of any encouragement from others.
I am not saying it wasn't Sam's idea, I am saying that it is not just Sam doing it on his own as the others are involved as well.  None of them are making themselves look very good over this.
There are threads, I'll try and find them LL
Lee there is a video on here somewhere Sam was being interviewed by Emma Willis he said he was going in to the house to shake it up,she asked him what he would do he said take Corins makeup and throw it over the wall she said that was nasty,he planned all this before entering the house.
Reference: LL
I am not saying it wasn't Sam's idea, I am saying that it is not just Sam doing it on his own as the others are involved as well. None of them are making themselves look very good over this.
to true.. .Sam told Dave about his promise to get the make up. .Dave was the one who wanted it to go further with her wigs.. Sam seemed to like that..

Sam is bad but he appears to be only seeing the pranks side

Dave on the other hand seemed waaaaaaaaaaaay too interested in the Corin popping it side.. horrid cruel spiteful man!

and cheers Dame Ann.. I'm afraid I'm a masochist and can't seem to switch it off even tho my blood pressure has gone thru the roof these past weeks with that lot in there..
Mount Olympus *Olly*
They'll come out of it as favourably as the editing wants them to LL,imo this has to be the worst BB ever

...and if possible ...that is what makes it even worse ....if we were certain that a true and accurate picture of their behaviour would be presented - we would at least have some hope that justice would be served and they'd be voted out at the first opportunity.  Based on recent experience there is every likeliehood it will be presented as a jolly jape by Sam and Corin overreacting - then she goes.    How can it ever be right that the victim is the one to suffer?
Starfleet Admiral hoochie
Lee there is a video on here somewhere Sam was being interviewed by Emma Willis he said he was going in to the house to shake it up,she asked him what he would do he said take Corins makeup and throw it over the wall she said that was nasty,he planned all this before entering the house.
He doesn't seem to think things through Marg,he is very impulsive the eegit ,BB need to call him to the DR and nip this right in the bud,I doubt they will though.
Mount Olympus *Olly* offline 2,689 Forum Posts Today at 11:49 AM Last Edited: Reference: LL I am not saying it wasn't Sam's idea, I am saying that it is not just Sam doing it on his own as the others are involved as well. None of them are making themselves look very good over this. to true.. .Sam told Dave about his promise to get the make up. .Dave was the one who wanted ity to go further with her wigs.. Sam seemd to like that.. Sam is bad but he appears to be only seeing the pranks side Dave ont he other hand seem waaaaaaaaaaaay too interested in the Corin popping it side.. horrid cruel spiteful man! and cheers Dame Ann.. I'm afraid I'm a masochist and can't seem to switch it off even tho my blood pressure has gone thru the roof these past weeks with that lot in there..
Thank you Olly.  For one horrible moment, I thought I was speaking in some sort of foreign language
Reference: Olly
To be fair that was actually Sam's idea. As much as Dave almost getting orgasmic at the thought of Corin popping it was nowt to with him..
You could be right about the oven being the hiding place being Sam`s idea Olly.  Either way Dave "nowt to do with him" doesn`t cut it for me. Thinking back, Sam mentioned it and Dave went on to encourage him. Correct me if I`m wrong.
..and if possible ...that is what makes it even worse ....if we were certain that a true and accurate picture of their behaviour would be presented - we would at least have some hope that justice would be served and they'd be voted out at the first opportunity.  Based on recent experience there is every likeliehood it will be presented as a jolly jape by Sam and Corin overreacting - then she goes.    How can it ever be right that the victim is the one to suffer?
It's not right Hoocie,the biased  editing throughout most of this series has been sickening....What's going on atm is a disgrace imo,Sam's wrong,100% wrong without a doubt,the encouragement he is getting ,especially from those who despise Corin makes it even worse,BB letting it continue adds to the disgrace.
hahaha LL...  happy to oblige

Am so pleased BB did that announcement. .the fallout will be so much less now. .tho am pretty sure Corin will still be angry if the way the wigs were stuffed in the pillowcases has ruined/damaged them. .am not au fait with false hair stuff so don't know if it can be sorted..

  but am less angry now that  I know she knows she doesn't have to worry about going out without a decent hairpiece.until at least Friday.. it was that part that was riling me up the most even tho I can't stand too much slap and crap[or any] hairpieces, I know Corin uses it all as some sort of safety blanket which is why the whole thing was making me extra mad cos it was more than just nicking her make-up and hair it was nicking her personalty and 'blanky' type thing....
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Last edited by Mount Olympus *Olly*
Sam knows Dave can't be trusted and alarm bells should be going off in his head but yet he's still done it. That makes him and Dave bad as each other. It's spiteful and nasty.
Different people different motives....Given Sam has ADHD would he even think of the consequences?,Dave being a supercilious git is all too aware of them.
Aaaarghhhh not sure if I am speaking in tongues here. Yes, I know it is Sam doing it. I know it was Sam's idea but he is not doing it on his own is he? The others are involved and participating. None of them are innocent.
I'm not implying they are - with regard to my comment about the editing it's as likely they'll not even show Dave encouraging Sam or the fact that the object of the exercise is to get at Corin till she blows up or cries, in order to make it look like a "jolly jape".

When someone does something bad, is it only half as bad if it is done with a partner?
Starfleet Admiral hoochie
Reference: Scotty
You could be right about the oven being the hiding place being Sam`s idea Olly. Either way Dave "nowt to do with him" doesn`t cut it for me. Thinking back, Sam mentioned it and Dave went on to encourage him. Correct me if I`m wrong.
I know I am right,  I watched it with my own eyes!  I may not LUT anymore, cos of people correcting me when I LUTted the truth..  but I still watch with LUT eyes.. 

and as far as me saying 'nowt to do with Dave' that only applied to the hiding place not the whole thieving of stuff saga.. which you'd know if you read the whole of my post
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Sam didn't say he's got ADHD he said he think's he's got ADHD. I don't think he's been diagnosed with it. I also think Sam is well aware of rights and wrongs and know's full well what he is doing.
In his conversation with Mario?....I could have sworn he said he had ADHD as a child and as far as I'm aware that condition doesn't disappear,it's caused by a particular chemical needed in the brain,much as diabetes is caused by lack of insulin being produced in the pancreas.
I saw a bit of LF last night with Dave pawing Andrew on the sofa and whispering to him...I was repulsed and turned it off. Apparently Steve told Corin about the make-up plan, so she was aware that they were going to nick it. I expect Steve will have told her about this plan as well, so hopefully she won't blow up about it either.
Anyway, I hope that one of her so-called friends has the guts to warn her and Dave et al are disappointed.I would hope that Josie, being the only other girl in there spills the beans, if she just sits back and lets it happen, then she's a bigger bitch than I originally thought.

As for that twerp Sam and Glory Boy...the sooner they are out of the house the better, although the sooner this entire series is over the better. I have never seen such a rotten bunch of HMs in any BB,they are all awful, no exceptions

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