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Sam may be getting encouragement but lets not forget it is all his idea, there was a video on here yesterday he planned  to take Corins makeup before he even entered the house and said he would throw it over the wall,he has been nasty since day one,he could not take it when Josie hid his hats he can give it out but he cant take it back,he is wanting Corin to lose it big time Sam is making things worse for himself by his actions he knows exactly what he is doing IMO.
Yes Aimee there's a vid on the BB site showing it.
God, i hope these tw-ts are first out on Friday and Corin wins the bloody show, talk about egg on the face , would swing for them if they stole my things, why hasn't BB put a stop to this  she's bound to get upset when she finds out and knows that most of the house are plotting against her for their own Jollys, i'll be the one to say it, it's BULLYING and i would say the same whoever was being treated like this, i hate this sort of thing
I do! They are hoping Corin blows, and given some careful editing, blows her slim chance of surviving the cull of big characters on Friday!

I really hope they do edit this fairly, Dave's goading, Sam saying why is she having a coffee I want the bitch to go to bed.... all nasty stuff, The JJs laughing, only Mario said please don't damage it. and Sam saying it's only cheap anyway.

Why pick on one house mate in the final week when anyone of them could go, wanting her to blow...I think it's just plain vindictive, most of the men in there I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy.
Why pick on one house mate in the final week when anyone of them could go, wanting her to blow...I think it's just plain vindictive, most of the men in there I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy
I agree, its very unpleasant and it doesnt matter which housemate it is, this is the last week and the behaviour from the lot of them is disgusting
I agree, its very unpleasant and it doesnt matter which housemate it is, this is the last week and the behaviour from the lot of them is disgusting

Awful to watch their vindictiveness last night, I can't understand BB condoning it  I am praying there is a double bluff to this, I'm bloody well fuming that they are trying to ruin one house mates final days and although I am a Corin fan, I stuck up for Josie when  it was happening to her and all the cool lads thought it was funny.
Reference: Dame
Me too Scotty, I'm finding it difficult to understand BB encouraging this knowing Dave and Co want her to blow over it and it's more the thought of her losing her temper than a practical joke. I'm hoping it's a double bluff on BB's part
Sam said that when he went to the DR, BB told him they couldn`t help him with his mission. 
They didn`t encourage him but they didn`t discourage him either Dame. 
What they should have said is "Sam, don`t you think that`s a nasty, horrible, wicked prank to play on Corin?" But they didn`t.
Evicted from the show on Friday, we caught up with her on Saturday morning to get her thoughts on Corin, John James and Josie, 

^^^^^^That to me said it all,taken from Jo's interview....She proceeded to verbally slay Corin which obviously suited BB,imo they don't want Corin to win,they've chosen their winner and Corin is an obstacle in the way....We can rest assured there'll be very little if any favourable editing of Corin this week.
Sam said that when he went to the DR BB told him they couldn`t help him with his mission.  They didn`t encourage him but they didn`t discourage him either Dame.  What they should have said is "Sam, don`t you think that`s a nasty, horrible, wicked prank to play on Corin?" But they didn`t.

They gave him his Ninja outfit Aimee, so in effect they encouraged him. Dave told Andrew that it was a BBLB task, I don't know if he's making it up or Sam is making it up, or it's true 
There is such a pack mentality in there, particularly amongst the boys. They seem to find pleasure in picking on one person they feel is weak (or a threat) and try and wear them down.  I really hope that Corin doesn't give them the satisfaction but to be fair to her she has been talked about and slagged off for weeks now so if she does blow I wouldn't blame her.  Problem is, if she does there will be the whole mask slipping thing again!!
Reference: Dave
They gave him his Ninja outfit Aimee, so in effect they encouraged him. Dave told Andrew that it was a BBLB task, I don't know if he's making it up or Sam is making it up, or it's true
Hello Scotty here.   Oh, I didn`t know they gave him the ninja outfit. So you`re right..they did encourage him. When Dave said to Andrew it was a BBLB task it seemed to me that the lie just dripped off his tongue to keep Andrew from discouraging Sam. I could be wrong but that`s what it looked like to me.
I don't think BB gave him the ninja outfit....Dave asked him that question last night (before he put it on....cos once you see it it's pretty obviously not a proper one)......Sam said it was just something he had cobbled together.

I may be wrong about it Ducky, I thought that's why he was waiting to get in the Diary room 
Reference: Lee
BB need to put a stop to this NOW!,off course they won't though it fits right in with their plans if Corin blows which to be fair anyone would.
Lee, I`m furious that they`re allowing this. It`s... dare I say it? BULLYING!

It`s vindictive nasty behaviour towards Corin that they`re doing NOTHING about! 
I`m dreading Corin discovering what he`s done. Poor Corin.
 This is dismal - I know they have to cater to the Freederm/tweeny audience ..... but the school bully aspect .....I'm not sure that would be the sort of stuff they want associated with their brand.

There's also the fact that it's sustained ..... no jolly "prank" goes on for 3 days!

 Imagine sitting for 3 days sitting knowing that your HMs were conspiring together to deprive you of the stuff that you value most - how sad and isolating that must feel .... particularly when as far as she knows it could be all of them.  Not nice .... I'd not blow my top .... I'd cry   i hope Corin's a stronger person than me.
Starfleet Admiral hoochie
Imagine sitting for 3 days sitting knowing that your HMs were conspiring together to deprive you of the stuff that you value most - how sad and isolating that must feel .... particularly when as far as she knows it could be all of them.  Not nice .... I'd not blow my top .... I'd cry   i hope Corin's a stronger person than me.

But it's Sam having a laugh Hoochie, doesn't matter about anyone's feeling....the Lawds with them, he's pointing Dave in the right direction...hopefully the fecking door and the other tossers with him.

 I so want Corin to beat the smug barstewards 
Lee, I`m furious that they`re allowing this. It`s... dare I say it? BULLYING! It`s vindictive nasty behaviour towards Corin that they`re doing NOTHING about!  I`m dreading Corin discovering what he`s done. Poor Corin.
It's pathetic Scotty....They're ruined this years BB the goalposts have been constantly moved to suit their own agenda....There were supposed to be noms today,noms that Sam was excluded from participating in,instead we got Friday nights farce then the vote to evict 4....Corin lost her rag in there 3 times,once being over her things being touched so the likelihood of her blowing her top about this is high,they'll show the aftermath,as sure as eggs as eggs they will no doubt as unfavourably as they can possibly do it....Motive?,well she was a favourite to win so competition either gone or minimised.
It's not just Sam though, some of the others are in on it and participating - that's what I understand anyway.

he stole some last night and been back for her other one this morning, when he's constantly said he wants to see her upset it's no longer a prank and just downright nasty. He started it with telling them about his promise to take her make up, she took that in good spirit, Sam, Dave and Co aren't content with that, Sam's taking it to another level to see if they can upset her over the wigs.... I honestly can't see what they want to gain by upsetting someone.

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