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...go on, go on...

..I was on my way to work and looked up towards the sky, I could hear the birds twittering, the sun was peepingthrough the clouds, and there, in it's full glory was.....

.......a bag of dog poo hanging over the telephone wire!!!

Who the feck would throw a bag of dog poop up into the air...

Though I have noticed that some dog walkers like to adorn the trees in the local park with it!!!

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I thought some poor mother had had enough of the smell and slung them out of a bedroom window...mind you they've been there at least a dozen years.

Round the corner for years there's one of them things I played with when i was a kid with a  loop that went over your ankle one end and a tennis ball thing the other end.

That's been there at least 20 years....and if anyone could tell me what they're called cos its bugging me that i can't remember!
  Devil, that reminds me of my parents!!! 

My bro lives in Madrid and they decided to go over and visit him.  He brought them to his friends restaurant  up in the mountains somewhere, where they made their own wine and named it after their father.

My dad commented, 'isn't that lovely, I'd love if my kids made a wine and called it after me'.  To which me mother replied, 'They couldn't do that....sure who'd buy a wine called Shithead'

No one's gonna read that, but I'm flippin crackin up here

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