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what you growing Baz?


A friend of mine has been growing veg with her little girl(2) she loves the carrots she gets so excited everytime she sees an orange bit popping out the ground she can't wait to pull them out


and tonight, my neighbour just dropped off some spuds he had grown, and they look amazing!!


I grow my own ... when we sell this house and buy something smaller I want to make sure it has enough room for a  huge vegetable plot and a greenhouse. I will be in 7th heaven then

Originally Posted by zazz:

what you growing Baz?


A friend of mine has been growing veg with her little girl(2) she loves the carrots she gets so excited everytime she sees an orange bit popping out the ground she can't wait to pull them out


and tonight, my neighbour just dropped off some spuds he had grown, and they look amazing!!

 I have grown spuds, tomatoes, onions, carrots and french beans...... but when I say *grow*... they don't always

Originally Posted by Rexi:

I grow my own ... when we sell this house and buy something smaller I want to make sure it has enough room for a  huge vegetable plot and a greenhouse. I will be in 7th heaven then

Do you think you save much money rex?


I was just saying to someone else about the quality of spuds from the farmshop (and from my neighbour) compared to the very same spuds (maris pieper) from tesco are worlds apart! the spuds in tesco are always coated in some waxy  kind of film and they dont roast well, at all

Originally Posted by Gypsie~:

Ohh id love a garden big enough to have a veg patch tucked away. Failing that id like an allotment. I keep saying we are going to get one.

so many little chance of me not getting banned for them comments

Originally Posted by Blizz'ard:
Originally Posted by ~hoochie~:

 I grew my own once (quite a few years ago now), in my front window - possibly not the best idea I've ever had!



Yes I do ,I have strawberries  ripening just now.I actually had to dig some out because

they send tendrills out to grow new plants,fine if you want to expand the patch,however they are greedy plants,I have sown spring onions,lettuce varieties and some peas.


Got strawberries too , and raspberries and brambles. Loads of herbs, but no veg this year . When I did grow veg, I had a sacrificial lettuce for the slugs . The deal was they could eat one, but not slither over the jaggy eggshells I put round the other ones .


Oh it's a battle with my strawberries.I have the resident blackbirds attacking them and the grey squirrels too,I don't mind too much ,they are feeding their babies. I  still have enough for  me,

Originally Posted by kattymieoww:

Oh it's a battle with my strawberries.I have the resident blackbirds attacking them and the grey squirrels too,I don't mind too much ,they are feeding their babies. I  still have enough for  me,

I looked for the " like" button for that

Originally Posted by Slinkiwitch x:

I'm cack at growing them, ditty's yer wumman for the chillies


not having the best of years this year with the chilli's..    prob cos we only have one F1 Apache (which are the best)..  and the rest are crappy, piddly cropping Cayennes.



I've got loads growing this yr. .Cos & Gem lettuces, onions, spring onions, beetroot [waits for Zaph to spit] carrots, radish,  chillies, herbs and my best crop yet is a shed load of huge tomato plants that I started off with some seeds I'd saved form a beef tomato bought from the supermarket last yr... gave me about 20 plants in total..  had loads to go around friends and neighbours..  all growing in pots as well cos ground is rock solid clay that would break a bulldozer never mind a shovel . .


Snails have been a  problem tho. .buggers are eating everything they can get too..

Mount Olympus *Olly*

This year, I am growing tomatoes, cucumbers, lettuce, peppers, chillies, strawberries and seven different herbs. I don't have a vegetable patch, so they are either in the greenhouse or outside in containers.

Originally Posted by Slinkiwitch x:

Got strawberries too , and raspberries and brambles. Loads of herbs, but no veg this year . When I did grow veg, I had a sacrificial lettuce for the slugs . The deal was they could eat one, but not slither over the jaggy eggshells I put round the other ones .

Thats awfully kind of you

Originally Posted by Veggieburger:

I only have a balcony but I grow herbs, salad leaves and chillies. I have grown tomatoes in the past.


And I also grow my own beansprouts and alfafa sprouts which are delish

 Next door grow beans, I steal theirs sometimes


I also fancy a herb garden

Originally Posted by zazz:
Originally Posted by Veggieburger:


 Next door grow beans, I steal theirs sometimes


I also fancy a herb garden

Haha, I have grown those herbs in the past.

But I'm a good (boring) girl now.


As to the stealing of beans - didn't you know that forbidden fruit tastes sweeter?

Applies to beans too

Originally Posted by Veggieburger:
Originally Posted by zazz:
Originally Posted by Veggieburger:


 Next door grow beans, I steal theirs sometimes


I also fancy a herb garden

Haha, I have grown those herbs in the past.

But I'm a good (boring) girl now.


As to the stealing of beans - didn't you know that forbidden fruit tastes sweeter?

Applies to beans too

Noooooooooooo I didnt mean those herbs!! I was actually being serious



TBH I don't think it is any cheaper to grow your own..   not unless you are growing & eating on a grand scale.


by the time you've conditioned the soil, bought nets, fleece, bamboo canes, seeds, pots, compost..  and a whole load of other toot you never knew you needed I reckon it would be cheaper to buy it at the shops.


Then there is the time it takes..    you have to both have the time to tend to your veg, and enjoy doing it.  


I started off with a 1m² square I cut out of the lawn..  (it has creepage issues.. its now about 2.5m²      With limited space, through trial & error I have found out what we think is worth growing..  and the stuff that isn't.   I don;t bother with carrots (cos they are cheap down the shops...  & no matter what I do I end up with carrot fly issues)..      Sweetcorn is a winner..   its the one thing that really really tastes sooo much better than shop bought.   And I grow salad leaves.  and peas, and pak choi (v easy one),     I also grow runner beans in a grow bag up a trellis on the garden fence.  and tomatoes & chilli's in pots.   


Cucumbers = triffid tendancies...  and are a bit odd & nasty tasting


Potatoes - I would love to grow them..  I have a potato barrel.. but the work required for a yield that will feed the family one meal just isn't worth it.


Butternut squash are another good one...  when space becomes available. 



And thyme plants in plant pots are one of my fave ornamentals...    and I can use them in cooking (a la Jamie Oliver style..    using a thyme brush to apply marinates & glazes)




(oh & I have a bay tree too)



is an RHS (?) garden thing-works at botanical gardens and is a smartarse with plants etc..she's got the bottom bit of the garden as an allotment and i think i probably have the biggest set of turnips in birmingham


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