@Baz posted:Young girl is pretty , but the Scouse accent grates on me
Not keen on it either ðĪĢ
@Baz posted:Young girl is pretty , but the Scouse accent grates on me
Not keen on it either ðĪĢ
dont like the girl -she is a bit hard faced
@Rocking Ros Rose posted:dont like the girl -she is a bit hard faced
She is annoying
@Rocking Ros Rose posted:dont like the girl -she is a bit hard faced
I just donât like the accent
WellâĶâĶ.wouldnt eat any of those dishes ðĪĒ
@Kaytee posted:I just donât like the accent
used to hearing it - in school and go to Liverpool regularly - there is something hard-faced and desperate about her
some criticism
she didn't like that
@Kaytee posted:WellâĶâĶ.wouldnt eat any of those dishes ðĪĒ
ðĪĢðĪĢðĪĢðĪĢwe never do
could be anybodys
@Rocking Ros Rose posted:she didn't like that
@Rocking Ros Rose posted:could be anybodys
@Baz posted:Ditto ðĪĢðĪĢ
its not the best accent but doesnt bother me - just dont like her
I am veggie but find some veggie food like this a bit pretentious
@Rocking Ros Rose posted:its not the best accent but doesnt bother me - just dont like her
Iâve never liked it Ros âĶalways grates on me ðĪĢðĪĢðĪĢ
@Rocking Ros Rose posted:I am veggie but find some veggie food like this a bit pretentious
I agree Ros
@Rocking Ros Rose posted:used to hearing it - in school and go to Liverpool regularly - there is something hard-faced and desperate about her
I suppose being a girl among the men means she thinks sheâs an underdogâĶ..Iâll reserve judgement for now ðĪĢðĪĢðĪĢðĨ°ðĨ°ðĨ°
@Baz posted:So a non fish fish course ðð
agree I wont eat it - if I wanted to eat fish I would eat it - same with pretend meat
@Kaytee posted:I suppose being a girl among the men means she thinks sheâs an underdogâĶ..Iâll reserve judgement for now ðĪĢðĪĢðĪĢðĨ°ðĨ°ðĨ°
@Rocking Ros Rose posted:I am veggie but find some veggie food like this a bit pretentious
YesâĶ..agree with you Ros ððĨ°
@Rocking Ros Rose posted:agree I wont eat it - if I wanted to eat fish I would eat it - same with pretend meat
I agree ððŧððŧ
@Kaytee posted:YesâĶ..agree with you Ros ððĨ°
@Baz posted:I agree ððŧððŧ
@Kaytee posted:Sounds a bit daft to meðą
agree - I see non fish fingers - wouldn't touch them
@Rocking Ros Rose posted:agree I wont eat it - if I wanted to eat fish I would eat it - same with pretend meat
this veggie guy is annoying
@Rocking Ros Rose posted:agree - I see non fish fingers - wouldn't touch them
Donât blame you Ros
anything they bring with them never works
@Kaytee posted:Donât blame you Ros
@Rocking Ros Rose posted:this veggie guy is annoying
I agree ðĪĢðĪĢðĪĢ
@Rocking Ros Rose posted:anything they bring with them never works
@Rocking Ros Rose posted:this veggie guy is annoying
Must say heâs getting on my nerves ðĪĢðĨ°
@Rocking Ros Rose posted:anything they bring with them never works
I like sea bassâĶ..but not mucked about with ðĪĢ
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