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@slimfern posted:

Can't say I wasn't disappointed that Tom didn't win, but well done to Alex

I wasn’t too bothered which one won , but I do find it strange how two weeks running the *blind* tasting has been so at odds with the chef judges .

@Baz posted:

Northern Ireland next week hopefully the guest judge will be Richard Corrigan ....I like him .

I like him too.

Going by the intro at the start of each episode it looks like he will be a guest judge at some point, however the Radio Times is saying it's Daniel Clifford tonight.

Eugene's Lair

I like him too.

Going by the intro at the start of each episode it looks like he will be a guest judge at some point, however the Radio Times is saying it's Daniel Clifford tonight.

Awwww Ok Eugene …perhaps he will be on next week ..when it’s the NW of England


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