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Baz posted:
Rocking Ros Rose posted:

don't really know Angela 

She’s usually on this programme Ros ....and she also judges the food and farmdidn't she at theing awards on Radio4 

she competed in it I think, early on, and won so then she became a judge 

Amythist posted:
Baz posted:
Rocking Ros Rose posted:

don't really know Angela 

She’s usually on this programme Ros ....and she also judges the food and farmdidn't she at theing awards on Radio4 

she competed in it I think, early on, and won so then she became a judge 


Amythist posted:
Baz posted:
Rocking Ros Rose posted:

don't really know Angela 

She’s usually on this programme Ros ....and she also judges the food and farmdidn't she at theing awards on Radio4 

she competed in it I think, early on, and won so then she became a judge 

Thanks Amy

Rocking Ros Rose
Rocking Ros Rose posted:

why put this in - hate programme fillers

 the BBC has to fill a quota of educational input....also if they sell it abroad it fits the time for ads 

Last edited by Amythist
Amythist posted:
Rocking Ros Rose posted:

why put this in - hate programme fillers

 the BBC has to fill a quota of educational input....also if they sell it abroad it fits the time for ads

aww thanks Amy makes sense

Rocking Ros Rose

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