@Saint posted:Books from the restricted section of Hogwarts library
good start - night
Thanks for the company ladies and gent❤️❤️❤️
Tonight they make “Viennese sandwiches, a retro minty favourite and dramatic puppet theatres “ 😁😁
@Baz posted:Tonight they make “Viennese sandwiches, a retro minty favourite and dramatic puppet theatres “ 😁😁
Thanks Baz
As it's biscuits week I'm guessing that the retro minty favourites will be Viscount mint biscuits.
Looks as if this will be the most dramatic episode ever of Bake Off - this is what the Radio Times says:
"There’s a call for the medics when one baker dramatically faints, another falls off their stool with an almighty crash, while a third makes
a momentous decision…"
@El Loro posted:Thanks Baz
As it's biscuits week I'm guessing that the retro minty favourites will be Viscount mint biscuits.
Looks as if this will be the most dramatic episode ever of Bake Off - this is what the Radio Times says:
"There’s a call for the medics when one baker dramatically faints, another falls off their stool with an almighty crash, while a third makes
a momentous decision…"
Omg I wonder if one of them is the American guy that was sick last week ?Anyway, thanks for the info El….sounds like an interesting episode .
@Baz posted:Omg I wonder if one of them is the American guy that was sick last week ?Anyway, thanks for the info El….sounds like an interesting episode .
we'll find out later, Baz, we don't know yet if he's able to come back
@El Loro posted:we'll find out later, Baz, we don't know yet if he's able to come back
That’s true
Footie on tonight so won't be joining you all
@Saint posted:Footie on tonight so won't be joining you all
Awwww ….sorry to hear that Renton ….but enjoy your footie
Evening Baz and Ros
@Baz posted:Oh we might get two going home today
Didn’t the voiceover just say one 🤷♀️🤣
@Kaytee posted:Didn’t the voiceover just say one 🤷♀️🤣
Did it , I missed that 🤣🤣🤣🤣
That lady is also no stranger to cake 🤣🤣🤣
hi bazzy kaytee
@Baz posted:Wonder where Ros is ?
sorry bazzy was faffing with work stuff
@Rocking Ros Rose posted:hi bazzy kaytee
Oh there you are
@Rocking Ros Rose posted:sorry bazzy was faffing with work stuff
@Baz posted:Oh there you are
@Baz posted:Can’t see the old dear lasting long
No….gets herself in too many knots 🤣
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