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A lot of what I say on this forum is very tongue in cheek, but I thought I'd share some of my real thoughts and concerns for a change.

When John-James and Josie first started their flirty ways, it was okay. It was something fresh and it didn't dominate the show. Once upon a time it was fun to watch. The problem now is that the relationship hasn't progressed beyond a teenage crush, yet it is getting more and more coverage, both on the HL show and on LF. You can't turn LF on anymore for fear of having Josie's duvet shoved in your face.

It's boring. I try to enjoy it. I try to look for the positives, but it's BORING!

One of my favourite housemates to watch, Dave, will soon depart from the house. I know a lot of people here have a problem with him, and I'm not going to try to persuade you otherwise (I understand that he is a controversial type, and people are entitled to their opinions), but he is one of the few things in the show that I really look forward to. Whenever the camera turns from the fake romance to Dave, my heart sings. The same can be said for Corin, and to an extent Ben and Andrew. Their general happiness and quirkiness keeps me engaged in the show.

I do believe that the mood of the house is going to change dramatically come Friday when Dave leaves. Ben is going to find himself as a bigger target than ever. Steve (an influential character in the house) is going to lose his only saving grace (his happiness inspired by Dave). The general atmosphere of the house is going to slump, because love him or hate him, Dave's upbeat attitude rubs off on the other housemates. It is true what they say. "Surround yourself with happiness and you'll be happier". It is absolutely true in life, just as it is inside the house. If you're watching Dave on LF, 90% of the time he and the people around him are laughing and joking and smiling.

My biggest fear is that we're going to transition from a mostly fun loving house, to a show consumed by the contrived romance, bullying and general boredom. Perhaps the remaining housemates can prove me wrong, but I'm not holding my breath.

A part of me is really starting to root for something to happen between Joe-John and Corin, if only to show John-James and Josie (and their dedicated bopper fanbase) how grown ups handle and do things. Granted Corin isn't the sharpest tool in the box, but at least she's a woman. Unlike John-James, Joe-John appears to have a handle on himself and his emotions. Joe-John doesn't act like a spoilt infant.

I've gone off on a bit of a tangent so I'll leave it there. What has been one of the better Big Brother series to date looks to be digressing into something slightly more undesirable. A big part of the blame lies with the show producers. I only hope they can prove me wrong.

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I don't know that Dave'll go..
Think I've said before, I can't get past that youtube wheelchair clip, it's really coloured my opinion of him, but if I try to be objective, he's probably a good housemate - (aaaagggghhhhh that stuck in my throat!! Or my typing finger ) - in terms of keeping the audience entertained. I have a feeling Ben might go before him.

*goes to don sackcloth and ashes *
I don't like Dave as an HM, because like one or two others he is too desperate to win and too stupid to hide it.He has had a pretty good edit so far, so he could very well stay instead of Ben come Friday.
My opinion is coloured by the godbothering and what he's got up to in rl....not a favourite I'm afraid and I don't find him entertaining at all, but that's just me
Reference: Skylark
I do fear the last weeks will be the JJ and Josie show, which depressess me. I do so wanted to enjoy the last BB
I know, I feel exactly the same way, they promised all sorts for the last show and yet we are being force fed a stupid romance with two very unlikeable people.  Its such a shame. I've stopped watching the HL's show because I just couldn't face those two every night. The BB producers have ruined this years BB for me with the JJ&Josie overkill

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