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and all my friends/family are at work so I can't start ringing them yet.

Some of you who remember me might also remember that I had my rubbish left knee joint replaced with a new metal one back in January. Well, I had the right one done 3 weeks ago today and I've just got back from my first physio appointment. I'm progressing so well that I only need to go back next week and if there's any further progress at all, I'll just be given an 'open appointment' that means they don't need to keep an eye on me, I just ring and request to be seen if I think I need their help in the next 3 months!

On the down side, it does mean that I won't get my knee and lower thigh massaged on a weekly basis by a muscular young man.

But I'll be able to get down to Cannon Hill Park to see the ducklings next Spring and could be back in the opera chorus for the next big production because I'll be able to stand on stage again. Not sure if I'll ever be able to go back to belly dancing though - but I'll try!

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