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We have earned our profit. How we choose to 'spend' it is surely up to us?

How have you earned it though? You bought your house for an agreed amount have paid for it and lived in it. Once the mortgage was paid you lived there without a monthly payment .................we are the same (although still paying). You really haven't 'earned' the profit though have you? It's all to do with market forces ......i'm sure you worked hard to pay back your sixty grand .............any profit made after having a home to live in and bring up a family is a bonus ..........why begrudge the tax levy on what's left as inheritance I say - I really dont see it as 'earned' income ................i can see I'm on my own here.
Soozy Woo
i can see I'm on my own here.
well ... I still love you sooz

though I don't understand a word of what you are saying My fault, not yours, I can't really get my head around this passionate politics bit. I think I have paid a fortune, worked hard, contributed towards my old age care, paid what bit of private pension I can afford, given to charity, volunteered my time/skills.

What else would you like me to do?
What else would you like me to do?

Nothing else ...............maybe I'm just all confuddled with my thoughts. I just dont see why people complain about 'their kids' paying tax on what is left to them. If people choose to spend all their (profit) money before they die good on em ....there is no tax on it and that's fair enough - if they leave it to the kids and it's taxed so what? We have to pay for public services somehow ..............the kids haven't exactly earned it and they still get a fair whack. Camerons proposals appeals to people who have made a bit of money from their property reality it is benefitting the ultra rich big time order to claw back this income Cameron will be cutting back benefits from the less fortunate. I dont see it as fair TBH.
Soozy Woo
the 50k family that get tax credit... I would love to see the breakdown for that.... they must both work.. but have 18 kids... all in childcare... that kind of thing.
That's what I was thinking..... I think it's misleading just to say the limit is "whatever" without any context. Of course there's the old argument..... if you choose to have that many kids you should bloody well pay for them etc.... but what would people prefer? Supporting 18 kids on benefits...or subsidising their child care costs?

This is all guesswork of course...... Right hands up....who earns ÂĢ50,000 and claims child credit? Anyone? We need info quick, we're voting in the morning. The clocks ticking people! 
... Right hands up....who earns ÂĢ50,000 and claims child credit? Anyone? We need info quick, we're voting in the morning. The clocks ticking people!
 However, I do think that if there hadn't been people over 50k claiming  GB would have certainly picked Cameron up on it.  *probably half the House of Commons*
Right hands up....who earns ÂĢ50,000 and claims child credit? Anyone?
MrB earns ÂĢ46k and we are entitled to the princely sum of ÂĢ43 a month tax is paid automatically once the tax forms are filled in each year...we don't 'claim' we are given!!!! I have never filled a form in asking for it anyway....we just get a letter telling us what we'll get each month according to earnings
It's not over until the fat lady sings. I'm sincerely hoping for one of those complete shockers tomorrow whereby all the polls are completely turned upside down ............desperate I know but I live in hope.
Sooz - there is no doubt that one or other of us is going to be a bit disappointed over the next few days ... when we meet after the result lets just raise our glasses to the fat lady, take a deep breath ... and then blame each other for voting the wrong way
Sooz - there is no doubt that one or other of us is going to be a bit disappointed over the next few days ... when we meet after the result lets just raise our glasses to the fat lady, take a deep breath ... and then blame each other for voting the wrong way
Of course  It's called democracy - we are all entitled to one vote - it really wouldn't do if we were all the same.

I do tend to get a tad passionate ............I dont mean to be offensive but I can see I may be accused of making my point a tad forcefully - apologies to anyone who finds me too outspoken
Soozy Woo
I do tend to get a tad passionate ............I dont mean to be offensive but I can see I may be accused of making my point a tad forcefully - apologies to anyone who finds me too outspoken
Like you say Soozy it's democracy... and nothing wrong with feeling passionate about things.... in fact it's quite refreshing *still hope my guy wins though*.
Sounds a bit weird to me MrsB....... if I didn't fill the form in by a certain date it was stopped
We get a form every gets signed, confirming that MrB works where he works and earns what he earns...then it's shoved back in it's envelope, posted and then we get a letter saying how much and when. The amount has actually quadrupled this year...last year it was ÂĢ10 a month....not sure how that happened as no circumstances changed....maybe it's a bribe from gordy!
Tax credits were Gordy's way of trying to make the tax system fairer, taking into account people's circumstances, to encourage people to feel better off working than on benefits. Even those with modest incomes, or average incomes, like a couple earning ÂĢ25, 000 each.

Cameron wants to start dismantling it, whilst he makes sure millionares pay less tax. Caring Conservatism has its limits. 
All joking aside, I'm quite disgusted with the way this election has been fought. I haven't seen one of our candidates. I've been outside the area to some town centres and haven't seen anyone there either.
The focus has shifted more towards the party leaders. This business about x million voting Labour and y millions voting Tory is a poor show. One used to have the opportunity to engage with a representative. We'll end up like the Americans if this carries on.
Garage Joe
Reference: He needs a personality transplant

 See! This is my point. In years to come future Prime Ministers will need to look and

sound like Nick Clegg even if like his, their policies are lacking and don't make sense.
Unfortunately it would seem that this election has been fought (and possibly won) on a slick image and witty repartee. Never mind a serious, dour rumpled old geezer who has his finger on the pulse and in my opinion has and will continue to steer us through troubled waters. It seems we've gone all American and go for style over substance bloody sad.
Soozy Woo
Play fair...Nick Clegg isn't a complete twit!
Not a complete twit exactly but ........................far from my first choice. All this vote for change ......obviously he's gonna be pushing for it. IMO - if it aint broke don't try and fix it. We're riding stormy waters pretty well under Labour - why rock the boat?

Unfortunately a lot of voters simply dislike GB because he doesn't look cool and isn't quick on witty answers .........IMO that's a great shame and incredibly shallow .........lots of young peeps seem to think a sparkly persona is everything.
Soozy Woo

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