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I'm afraid I'm still seeing Mr Blobby.

I sympathise with your predicament - continual visions of Mr Blobby are very troublesome, but it is a well known psychiatric disorder. However there is a cure. Just imagine Mr Blobby being covered in a varirty of different coloured gunges. That way you'll soon forget his pink with yellow spots image, and you will be able to regain a full and active life.

I do apologise for any ill effect my posting has had on you. Unfortunately I have already ordered the coloured promotional material and I don't have enough money to pay for them, let alone to replace them.

And that brings me to another thing. I need a number of people to back me as prospective candidate for my Woffle Party.  Is there anyone out there prepared to back me?
El Loro
Last edited by El Loro
I get quite excited, not with the run up so much but election day itself. I desperately want to see a hung parliament
You are obsessed with the Nuremburg trials  

Much as though I hate what has been going on since 1979 I will still vote Labour. There is always a chance that they may jump a little to the left. (Another feedline for you musical freaks)
Garage Joe
You are obsessed with the Nuremburg trials
 I wish I could vote GJ, it would have to be labour for me too, although I feel like you about the changes, in particular the loss of making decisions and all that nonsense about making people into criminals for taking their bins out too early or dropping a bit of banana. If they'd promise us to get rid of the jobworths, I'd be much happier.
cologne 1
I'm really shocked (well not really it always happens) but .............i think newspapers should be banned from putting their spin on things. The bias in the printed media is abysmal and IMO shouldn't be allowed. From now until polling day I think there should be a ban on newspapers reporting anything in relation to the election at all. SHOCKING!!!!!!!
Soozy Woo
Just been reading the celebrity roll call in The Guardian. It's going to be a struggle. We have Lily Allen, they have Cilla Black. We have Eddie Izzard, they have Jim Davidson. We have David Tennant, they have Jimmy Greaves....................etc
Strange - ours are interesting and talented, theirs are a load of old dinosaurs scared of paying income tax..
I'll paraphrase what Noel Gallagher said when Phil Collins threatened promised to come back from tax exile in Switzerland if the Tories got into power at the last election.

"What more reason do you need not to vote for them?"
I just mean they don't make decisions that are for our good - its for their own purposes. Perhaps the country shud be ran by economists, financiers and experts?
Some might say we already are.
And considering what the financial industry considers to be moral behaviour, and what interests it puts first, do you really think it's a good idea?
Perhaps the country shud be ran by economists, financiers and experts?
It is! There are plenty of the above three represented in HMG. However it's not that straightforward. MP's also have a duty to listen to their own party's philosophy, they have to not upset the bankers, and in a global arena must do what the Americans tell them to. It's difficult to keep all those balls in the air.
Garage Joe
Strange - ours are interesting and talented, theirs are a load of old dinosaurs scared of paying income tax.. I'll paraphrase what Noel Gallagher said when Phil Collins threatened promised to come back from tax exile in Switzerland if the Tories got into power at the last election. "What more reason do you need not to vote for them
Exactly the rich will get richer  they dont give a damn about  helping the working class they never did and never will, it wont affect me so much as it will others if the tories get in, I am retired with good pensions and have paid off my morgage and live alone I would never vote tories thinking I'm alright jack,I will still vote labour they are still the best of a bad bunch
Whatever decision people make about the party they are going to vote for, I think the most important thing of all is to actually bother to go to the polling station, even if it is just to spoil your ballot paper as a protest.  People died to help to give everyone the right to vote, and if people choose not to vote, then they really have no right to complain about the government that gets elected.  I really think that voting should be a legal requirement for every adult, as it is in some other countries.

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