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they must have come to our street quite early in the morning.. cos all the curtains are drawn in my house... yet my neighbours are all drawn back & it looks like he is about to wash his car... with it all pulled onto his drive... (he always puts it into the garage on a night.. without fail)

So probably about 6.30am on a Sunday morning then!
My road doesn't even exist according to google maps!  I've been bunged on as being part of another road. And I'll tell you something! With Satnav these days... no-one can find where they are supposed to be going when they look me up! You've no idea how many angry phonecalls I get from delivery people about this... like it's my fault!  I spent a whole afternoon trying to find out how to get this corrected but got lost in corporate internet links...
My road doesn't even exist according to google maps!  I've been bunged on as being part of another road. And I'll tell you something! With Satnav these days... no-one can find where they are supposed to be going when they look me up! You've no idea how many angry phonecalls I get from delivery people about this... like it's my fault!  I spent a whole afternoon trying to find out how to get this corrected but got lost in corporate internet links...

Oooooooooooh me too! our postcode isn't recognised with anything! Sat navs, AA route finder, any kind of on line address thing grrrrrrrrrrr  
I'm not in... but I'm parked outside work - with two wheels on the pavement........until you go past the house and turn round then I'm in the drive.

My sister is visiting my Dad and when you go down his road, they're walking down the path and my niece is standing in the garden.   If you turn the corner and look from that direction, Dad and my sis are sitting on his garden seat and my niece nad her son are sitting on grass.  All with blurred faces of course.. maybe it's not them!
Reference: Xochi
My road doesn't even exist according to google maps!  I've been bunged on as being part of another road. And I'll tell you something! With Satnav these days... no-one can find where they are supposed to be going when they look me up! You've no idea how many angry phonecalls I get from delivery people about this... like it's my fault!  I spent a whole afternoon trying to find out how to get this corrected but got lost in corporate internet links..
Xoch...   Hubby had to do something like this recently.. to do with his job.  I just asked him how to get something on satnav corrected.  He said its not as simple as it should be cos there are different providers... however, most satnavs use mapping from NAVTEQ & they have a Map Reporter function....

linky poos = Navteq Map Reporter
Unless you update your sat nav it won't have newer roads etc on we found out when we were using the sat nav to find a garage to top up when we were on the new bit of teh A30....according to the sat nav we weren't even on a road!
yeah, but you'd like to think delivery people would be quite good at regularly updating.

The problems are when the updates haven't been properly updated... or as with the one hubby had to sort out they are totally wrong (was sending HGV's & stuff down a public footpath... most peeps would realise that it was wrong... but not all of them, resulting in big lorries wedged stuck)
I've just looked on this for the first time, there are loads of different pics with my house in, thankfully none so close that you can see me on here on my lappy, or taken when I've still got the curtains closed after a heavy night/lay in!
.....Actually, my top tip: to prevent the nosey neighbours doing outrage and, "Oooo look at the time and the curtains are still drawn," when I have a late one and know I'm likely to be having a lie in, I open my front room curtains before I go to bed
I do that every night.....just in case
AKT, sometimes I even leave the bedroom curtains open too...Oh the joys of living somewhere where everyone knows everyone's business, or at least they think they do, 'cos if they don't know then they make it up!... If I want to know what's going on in my life/ how my health is etc. etc. best place to ask is one of the village shops I remember after my op when I was cabined up I said to my sis, FGS don't be telling x in the shop anything about my op etc. or the whole village will know. When she came back she said she couldn't believe the fine detail she told her about me and the op', half of which was incorrect, including that I was moving and that Margaret had been in the gift shop to by me a leaving present!  A) I wasn't moving B) I don't know anyone called Margaret!

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