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Did you know slugs have mouths? silly question but once a slug decided to drop in on me in the bath so i watch it drown. It was gasping for breath.
aw... I wouldn't have been able to let it drown.

Yeah I know they have mouths...  I used to crawl around in my garden in the night... taking photos of slugs using hubbys posh camera with a macro lens on it!

they are actually dead cute!

I have a photo of a big black one munching down on one of my blue lobelia flowers!
Its ok(ish) its only bad for me as i live right in the thick of it. But having lived for 13 years in one of the villages just outside i know they are not plauged by Selby's problems. In the 13 years i lived in the village the only ever crimes i remember were when the pub was robbed which turned out to be a insurance job and my next door but one neighbours bike going missing. He found it a week later in his mates drive after remembering thats where he left it. Oh and there was all the times i was escorted home in a police car but that doesn't count as i only ever got in trouble outside the village

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