Goodbye giant spotted slugs
Goodbye army of never ending woodlice, no matter how many of you i flushed down the toilet you just kept coming back.
Goodbye silver fish
Goodbye centipeds
Goodbye little red things
Goodbye all you undiscovered creepy crawlies
And last but certainly not least goodbye mould and damp
Finaly!!! my landlord has decided my bathroom should be a no go area and so is giving me a completely new one complete with new non mouldy walls and cellings

Goodbye army of never ending woodlice, no matter how many of you i flushed down the toilet you just kept coming back.
Goodbye silver fish
Goodbye centipeds
Goodbye little red things
Goodbye all you undiscovered creepy crawlies
And last but certainly not least goodbye mould and damp
Finaly!!! my landlord has decided my bathroom should be a no go area and so is giving me a completely new one complete with new non mouldy walls and cellings