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I object to being called a sheep for celebrating the Millennium on the logical date for it!

Now now. I didn't say the celebrants were sheep. It was all the authorities that went along with the idea

Ducky. I understand the excitement. Still doesn't make it right that our excitement was whipped up a year earlier than it should have been. They were definitely talking about the new Millenium starting.

If you were looking forward to it being 20something, you might have been a wee bit deflated to find that the BIG parties wouldn't be until 31/12/2000, but I think you'd still be a bit excited that come January the date would no longer be 19something.

I think it was all knocked skewift by the hysteria generated by talk of the 'Millenium Bug' which would plunge all our systems back to 1900.
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
It sort of stuck in my head.    I have even said it to the sheep in the field where I walk the dog. They are crap sheep...  they didn't know the password!
  I love the sheep too.

I know I have said on here (although it might have been on C4) that when I was a kid, my Dad (who was still a policeman then) found a lamb that had been knocked over on the road and took it back to the farm closest only to be told 'take it home and do what you have to with it'.  Dad brought it home with the intention of slaughtering it to feed his wife and 5 daughters.  However, he just couldn't do it, and we ended up caring for it until it was back to full health (in our kitchen) then it lived in our back garden.  (My 4 sisters and I named it 'Frisky')
awwwww... I wanna lamb!!!

I actually asked the sheep farmer how much one would cost last year...   cos me & my daughter fell in love with Number 62 (that was the no. on the tag in her ear)...      she was the best lamb ever!   Apparently it was because her mother had refused to feed her so they had had to bottle feed her so she was more used to human contact!  

She play bowed through the fence with my dog!
I had two lambs when I was a kid....Paper the white one and Chocolate the brown one...I hand reared them till they got big...then we ate them.

(In all honesty, I think we probably ate Frisky, but even as an adult my parents deny it, they told us that it went to live on my uncles pig farm and the guard dogs killed it one night. )
..then we ate them

actually... I can't talk.    I have often been cooing over the lambs when taking the dog for a quick walk...   whilst at home there was a leg of lamb roasting in the oven! 

Though...  those legs of lamb are bloody huge compared to the cute lil lambs in the field..     thinking about it....  lamb is really pushing it really...
Where I was used to live was surrounded by farmer fields, and I used to love seeing the spring lambs, but I always remember one spring driving to work down Browney Lane and seeing a lamb dead on the road, I slowed down to drive around it, when I drove home from work the poor thing was flatter than a bloody sheep skin rug  so many cars had just driven over it.
aw... thats ok then.

I can handle eating them when they are all big... and less cute...    so long as the leg I am roasting hasn't come off one of the cute jumpy lambs with the waggy tails thats ok.


my friend's daughters female hamster (called Fluffy!)  died whilst her daughter was on the school French trip.   Instead of just telling her she replaced it with another same looking hamster.   

Two nights after her daughter got home she heard her screaming & screaming in her room....  she raced in and her daughter was in bits screaming "MUM.... FLUFFY HAS HAD MIRACLE BABIES BUT SHE IS EATING THEM!!
I was driving towards Ponteland with master Cinds once and there was a rabbit on the road that had obviously been hit by a car but was just stunned, as it was lying there with it's head up swaying from side to side.  I stopped the car and made him get out to pick it up and put it on the grass at the side of the road.  No way could I have drove round it knowing it was alive and just leave it there.

Croc, the first time I saw a raccoon was  when dead at the side of the road, when I lived in DC, the next time I saw one, was still in DC, but the beast was alive and frigging started chasing me down the street
hahaha... I know I shouldn't laugh at that...   

Alfs class pet in primary school died whilst in our care...    it was a Giant African Land Snail... and hahahaha... it was called Crispy!!!

It actually really was... before anyone thinks I am taking cheap shots at the OP...     I'd forgotten about Crispy the snail!       He was crispy by nature when I took him & his tank back to school at the beginning of the next term!
Hahahahahhah I am loving the twists and turns of this thread.  See now you have told us about Crispy the snail, I need to tell you that I have some giant snail shells on the window sill of my downstairs bathroom, the reason they are there is because I ate the snails out of the shells. (They were cooked in a lovely garlic butter,, I didn't just randomly find snails and eat them)
oh...  I hit a rabbit once....   I'd not been driving long...   it was dark & I had my friend in the car...     I hadn't been going fast and so when it bounded into the front of the car I stopped...  

and like something out of a horror film this headless rabbit jumped right up in the air...  higher than the front bonnet of the car!

We totally shit ourselves!!!    It erradicated all the "OMG I have killed a rabbit" distress...       I can still remember how shit my frantic driving was as we tried to get back to my flat...    I wasn't experienced enough for driving to be automatic & fell apart...    forgot all about the clutch... couldn't get the car in gear...  stalled it...  shoved it in reverse...    my mate stayed the night round mine that night cos she was too scared to go home alone! 
You ate giant snails!!

wow...  that must have been one hell of a winkler (or whatever they call that little fork thing you use to get em out of the shell)...  

They can't have been as big as Crispy...    he was huge!     and he looked like he would have been a bit chewy..

here you go... he was bout this size...

I have had snails in garlic butter before...  they are nice...  but they were little petit pois type snails!    Crispy would deffo have been the "go large" option
Cinds... I don't wanna know the really bad cat story!!        

though I do know what you mean!    

one of our friends accidently killed his girlfriends little kitten..... he stepped backwards with his work boots on and stood on it!!     When my boyfriend at the time told me I went into a fit something that wasn't crying or laughing or horror omg'ing,.... but some weird mix of them all.
yeah!! tell her to stop!!

Its bizarre to be shocked by it really...    I know when AJ was little there were a couple of close close calls... stumbling over him and stuff.

but it is really shocking when you hear about it actually happening.    

when I was told about my friends kitten I just kept saying to my bf "Karl did clear it all up didn't he?  tell me he didn't make Beccy do it"..    

I got all obsessed imagining it!

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