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My time here is done. Got the link from Real as a forum to post on that was active.  Yeah maybe --- but the paranoia on here s unbelieveable. Have had a few good threads, but at the end of the day FMs thinkinking someone is a previous FM has got to me. I don't need this type of forum where everyone here gangs up on newbies coz they think they maybe someone from the past. This is the job of the Mods and Admins.  Just hope the folk running this forum accept that the way forward is to accept new members and ensure they can participate in the general chat on here.
Sorry to be going but the shite from Croc i hear tme after time makes me wonder why anyone would ever come here to post. Hapy new year to you all and wonder how long this place will last with the likes of the above mentioned FM welcoming newbies. Goodbye to all my friends

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Sorry to be going but the shite from Croc i hear tme after time

how can you hear that time after time when you were a supposed newbie..

oh and do you have a flounce post saved on your PC cos it's the same wording every time. . [tho the zillion sad smilies are lacking form this one] 

bonkers mental people on the web. . but thanks for giving me a giggle I knew something was missing this Xmas. . mentalness is back and alive and kicking again 

oops nearly forgot. . Au revoir... a bientot
Mount Olympus *Olly*
I've never had a problem with Real but have to say that he has a particular MO which is predictable and easy to spot especially by the fms he's offended apparently
The reason fms think you're him is that you are following that MO to the letter. If you want to be accepted, which you were until all this started, then stop the flouncy, shouty unpleasantness.
I think you owe Croc an apology too
I must miss all this bitching, baiting and back biting.  The forum seems quite quiet to me and quite friendly.  I do see the odd niggle but it seems like handbags at fifty paces stuff.  Perhaps people should try to be a bit more thick skinned.  I post on a politics forum and often get called all sorts of nasty things but for the most part I couldn't care less and when things do get  a bit heated and personal I just log off to resume battle later - it's only the internet.  Don't get me wrong, one of my biggest faults is that I am thin skinned in real life and do take offence easy - however, the Internet's the Internet IMO.
Reference: Cold Sweat
My New Years resolution is to flounce less and to spend more time on GaGa! I tend to take this forum for granted... which is what I did with our old C4 home... until it suddenly wasn't available any more!
For what it's worth, Cold Sweat I have never seen you flounce. (Of course it's possible I missed it.)
I also think of you as a very loyal supporter of Big Brother and a particular housemate.
Your loyalty was exemplary. 
For what it's worth, Cold Sweat I have never seen you flounce. (Of course it's possible I missed it.) I also think of you as a very loyal supporter of Big Brother and a particular housemate. Your loyalty was exemplary
I was using the term loosely, Brisket.  I simply have spells of forum inactivity between series - dating back to the BBGF, C4 days.

We should be gossiping about potential CBB8 contestants by now... but alas this was not to be!
Cold Sweat
Sorry I can't quote on my phone and was unable to correct my post last night (there's no edit function on the ipohone app that I've yet found) 1/1/00 - 31/12/10 is 11 years not 10 so if the decade started 1/1/00 then it finished 31/12/09 which is 10 years. I am, as is everyone else 11 years older now than I was 1//1/00...not 10 years older.

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