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She's got no chance of any of those three winning. Rebecca will sound bland and boring no matter what they give her to sing. Kate will break down and forget the words to everything, and Cher will do her one trick pony comedy act. Cheryl has lost her bloody marbles, silly cow.
It's jealousy Prom.

Most of the rejects can sing better than her.
Cher looks like a Cheryl wannabee so she let her through.
Mind you, what was Danni thinking of... letting that Nicolo thing through and throwing Page out.

Stupid bints.
Cheryl has never put those through with just a good voice... she picks them based on their image, that was proven years ago when she sent Hannah Bradbeer packing in the judges homes stage. She knows Cher Lloyd will sail through to that final... that girl will rake in the votes, but it certainly won't be because of her singing voice.
Cheryl put Katie through because she has funny hair and 'ground-breaking' eyelashes. I like Cheryl she's always fair as a judge but proved to be absolutely clueless tonight when deciding who actually had potential.

There will be a huge backlash over this in the press. Cher and Katie fell to pieces and didn't actually perform at Cheryl's house. Therefore, she had already decided before the judge's house stage they were going through. So why bother putting all the others through the misery of rehearsing and giving everything when all they were ever going to get was a 'no'?

It's going to end in tears, yep
Therefore, she had already decided before the judge's house stage they were going through
Or with a cynical head on, she's trying to get her fee increased before she signs with Cowell to work in the States, so has pandered to his demands so his category can win this year. Her category is cack, Danni's ain't that much better (and there's been talk of Danni being dropped after this year), Storm is the only vocally strong act that Louis has while Simon has 3 brilliant acts who will make the majority look like amateurs. Hmmm coincidence much?
I didn't like Cheryls choices last night and still feel the same today although last night I was more pissed off at Gammu not getting through than TreC (or however the fook you spell it) but after watching TreC's auditions then it's clear that she is the better singer and should have been put through over Cher and wotsherface (brain fart here).  I'd have hoped for Rebecca, TreyC and Gammu for the 3 but it was clear that right from Chers first audition that she was a cert for Cheryls group.  On that note.....Chers first audition Cheryl said 'you're right up my street'  I destinctly remember thining well you live inCrap Lane coz that was pants!  The fake swagger is ridiculous,  it;s clearly put on IMO as Cher is far from Ghetto......just coz she likes that type of music doesn't mean she can make a good act from it herself.

I used to really like Cheryl but she's effed up big time now and has shown herself up particularly by putting through the blonde one who not only messed up all her auditions but has in no way got the likability factor and Cher, although liked by some, is way too fragile to cope with this at the min.  SO much for their usual line of 'You aren't ready for this' aren't ready for it woman!!

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