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The general election has provided lots of opportunities to watch and listen to interviewers at work.
We now have a glut of bombastic, aggressive, and rude interviewers.
Many people like this style when it began to emerge a number of years ago.
But I have now decided it has gone too far and I have had enough.
John Humphreys, Jeremy Paxman, the two Dimbleby brothers, and now Andrew Neill among others, have become not incisive but aggressive.
They interrupt far too much. They ask a question but do not listen to the answer, because no sooner has the question left their lips than they are interrupting again. Too much use of sarcasm too.
This sort of attack does not impress me. Andrew Neill was actually shouting his interruptions during the early hours.
It doesn't help me to understand the interviewee (a calmer yet probing interview would do that); it simply makes me think how rude and obnoxious the interviewer is.
I think this is an awful trend.

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Reference: brisket
Oh thanks for that Scotty! Lovely to watch Paxman getting rattled while Dr Gwilym remained calm. I do hope the day of the cocky aggressive interview will soon be over. It is simply not necessary - or useful. Thanks for the video Scotty.
You`re welcome brisket  I agree with you on their "interview techniques." It seems the interviewer is becoming more (self) important than the interview.

I`m with Baz on Andrew Marr.

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