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Erich Maria Remarque, All quiet on the Western Front, Flotsam, The Black Obelisk, The Promised Land, etc. , all good stuff. Mrs. Dalloway, To the Lighthouse /Virginia Wolf The Archipel Gulag/Solschenizyn Anything by Ibsen.Guenther Grass/The Tin Drum On a lighter note, anything by Stephen King, good old English thrillers, in fact, anything but romance
Hi Cologne thanks for the recommendations.  I've just had a look on Wikipeadia and I like the sound of The Black Obelisk.  P.S Happy belated Birthday  Hope you had a good one.
I mentioned this earlier in the thread, have been wanting to read it for ages. Will now order it over the weekend.

I had to wait for my library to get it in, I picked it up yesterday and the librarian could not stop waxing lyrical about it - so I have high hopes.
Dont read it while on holiday. I totally ignored my fella (cos I couldnt put it down) and spent most of the week in tears
lainy m
Reference: monkey13
Miss S, I have finished "I choose life". OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sorry monkey this the first time I've been in this thread since I recommended the book!

I'm so glad you decided to read it - it's one of the most moving books I have ever read - I think I finished it in about two days - I couldn't put it down.

The strength and courage of that young girl was unbelievable.
I'm so glad you decided to read it - it's one of the most moving books I have ever read - I think I finished it in about two days - I couldn't put it down. The strength and courage of that young girl was unbelievable.
I did it in two days too, just couldn't put it down. I was gripped by her strength, her ability to know how to handle such a monster for self preservation at 12 yrs old! What a girl, what a woman! I hope he rots in that jail. Thank you so much for recommending to me, it's one of those books that stay with you.
Haven't read back in the thread so don't know if this has been mentioned but I have just finished reading The Book Thief by Markus Zusak.
It was fantastic, I was hooked from start to finish. It's set during the 2nd World War and is narrated by Death. Really interesting premise with memorable characters.

Can't recommend it highly enough

EDIT whoops just read back and saw that Monkeys OP is about the Book Thief! Sorry Monkey  btw I totally agree with what you said there
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The one book that I bang on and on about on any book thread is

'The Divine Secrets of the Ya Ya sisterhood' a simply brilliant read (for women) I don't really think it's a mans cup of tea but i'd be interested to know if any men on here have read it.

I really cannot recommend highly enough.

My all time fave is 'A Star called Henry' by Roddy Doyle although I do appreciate that he is an acquired taste.
Soozy Woo

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