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I've read the first two of the Millennium trilogy by Stieg Larsson
Never tried them, aware of his name tho, and reckon it's one I should make a note of so as not to forget....... crikey, I'm going to be reading forever and a day with all these suggestions, our mobile is going to be totally fed up of me!  

Goodbye forum, hello the printed word!  
I've read the first two of the Millennium trilogy by Stieg Larsson. The first one was great (I haven't seen the film and having read the book I think I would be too scared), but the second was a real disappointment. Now I don't know if it is worth reading the third.
I'm usually very hesitant about reading trilogies Rexi. Sounds weird, I know, but I feel like im forced to read the rest and I don't like that.
I'm usually very hesitant about reading trilogies Rexi. Sounds weird, I know, but I feel like im forced to read the rest and I don't like that.
You wouldn't like my Brian Lumley ones then, so much more than a trilogy!  Only about 14 in the set!  

You don't have to read them all though, but it is a set that you do have to start with #1  but once read, you're hooked!  

I've been considering that I should start them again, and it's very rare I do that

gawd I'm sad....... this thread has made me want to go to bed to read..... think I could get away with it at 6:20 pm?     
I could go on for pages with book recommendations - but won't! I'll just say that re A Thousand Splendid Suns. I can't recommend this book too highly. It is even better than The Kite Runner which was also a fantastic read. A Thousand Splendid Suns will make you angry and sad and moved - a wonderful book
Nice one Veggie  Have added the "Kite runner" to my list.
I'd recommend that you read that first, then A Thousand Splendid Suns and also, if you haven't read it that you add Chris Cleave's 'The Other Hand' to your list
Just finished the "Other hand" Super. I loved it! It was even very current with that poor girl, Gamu striving for her safety. I couldn't put it down. I would of loved a more concrete conclusion at the end, but maybe it's best to make your own. Many thanks for your recommendation  Any more? 
Last edited by monkey13
Just finished the "Other hand" Super. I loved it!
Many thanks for your recommendation  Any more?
Monkey, I really enjoyed another of Chris Cleave's books: Incendiary and would definitely recommend that. Some other favourites of mine are: The Red Tent Anita Diamant; The Robber Bride Margaret Atwood,( not generally a fan of hers but thought this was brilliant,)Possession A.S.Byatt; Before I Say Goodbye Ruth Picardie, (you'll need a v big box of kleenex for that one,)The Last Lovers William Wharton; An Evil Cradling Brian Keenan;The Bridges of Madison County Robert James Waller; Sophie's Choice William Styron
Sophie's Choice William Styron
This book had me in tears and so much better than the Meryl Streep film   I read it before I read Schindler's Ark (which was the original name of the book before it was changed to Schindler's List for the film).

Both are better than their respective films and so worth a read
Erich Maria Remarque, All quiet on the Western Front, Flotsam, The Black Obelisk, The Promised Land, etc. , all good stuff.
Mrs. Dalloway, To the Lighthouse /Virginia Wolf
The Archipel Gulag/Solschenizyn
Anything by Ibsen.Guenther Grass/The Tin Drum

On a lighter note, anything by Stephen King, good old English thrillers, in fact, anything but romance.
cologne 1
Monkey, I really enjoyed another of Chris Cleave's books: Incendiary and would definitely recommend that. Some other favourites of mine are: The Red Tent Anita Diamant; The Robber Bride Margaret Atwood,( not generally a fan of hers but thought this was brilliant,)Possession A.S.Byatt; Before I Say Goodbye Ruth Picardie, (you'll need a v big box of kleenex for that one,)The Last Lovers William Wharton; An Evil Cradling Brian Keenan;The Bridges of Madison County Robert James Waller; Sophie's Choice William Styron
Super, thank you so much for the recommendations, it's really kind of you. I have made notes of the titles and added them to my growing list. I just can't stop reading at the moment. That sounds weird, but you know what I mean hopefully lol.

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