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I have never been a massive fan of Siavash, as I think he is dead boring, but oh dear, telling us we should start giving our money to Africa! Who does he think he is?! I am so glad Marcus gave him what for!

This country has never been in such severe financial strife, with people losing their homes and jobs and livelihoods, left right and centre, and he comes out with a doozy like this! How ignorant and naive is he, to come out with something like this?!

Shut the heck up Siavash, stick to wearing ridiculous clothes and silly make up, and trying to create an image that no-one else in the world would want to copy.

And this using the f-word every seventh word or so, for no particular reason, as part of a normal conversation, is totally narking me off now. Can you imagine the furore if one of the girls did this?!

Can't help thinking that Siavash is trying to be something he isn't. I am under the impression that the Siavash we are seeing, is not the real person, as he seems very fake to me. To be honest, he sounds and looks plain silly to me.

If he is up next, I will be voting for him. Unless he is up against Sree, then I will vote for him, but I would be quite happy to see Siavash go. He is pointless and boring and brings nothing to the house, and on top of that, he talks crap too. Nod

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Originally posted by storm:
I have never been a massive fan of Siavash, as I think he is dead boring, but oh dear, telling us we should start giving our money to Africa! Who does he think he is?! I am so glad Marcus gave him what for!

This country has never been in such severe financial strife, with people losing their homes and jobs and livelihoods, left right and centre, and he comes out with a doozy like this! How ignorant and naive is he, to come out with something like this?!

Shut the heck up Siavash, stick to wearing ridiculous clothes and silly make up, and trying to create an image that no-one else in the world would want to copy.

And this using the f-word every seventh word or so, for no particular reason, as part of a normal conversation, is totally narking me off now. Can you imagine the furore if one of the girls did this?!

Can't help thinking that Siavash is trying to be something he isn't. I am under the impression that the Siavash we are seeing, is not the real person, as he seems very fake to me. To be honest, he sounds and looks plain silly to me.

If he is up next, I will be voting for him. Unless he is up against Sree, then I will vote for him, but I would be quite happy to see Siavash go. He is pointless and boring and brings nothing to the house, and on top of that, he talks crap too. Nod

I agree, he is creating an image but I think its fake and he is really just a boring twerp who has to dress up in colourful outfits to make himself interesting.
Originally posted by squiggle:
I agree, he is creating an image but I think its fake and he is really just a boring twerp who has to dress up in colourful outfits to make himself interesting.
Thank God LOL Laugh Thought I was the only one.

Also think he should shut his gob when it comes to world affairs. I mean, telling us we should give money to Africa and stop keeping it for ourselves. That made me so angry. Mad He hasn't got a CLUE what he is talking about. I bet he lost a lot of fans that night. And people who were 'on the fence' with him would have really gone off him too.
Originally posted by storm:
Originally posted by squiggle:
I agree, he is creating an image but I think its fake and he is really just a boring twerp who has to dress up in colourful outfits to make himself interesting.
Thank God LOL Laugh Thought I was the only one.

Also think he should shut his gob when it comes to world affairs. I mean, telling us we should give money to Africa and stop keeping it for ourselves. That made me so angry. Mad He hasn't got a CLUE what he is talking about. I bet he lost a lot of fans that night. And people who were 'on the fence' with him would have really gone off him too.

and he may have made a lot of fans last night as well, those people that find it refreshing to see some on who is concerned with the imbalance and sufering in the world
Originally posted by JacksonB:
he was pointing out the imbalance of wealthy nations as opposed to poor countries and he's right, what we spend and trivia could set a poor nation on it's feet, not that,that's going to happen bcause marcus is right to, the corrupt governments won't allow it to happen

He was right in that respect, most definitely. Unfortunately, the way to redress the situation is not to throw money at these countries. Marcus was right in what he said because most of these countries are run by corrupt governments i.e Zimbabwe and the despot Mugabe ( Mad )and the money will just go to them.
Originally posted by JacksonB:
he was pointing out the imbalance of wealthy nations as opposed to poor countries and he's right, what we spend and trivia could set a poor nation on it's feet, not that,that's going to happen bcause marcus is right to, the corrupt governments won't allow it to happen

We do give a lot of foreign aid from this country. How much foreign aid does Iran give I wonder?
Originally posted by squiggle:
Originally posted by JacksonB:
he was pointing out the imbalance of wealthy nations as opposed to poor countries and he's right, what we spend and trivia could set a poor nation on it's feet, not that,that's going to happen bcause marcus is right to, the corrupt governments won't allow it to happen

We do give a lot of foreign aid from this country. How much foreign aid does Iran give I wonder?
no idea, but how is that relevant?
Originally posted by JacksonB:
Originally posted by squiggle:
Originally posted by JacksonB:
he was pointing out the imbalance of wealthy nations as opposed to poor countries and he's right, what we spend and trivia could set a poor nation on it's feet, not that,that's going to happen bcause marcus is right to, the corrupt governments won't allow it to happen

We do give a lot of foreign aid from this country. How much foreign aid does Iran give I wonder?
no idea, but how is that relevant?

Well pardon me but as Siavash raised the question of giving aid to help poorer countries and he is from Iran I thought it was very relevant Confused
I disagree that he gained more fans with what he said, but each to their own. Someone who is just about to lose their home, and doesn't know where they are going to be living this time next month, who fears having enough money to feed their kids and keep their family, and whose business has crashed in the recession and so on, does not want to hear from some over-stuffed little peacock in the BB house who knows NOTHING, that we should be giving our money to Africa!

This country is on its knees, and I find the suggestion grossly offensive, especially when some of the African countries governments probably have more money than us. Why doesn't someone send some money OUR way? This country is desperate at the moment, and some little know-all makes a remark like this?! Makes my blood boil - seriously.!!

I think Siavash lost more followers than he gained with what he said. He was trying to be all clever and 'hey, feed the world man, and share your money...' but he came across as a prat who didn't know what he was talking about. He should mind his own business and stick to wearing daft outfits!
Originally posted by squiggle:
Originally posted by JacksonB:
Originally posted by squiggle:
Originally posted by JacksonB:
he was pointing out the imbalance of wealthy nations as opposed to poor countries and he's right, what we spend and trivia could set a poor nation on it's feet, not that,that's going to happen bcause marcus is right to, the corrupt governments won't allow it to happen

We do give a lot of foreign aid from this country. How much foreign aid does Iran give I wonder?
no idea, but how is that relevant?

Well pardon me but as Siavash raised the question of giving aid to help poorer countries and he is from Iran I thought it was very relevant Confused

well,excuse me also, but i haven't as yet heard his views on iran.
he went up in my estimation for that Thumbs Up

but then i've been to africa and seen the poverty for myself......sorry Storm. but your post just highlights the disgusting selfishness and ignorance of the ordinary Brit who really doesn't have a clue what real poverty is Roll Eyes A person on the lowest benefits here would be like a millionnaire in some countries there Frowner

.....but who cares about people without water when losing the means to upgrade to a new plasma telly is much more pressing eh Roll Eyes

Well done Siavash Clapping
Originally posted by DanceSettee:
he went up in my estimation for that Thumbs Up

but then i've been to africa and seen the poverty for myself......sorry Storm. but your post just highlights the disgusting selfishness and ignorance of the ordinary Brit who really doesn't have a clue what real poverty is Roll Eyes A person on the lowest benefits here would be like a millionnaire in some countries there Frowner

.....but who cares about people without water when losing the means to upgrade to a new plasma telly is much more pressing eh Roll Eyes

Well done Siavash Clapping

But also some people from this country (like myself and my husband) have been giving aid to Africa for the last 45 years. And we are not rich people but we know that a small amount from us makes a huge huge difference over there. We have sponsored children and seen the difference that education makes, given money for digging wells to provide clean water so that women don't have to walk half a day every day to get it etc. etc. So we are not all heartless grabbers of plasma TV's. But I do not begrudge those who want to spend their hard earned cash on little luxuries for their families either.
Originally posted by DanceSettee:
he went up in my estimation for that Thumbs Up

but then i've been to africa and seen the poverty for myself......sorry Storm. but your post just highlights the disgusting selfishness and ignorance of the ordinary Brit who really doesn't have a clue what real poverty is Roll Eyes A person on the lowest benefits here would be like a millionnaire in some countries there Frowner

.....but who cares about people without water when losing the means to upgrade to a new plasma telly is much more pressing eh Roll Eyes

Well done Siavash Clapping
Yep I knew someone would post something like this.. Roll Eyes Wondered how long it would take Laugh I have never had a plasma telly by the way, but I am pleased that you can afford one Smiler Many people I know cannot. Also pleased you can afford to send money to Africa. AGAIN, many people I know cannot.

Sounds as if you know about as much as Siavash about real life problems! You need to get out more, and meet more people in THIS country who have problems and get off your soapbox Nod

Have to say; I found your post very ignorant.
Originally posted by squiggle:But also some people from this country (like myself and my husband) have been giving aid to Africa for the last 45 years. And we are not rich people but we know that a small amount from us makes a huge huge difference over there. We have sponsored children and seen the difference that education makes, given money for digging wells to provide clean water so that women don't have to walk half a day every day to get it etc. etc. So we are not all heartless grabbers of plasma TV's. But I do not begrudge those who want to spend their hard earned cash on little luxuries for their families either.
Squiggle, there is always going to be SOMEONE who will put a post on here telling us what greedy fatcats we are here, because we have electricity and cars and tvs and so on, and how much better off we are than those in Africa. There is always someone who will get on their high horse. Smiler My point was, who the hell does Siavash think he is?! And I am more worried about my OWN country than anyone else's right now. If that makes me selfish, and mean and thoughtless and uncaring, then so be it. Nod
Originally posted by storm:
Originally posted by Liverpoollass:
Play nicely now peeps. Let's have a good debate Nod
I am trying LL, but it is very hard when you get sanctimonious posts like the one from dance settee Mad

Everyone's got different opinions on things though Storm, which is what makes this forum interesting. It will be good to have a debate that stays here and doesn't get moved to the Troll Tank Big Grin
Originally posted by storm:
And ........... breathe ............ I shan't bite at any more of those kind of posts. I just found that one out of order. But I shall ignore any similar ones now Nod

you've posted several rants in this thread about vash and his views, which i read and your repsnse to those wh have a different point view is extreme and now getting personal.
Originally posted by Liverpoollass:

Everyone's got different opinions on things though Storm, which is what makes this forum interesting. It will be good to have a debate that stays here and doesn't get moved to the Troll Tank Big Grin
That's cool LL, I just didn;t like this way DS said that us ordinary brits are selfish and clueless and ignoranr. I found the remark quite shocking actually, when you think of how bad things have been for us over here... I shall try and be more calm now though Nod
Originally posted by JacksonB:
Originally posted by storm:
And ........... breathe ............ I shan't bite at any more of those kind of posts. I just found that one out of order. But I shall ignore any similar ones now Nod

you've posted several rants in this thread about vash and his views, which i read and your repsnse to those wh have a different point view is extreme and now getting personal.
Just got a bit annoyed at Dance settees' post that's all and said I found the post ignorant, I haven't got personal: they did though, they called us Brits rather nasty names Frowner How have my views been personal or rude?
Originally posted by squiggle:

But also some people from this country (like myself and my husband) have been giving aid to Africa for the last 45 years. And we are not rich people but we know that a small amount from us makes a huge huge difference over there. We have sponsored children and seen the difference that education makes, given money for digging wells to provide clean water so that women don't have to walk half a day every day to get it etc. etc. So we are not all heartless grabbers of plasma TV's. But I do not begrudge those who want to spend their hard earned cash on little luxuries for their families either.

I don't begrudge it person/family can't change everything in the world and your own family will always come first and no matter what we give it would never be enough...that's for governments to sort out

.......what sickened me about the OP's post was the comparison between British poverty and African poverty.......there is no F***** comparison Roll Eyes

....wail about how the credit crunch is affecting you by all means, but don't do it in the same context of real just makes a person look greedy and shallow. Frowner

...and then to mock a person who actually recognises the facts, like Siavash did....says more about the self centredness of our society than it does about Siavash...........shame on those who agree with that perspective Frowner
Originally posted by storm:
Originally posted by JacksonB:
Originally posted by storm:
And ........... breathe ............ I shan't bite at any more of those kind of posts. I just found that one out of order. But I shall ignore any similar ones now Nod

you've posted several rants in this thread about vash and his views, which i read and your repsnse to those wh have a different point view is extreme and now getting personal.
Just got a bit annoyed at Dance settees' post that's all and said I found the post ignorant, I haven't got personal: they did though, they called us Brits rather nasty names Frowner How have my views been personal or rude?

he/she said that as a nation we are selfish and ignorant of the real suffering in africa,i suspect many of us are.
I really like Siavash and find him quite refreshing; I love his interesting dress sense and appearance, but I will agree that his swearing is excessive. However, after what I saw of him on the highlights show last night, I actually respect him now, which is something that I generally don't associate with a Big Brother contestant.
Originally posted by DanceSettee:
Originally posted by squiggle:

But also some people from this country (like myself and my husband) have been giving aid to Africa for the last 45 years. And we are not rich people but we know that a small amount from us makes a huge huge difference over there. We have sponsored children and seen the difference that education makes, given money for digging wells to provide clean water so that women don't have to walk half a day every day to get it etc. etc. So we are not all heartless grabbers of plasma TV's. But I do not begrudge those who want to spend their hard earned cash on little luxuries for their families either.

I don't begrudge it person/family can't change everything in the world and your own family will always come first and no matter what we give it would never be enough...that's for governments to sort out

.......what sickened me about the OP's post was the comparison between British poverty and African poverty.......there is no F***** comparison Roll Eyes

....wail about how the credit crunch is affecting you by all means, but don't do it in the same context of real just makes a person look greedy and shallow. Frowner

...and then to mock a person who actually recognises the facts, like Siavash did....says more about the self centredness of our society than it does about Siavash...........shame on those who agree with that perspective Frowner

I just think I would have had a little more respect for Siavash if he had said something along the lines of "and I give on a personal level and I wish others would do the same". As I said before we give a lot in foreign aid and I do doubt whether we can still afford to give as much as we do. (Reading this back I am editing so as to make clear that this refers to Government aid not what we give as a couple, referring to whether the country can still afford to give as much as we always have done)

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