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Former Member



Not sure how many people will care.  (Probably not many...)  But I'm taking a long break from here.  May possibly return.  Not sure.  I don't want to ask to be deregged, as I may want to come back after a while; but I am just a bit fed up and I need a decent break.


I almost always seem to offend someone when I post, and even if I don't put anything untoward, someone seems to get offended by me...  Sometimes, I feel that it's only because it's me who said it, and if someone else put the same comments, the comments would be laughed off or overlooked.  I'm fully aware that some people don't like me, but no matter what I put, it will be misconstrued/taken the wrong way/made into something.


Maybe I do rant a bit and blurt out views and opinions, and I don't seriously expect adverse views to not be challenged, but I do feel that the reaction to things said on here, depends on who posts it.  And I honestly think that I  get much more negative reactions to what I put, compared to some.


Even if I put something that doesn't invite controversy, I seem to generate comments from people who seem to 'accidently' get me confused with someone else, and they say 'oh sorry lol.'  I don't know why this happens, but it does.


I'm not looking for sympathy or anyone to say 'STAY, don't go...'  I just want to say that I am off for a while, because I am genuinely fed up now.  Fed up feeling that whatever I say will be jumped on (certainly more so than if it were someone else,) and I am just generally fed up about a couple of other issues too.


See ya.    Take care everyone, and thanks to the people who have been nice and supportive, but I just feel weary of this forum at the moment.  And I need a few months off ...


Have a nice summer.  Hopefully it will stop raining.  


I am logging off now and won't be logging back in, so I won't post again on this thread (or any other for quite a while...)  



Replies sorted oldest to newest

I'd rather you stayed CC. We have been over the hill and far away in forumland and we have found a place where we can stay. This should not mean that we can't have a row now and again. Most Christmasses are blighted by family members, who have not seen each other for a while, argue like billy ho. It's boring on here if everybody just agrees with everybody else. It hasn't descended into the tripe we had a few years ago, so please stay and take it like a woman.


And keep at it.

cologne 1
Originally Posted by velvet donkey:

Cupcake...don't make it permanent.


No-one else can rant fantastically like you and hell why not?  That's what it's for. And you're not just a ranter either. I've never seen you have a go once 


I do not want you to go  


You've got forum exhaustion - nothing more 


It passes  


Yep! I hope you don't go.. and if you have gone , I hope you're back soon.

Rants aren't all you do ( but I have to say, the rants are class! will miss them if you're away! ) , and it'll be a duller place while you're gone x



Ok, I'm just going to be completely honest, as that's how I roll.


Cupcake, if you want to take some leave from this forum then that's fine, that's your choice. I do think though that you can be overly sensitive to some peoples replies or comments. We all say things on here that not everyone agrees with, we all get comments going against what we say, its just the way a forum works.


You aren't the only one to have this happen to, so you need to stop pointing out that you're constantly being picked on. No-one is disagreeing, or raising concerns with you because they hate, they just want to make their own points. When this happens you can get overly defensive, which can come across as being quite offensive.


I'm not saying this to add salt to 'your wound', and I know you will most likely be checking up on this thread, to see our replies (why else would you create it?), but you really need to stop taking everything so literally, and understand that if you're going to be controversial then you have to expect a level of opposition.


No one hates you on here, its not like you've hurt a member of their family or anything, but I do hope you take some time out to think about your decision.  Its all fun and games at the end of the day.


Ok, maybe I don't know how to put this either, but I think Rawks and Soops have a point. It's not like you were 'teared' into with a rage CC. And if the OP was directed at me, well so be it, but the last thing I want anyone to do is leave the forum because they feel bullied or got at. We all are never going to have the same opinions and that is just how forum life goes TBH. 




The original point being made was that in the OP's opinion the rudest in society were women in the age bracket of 50-75.... now considering we have a good few on here that are over 50 and women, I can't for the life of me see why cupcake thought her post was jumped on...when it was women in that age bracket replying 


I don't mind the OP's post and I find them interesting to read and mostly have a different take on opinions than I have  I hope she comes back, but people are going to have different views about certain subjects, it happens. 

Originally Posted by nuts:

Soops! That's it in a nutshell! See, I'm better at the one liners and I can't say what I want to properly at times  

Humour is always a get out clause!

Doesn't escape from the fact that the person who is the butt end of it is sometimes a bit hurt by it!

Funny ol word this interwebby business

Originally Posted by Supercalifragilistic:
Originally Posted by nuts:

Soops! That's it in a nutshell! See, I'm better at the one liners and I can't say what I want to properly at times  

Humour is always a get out clause!

Doesn't escape from the fact that the person who is the butt end of it is sometimes a bit hurt by it!

Funny ol word this interwebby business

But I'm never always trying to be funny. Like I say, I just can't get my thoughts across properly at times. 


I don't know, I'm not feeling bullied or got at but maybe it's me that should go and have a total re-think and come back again some other time 

Originally Posted by nuts:
Originally Posted by Supercalifragilistic:
Originally Posted by nuts:

Soops! That's it in a nutshell! See, I'm better at the one liners and I can't say what I want to properly at times  

Humour is always a get out clause!

Doesn't escape from the fact that the person who is the butt end of it is sometimes a bit hurt by it!

Funny ol word this interwebby business

But I'm never always trying to be funny. Like I say, I just can't get my thoughts across properly at times. 


I don't know, I'm not feeling bullied or got at but maybe it's me that should go and have a total re-think and come back again some other time 

Oh Bloody hell nuts!

Maybe we should all get in a rl room! I know, for my part, most of my day to day friends broadly agree with my views, BUT my closest bf has a completely different view! 


I've not been here since Tuesday as been away so have no idea if something has triggered this but I think it's a shame if someone leaves because they feel got at.

I think there is what I would describe as mild bullying/ganging up at times on here but the people doing it would probably be quite shocked if it was pointed out to them - I did point it out once a while back and that's why I probably get ignored now - so be it.


Cupcake, if you feel you need a break then take one but don't leave if you feel you are being forced into that position. This forum belongs to all the users equally - no person has more of a right to a view than anyone else.


But if you post strong opinions then others will disagree with you and you have to be prepared for that. If you think it is crossing the line at any point then you should say so there and then.


As for people accusing you of being Sparkles; I have no idea if you are and I don't care but I do remember Lori handing down really strong warnings a few months back about fms accusing other fms of being former fm x, y, z and stated then that she takes a dim view of it so if you really feel that got at then speak to her about it xx


To talk about CC being sparkles and viceverse is a bit silly and I think there can be a bit of undercurrent on this forum still, but I do think that we've found the measure of it now and it feels alright apart from a few hiccups. As I said last night, if we never row on here it would be a bit dreary. We all have different opinions. I just don't like it when it turns to being somewhat nasty (and I will admit that I have been guilty of that a few times).

cologne 1
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