Enthusiastic Contrafibularities posted:
Song for Yogi & Baz.
Where ?
I had to go fetch it.
Night night and thanks for your company
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities posted:
I had to go fetch it.
I like his voice but not so keen on the song.
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities posted:
I had to go fetch it.
Not really my thing I'm afraid EC .....
Baz posted:
I see ya Baz - evening
Which channel is it on, I'm confuddled?
S'okay, I've found it.
Baz posted:Hi Rosie
That Pekingese looks naff ! ,
The Malones aren't impressed
Baz posted:Yogi19 posted:Which channel is it on, I'm confuddled?
4 yogi
It wasn't showing on my tv guide for some reason. It is now.
Roger the Alien posted:Baz posted:Hi Rosie
That Pekingese looks naff ! ,
The Malones aren't impressed
No, My mum and dad had one ....darn vicious ...scared the life out of me
Baz posted:I want the Westie
It was gorgeous
Yogi19 posted:S'okay, I've found it.
Hi Yogi
I wonder if the vicar's FiL was also a vicar?
Roger the Alien posted:Yogi19 posted:S'okay, I've found it.
Hi Yogi
Hi Rog
Baz posted:Roger the Alien posted:Baz posted:Hi Rosie
That Pekingese looks naff ! ,
The Malones aren't impressed
No, My mum and dad had one ....darn vicious ...scared the life out of me
Poodles too Baz! I'm terrified of them I got bit when young
Roger the Alien posted:Baz posted:Roger the Alien posted:Baz posted:Hi Rosie
That Pekingese looks naff ! ,
The Malones aren't impressed
No, My mum and dad had one ....darn vicious ...scared the life out of me
Poodles too Baz! I'm terrified of them I got bit when young
concentrates the mind eh Rosie
Roger the Alien posted:Baz posted:Roger the Alien posted:Baz posted:Hi Rosie
That Pekingese looks naff ! ,
The Malones aren't impressed
No, My mum and dad had one ....darn vicious ...scared the life out of me
Poodles too Baz! I'm terrified of them I got bit when young
Aww, I used to be frightened of German Shepherds because my brother was bitten by one. Then I moved to my present house and a neighbour had a huge GS that was a soft as anything. My first golden retriever used to love playing with it.
Yogi19 posted:Roger the Alien posted:Baz posted:Roger the Alien posted:Baz posted:Hi Rosie
That Pekingese looks naff ! ,
The Malones aren't impressed
No, My mum and dad had one ....darn vicious ...scared the life out of me
Poodles too Baz! I'm terrified of them I got bit when young
Aww, I used to be frightened of German Shepherds because my brother was bitten by one. Then I moved to my present house and a neighbour had a huge GS that was a soft as anything. My first golden retriever used to love playing with it.
So cute
Yogi19 posted:Roger the Alien posted:Baz posted:Roger the Alien posted:Baz posted:Hi Rosie
That Pekingese looks naff ! ,
The Malones aren't impressed
No, My mum and dad had one ....darn vicious ...scared the life out of me
Poodles too Baz! I'm terrified of them I got bit when young
Aww, I used to be frightened of German Shepherds because my brother was bitten by one. Then I moved to my present house and a neighbour had a huge GS that was a soft as anything. My first golden retriever used to love playing with it.
Hahaha, "you only get a thousand words a week"
Those robots are freaky
Yogi19 posted:Those robots are freaky
Very freaky Yogi
Roger the Alien posted:Yogi19 posted:Those robots are freaky
Very freaky Yogi
Giles is very clever but a bit bonkers
Yogi19 posted:Giles is very clever but a bit bonkers
He gets on my nerves Yogi
Baz posted:Yogi19 posted:Those robots are freaky
Very ....plenty around though
Roger the Alien posted:Yogi19 posted:Giles is very clever but a bit bonkers
He gets on my nerves Yogi
I wouldn't want to live with him
I went to that toyshop in NY once, the one with the big floor piano
Roger the Alien posted:Yogi19 posted:Giles is very clever but a bit bonkers
He gets on my nerves Yogi
He always looks like he needs a wash
Yogi19 posted:Roger the Alien posted:Yogi19 posted:Giles is very clever but a bit bonkers
He gets on my nerves Yogi
I wouldn't want to live with him
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