OMG The Salutation is up for sale !!!!
Mr Parker, married to Stephanie, said: "The Salutation is hard work and not really working for us as a family now the children are growing up. It is time for a change after nine years, but I will miss it as it is a beautiful place.
"It is a big responsibility and we were always aware we were just another custodian. We have done our bit and quite excited about having new people coming in."
Look at Dom
Just a reminder for tonight
One of the gay guys will say minge
OMG Japanese men...
Viva Nigella !!!
Nice one Dom!!!
It is emotional
. . .and it just won't come out.
I feel his pain
I did't watch Educating Yorkshire, but I'm blubbing at that clip!
Believe me Kaffy it aint worth it.
I got out of teaching before i qualified - lil sh*ts that they are
I've a couple of close friends that teach, Sainty... it's not easy, it takes a special kind of person to do it well I think.
... and surely if you weren't qualified, you didn'tactually get into teaching. Call me a pedant...
Russel Brand has a hideously small willy < < < true
... and surely if you weren't qualified, you didn'tactually get into teaching. Call me a pedant...
We actually did teaching in schools.
But i bailed
Puss off mouse
I did't watch Educating Yorkshire, but I'm blubbing at that clip!
I saw the end and I was
The novelty might be wearing off.
As ever I enjoyed Gogglebox this week. I find that the people genuinely make me laugh. I think it's because we can all relate to the circumstances these people are in.
The number of times I have made similar comments about shows or found myself a little bit moved by something like the lad on Educating Yorkshire who had success reading in front of the school.
The two soul sisters are a bit hammish and the Kent duo.
Asian dudes are level.
The two soul sisters are a bit hammish and the Kent duo.
Asian dudes are level.
The soul sisters make me laugh as I know similar types. The Kent couple seem permanently sloshed
June and Leon make me laugh,
"Get me a cracker June"
Love Dom & Steph - the posh couple. They were great on Four in a bed
Loved the voice over man..Steph used to work for NASA....Dom likes shooting..
I did't watch Educating Yorkshire, but I'm blubbing at that clip!
Tell me about it. I blubbered watching it, then blubbered again the next day trying t tell Mr C about it, then blubbered again watching the clip on gogglebox.
June and Leon make me laugh,
"Get me a cracker June"
Love Dom & Steph - the posh couple. They were great on Four in a bed
He cracks me up. That cracker reference was brilliant.
Do you think he'll ever be allowed a cracker
Leon, "Can i have a cracker June - with cottage cheese?"
June, "No"
June, "Tonight's show is about gastric bands"
Leon, "I'll have one of those."
Gogglebox is on and it's probably a repeat, but I aint seen this one.
Although I was away last week.
âĶor have I. I'm starting to recognise bits now.
I don't recall Audrey and Brenda on the show before!
I'm just watching that lovely man lose his wife of 66 years and all I can think of is that I wish the ambulance man didn't keep calling him "mate".
Aw, that poor bloke who's wife died.
Aww, poor Reg.
I'm bloody welling up.
Glad theres an advert so I can find a tissue.
I'm bloody welling up.
Glad theres an advert so I can find a tissue.
We're still on Gogglebox though not Television X.
I'm bloody welling up.
Glad theres an advert so I can find a tissue.
He needed to talk about her, I guess, and tell us how much he loved her.
I'd love to be married for 66 years.