Now that was interesting, you can see who seems to swing left and the ones that don't!
I knew I was right to dislike the Tappers....
Now that was interesting, you can see who seems to swing left and the ones that don't!
I knew I was right to dislike the Tappers....
It's good watching the buildup to the elections on Gogglebox and what they were saying to the telly.
Yes EC it was very interesting like a mini opinion poll the way they critiqued the different leaders' performances in the run up to the election. In hindsight, you could see where things were heading, maybe?
Yes, I particularly enjoyed some of the comments Rog.
Now that was interesting, you can see who seems to swing left and the ones that don't!
I knew I was right to dislike the Tappers....
It did not take knowing that they are conservatories for me to dislike them.
Friday 11th September is the start of the new and final series (well I think it may be).
I'll have to give it a watch tonight seeing as I missed the last one!
The Siddiqui's are far too good to be for real, they must be scripted.
Why do women do that?
She laughs like a howler monkey.
@ Siddiqui's & squirrels
I think everyone is in either the BB thread or the rugby thread EC
I thought they would be Baz, I'm just filling in a bit of time before bed.
I'm used to my own company.
I think everyone is in either the BB thread or the rugby thread EC
I thought they would be Baz, I'm just filling in a bit of time before bed.
I'm used to my own company.
Aww I turned over during the 5 adverts ....but 4 had synchronised it, so....
I went out to lunch with another FM today , and they served the meal on wooden platters....I had a smile thinking of what you would have said
I went out to lunch with another FM today , and they served the meal on wooden platters....I had a smile thinking of what you would have said
...just before I sent them back
I went out to lunch with another FM today , and they served the meal on wooden platters....I had a smile thinking of what you would have said
I was within about 10 meters of GJ a few weeks ago... at the match.
I went out to lunch with another FM today , and they served the meal on wooden platters....I had a smile thinking of what you would have said
I was within about 10 meters of GJ a few weeks ago... at the match.
Awww did you speak ?
I went out to lunch with another FM today , and they served the meal on wooden platters....I had a smile thinking of what you would have said
...just before I sent them back
I went out to lunch with another FM today , and they served the meal on wooden platters....I had a smile thinking of what you would have said
I was within about 10 meters of GJ a few weeks ago... at the match.
Awww did you speak ?
No, he was in a bar outside the ground, I passed by. I should have probably got there earlier and hunted tracked him down.
I went out to lunch with another FM today , and they served the meal on wooden platters....I had a smile thinking of what you would have said
I was within about 10 meters of GJ a few weeks ago... at the match.
Awww did you speak ?
No, he was in a bar outside the ground, I passed by. I should have probably got there earlier and hunted tracked him down.
yes , and said * make mine a martini ...shaken , not stirred *
I went out to lunch with another FM today , and they served the meal on wooden platters....I had a smile thinking of what you would have said
I was within about 10 meters of GJ a few weeks ago... at the match.
Awww did you speak ?
No, he was in a bar outside the ground, I passed by. I should have probably got there earlier and hunted tracked him down.
yes , and said * make mine a martini ...shaken , not stirred *
That Louie lad - finding it hard to tolerate his self satisfying shrieks and rudeness to his parents
The Posh Alkies are on The One Show tonight.
I like her hair.
I've not been keeping up with this series, has anyone else?
I've not been keeping up with this series, has anyone else?
Yes, its still v.enjoyable EC. Last night ended with a very moving momet between June and Leon
A lot of them seem to have got dogs though perhaps its the Steph and Dom / Malones effect? [Shan't mention the vicar's unspeakable flashing dog ]
I've not been keeping up with this series, has anyone else?
Yes, its still v.enjoyable EC. Last night ended with a very moving momet between June and Leon
A lot of them seem to have got dogs though perhaps its the Steph and Dom / Malones effect? [Shan't mention the vicar's unspeakable flashing dog ]
Thanks Rog.
I was out again Friday so need to keep my eye open for the repeats.
On four now if your watchin wid me.
On four now if your watchin wid me.
Oops, I'm watching but I didn't realise you were.
On four now if your watchin wid me.
Oops, I'm watching but I didn't realise you were.
Hi Yogi,
Just turned the radio on to hear my team beat a local rival - I'm SUPER happy.
On four now if your watchin wid me.
Oops, I'm watching but I didn't realise you were.
Hi Yogi,
Just turned the radio on to hear my team beat a local rival - I'm SUPER happy.
Well done Sheffield Wednesday.
I think the Siddiqui (sp) father and sons, and Steph amd Dom are my favourites on Gogglebox
On four now if your watchin wid me.
Oops, I'm watching but I didn't realise you were.
Hi Yogi,
Just turned the radio on to hear my team beat a local rival - I'm SUPER happy.
Well done Sheffield Wednesday.
I think the Siddiqui (sp) father and sons, and Steph amd Dom are my favourites on Gogglebox
Thanks Yogi
Oh I love the Siddiquis, they come out with some great comments.Although the German can be quite funny from a base point of view.
On four now if your watchin wid me.
Oops, I'm watching but I didn't realise you were.
Hi Yogi,
Just turned the radio on to hear my team beat a local rival - I'm SUPER happy.
Well done Sheffield Wednesday.
I think the Siddiqui (sp) father and sons, and Steph amd Dom are my favourites on Gogglebox
Thanks Yogi
Oh I love the Siddiquis, they come out with some great comments.Although the German can be quite funny from a base point of view.
The family with the dogs, how many dogs do theyhave?!
I love Dirty Dancing movie
I love Dirty Dancing movie
If I was to pick a Swayze movie it would be Road House
I love Dirty Dancing movie
If I was to pick a Swayze movie it would be Road House
That was a good film.
The family with the dogs, how many dogs do theyhave?!
I have counted 32
"Nobody puts baby in the corner"
Even Mr Yogi knows that quote.
I love Dirty Dancing movie
If I was to pick a Swayze movie it would be Road House
That was a good film.
I'm just wondering how old both these characters are and is it appropriate?
The family with the dogs, how many dogs do theyhave?!
I have counted 32
It looks like it!
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