Dom sounds like he is pished.
Isn't he always?
Dom sounds like he is pished.
Isn't he always?
That was weird, I did not realise it was an advert!
I thought silent Jay was going to speak... but no.
This royal programme looks like another American f*** up. Glad I did not watch this carp.
This royal programme looks like another American f*** up. Glad I did not watch this carp.
yep... I heard Liz Hurley talking about it the other day saying how it wasn't based at all on the royals. Yeah.. sure...
This royal programme looks like another American f*** up. Glad I did not watch this carp.
and it just goes from bad script/acting to worse.
monkey slap
Monkey's slapping monkey's.
Aye Up this is a bit saucy!
"That's like me on the allotment"
Criminal earlobes.
Why would an ex-mobster wanted by the mob drive around his old stomping ground?
And why would Trevor sit in a car with him!!
Criminal earlobes.
Hi Scotty.
You'll be looking out for them now!
"Martin Squawkaysi"
Ruined now by scripted over reactions
She certainly has no 'cake fear'
Criminal earlobes.
Hi Scotty.
You'll be looking out for them now!
She certainly has no 'cake fear'
Take that De Niro.
Thanks for the natter everyone.
Thanks for the natter everyone.
Night EC
Have a good weekend ye all
Are you not around this weekend, velvet?
Have a good weekend ye all
Are you not around this weekend, velvet?
I am Scotty
I'll be in for the yodelling the morra xx
Oh good, nearly had a wee greet there
Ruined now by scripted over reactions
I agree, particularly Sandy and Sandra who I used to live, think they are a bit OTT now, wish they would rein it back in, they were funnier before
I'm not sure how scripted it can be. I don't see any of these people as being talented enough to pull off a script.
However I will be watching more closely next time.
Is a fruit biscuit one of your 5 a day?
Seriously he can't believe that.
I'm not sure how scripted it can be. I don't see any of these people as being talented enough to pull off a script.
However I will be watching more closely next time.
I don't think it's scripted as such - but I do think they're guided on what to comment on and how to react. For example - every single one of them sang the match of the day theme and they all seem to comment on the same things I'm watching now, so I'll see if they do it this week.
Whose album "back to black"...
Answer Michael Jackson. seriously, that's inspired.
Whose album "back to black"...
Answer Michael Jackson. seriously, that's inspired.
Full frontal nudity !!!
I hope it's not Leon.
Hello EC
Hello EC
Don't get any ideas about Spanx, EC
Silent Jay has disappeared!!
Don't get any ideas about Spanx, EC
I was about to ask what they were until he showed us. There pant aren't they.
Lead singer looks like Cheggers's brother
Don't get any ideas about Spanx, EC
I was about to ask what they were until he showed us. There pant aren't they.
Strangler pants
Lead singer looks like Cheggers's brother
He does a bit.
I wonder if she has broken up with Silent Jay?
I don't know what the German is on about, they all love David Hasselhoff !!
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