Who are those oddballs?
the bloke reminds me of an ex fm-er....
They don't let people like that out on their own
Who are those oddballs?
the bloke reminds me of an ex fm-er....
They don't let people like that out on their own
Is Murdoch not an Aussie?
Is Murdoch not an Aussie?
The love child of Sir Les Patterson and Dame Edna.
He's probably a non dom.
@ Siddiqui comment
I do love the Siddiquis
Scarlett watching UC Now there's two extremes for you...
Sandra actually listened like she was going to give an answer!
"Instead of reading books all the time. Where's that gonna get them"
The lights are on with Scarlett but she's gone out for the day.
"Instead of reading books all the time. Where's that gonna get them"
The lights are on with Scarlett but she's gone out for the day.
the day:? nah.,, that furniture's all covered in dustsheets and the windows are boarded up.. that house is due for demolition...
@ Sandra
I want one of them
"Instead of reading books all the time. Where's that gonna get them"
The lights are on with Scarlett but she's gone out for the day.
the day:? nah.,, that furniture's all covered in dustsheets and the windows are boarded up.. that house is due for demolition...
I think I could find Giles fascinating (in a peculiar, oddbod sense)
Yes, why has he got two glasses of water?
One for each face?
Awww, bad painting woman is crying
How many dogs have they got !!!
the dogs
Life's one big takeaway for S&S.
Lennie Henry is not funny.
those boys faces as they looked at dog mum
Thanks for the company ladies.
Been a hoot.
thanks for the chat
Sobering end to tonight's show.
EC, Kaffs
Apart from such a sad ending very funny show tonight. Sandra and Sandie are hilarious, what a great friendship with so much laughter. The new couple might be interesting. I'm watching Chatty Man now as Steph and Dom are on. Love those two
Apart from such a sad ending very funny show tonight. Sandra and Sandie are hilarious, what a great friendship with so much laughter. The new couple might be interesting. I'm watching Chatty Man now as Steph and Dom are on. Love those two
I don't care for Carr but watched because Steph and Dom were on.
Apart from such a sad ending very funny show tonight. Sandra and Sandie are hilarious, what a great friendship with so much laughter. The new couple might be interesting. I'm watching Chatty Man now as Steph and Dom are on. Love those two
I don't care for Carr but watched because Steph and Dom were on.
Tbh I only watched to see Steph and Dom, I wasn't disappointed lol. I'll be looking out for their new chat show
Evening... LTNS
Hiya Kaffy
How was Masterchef?
Hiya Kaffy
How was Masterchef?
Disappointing.. you should have watched - you'd have loved it.
she's a special kind of stupid.
she's a special kind of stupid.
Yes, but she does make me laugh. I probably should not laugh at educationally challenged people, but I have to with Scarlet.
They are right, Antiques Roadshow seems to find the sunniest days to film.
she's a special kind of stupid.
Yes, but she does make me laugh. I probably should not laugh at educationally challenged people, but I have to with Scarlet.
I'm not sure she's really thick - I think it's a tad Brian Belo/Joey Essex fake thick.
Your older than Pakistan
Your older than Pakistan
I love them... they're right up there with Steph and Dom
Dom sounds like he is pished.
Who is this Trees in May ?
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