Wild horses wouldn't get me to a hypnotist
Not even for Neck, Wind and Nose?
Wild horses wouldn't get me to a hypnotist
Not even for Neck, Wind and Nose?
Wild horses wouldn't get me to a hypnotist
Don't worry, apparently you would not do something that you did not want to do.
I'm not convinced...
It's the "I'm not quite computing" look on Sandy and Sandra's faces that crack me up.
Can Sandra get any more jewellry on ????
Don't tempt her! I think Argos have to restock on a daily basis.
Wild horses wouldn't get me to a hypnotist
Not even for Neck, Wind and Nose?
Neck and nose maybe.. not really got a problem with the other..
Wild horses wouldn't get me to a hypnotist
Don't worry, apparently you would not do something that you did not want to do.
I'm not convinced...
...and sleep.
It's the "I'm not quite computing" look on Sandy and Sandra's faces that crack me up.
Can Sandra get any more jewellry on ????
Don't tempt her! I think Argos have to restock on a daily basis.
Really? I'm off to get the silver scorpion necklace tomorrow then!
I really dislike Leon.
Hmmmm, when he talks smutty it's not pleasant.
Wild horses wouldn't get me to a hypnotist
Don't worry, apparently you would not do something that you did not want to do.
I'm not convinced...
...and sleep.
Really? I'm off to get the silver scorpion necklace tomorrow then!
Just don't go near deep water or you'll drown.
I really dislike Leon.
Hmmmm, when he talks smutty it's not pleasant.
If he wasn't on this he'd probably just be called a sleazey old git....
I call him that anyway.
Wild horses wouldn't get me to a hypnotist
Don't worry, apparently you would not do something that you did not want to do.
I'm not convinced...
...and sleep.
Now pretend you are at an ATM...
Really? I'm off to get the silver scorpion necklace tomorrow then!
Just don't go near deep water or you'll drown.
No I won't - EC is going to hypnotise me into thinking I'm a lilo...
Wild horses wouldn't get me to a hypnotist
Don't worry, apparently you would not do something that you did not want to do.
I'm not convinced...
...and sleep.
Now pretend you are at an ATM...
I'm not sure I trust where this is going....
Wild horses wouldn't get me to a hypnotist
Don't worry, apparently you would not do something that you did not want to do.
I'm not convinced...
...and sleep.
Psst... where's the "look into my eyes, not around the eyes, but into my eyes" bit?
I really dislike Leon.
Hmmmm, when he talks smutty it's not pleasant.
If he wasn't on this he'd probably just be called a sleazey old git....
I call him that anyway.
I call him a role model
No I won't - EC is going to hypnotise me into thinking I'm a lilo...
Ok Lil..!
I really dislike Leon.
Hmmmm, when he talks smutty it's not pleasant.
If he wasn't on this he'd probably just be called a sleazey old git....
I call him that anyway.
I call him a role model
I bet he's had his moments in the back of a transit too right enough....
I call him a role model
It's hard call between him and Silent Jay
I bet he's had his moments in the back of a transit too right enough....
I'm feeling queasy
I bet he's had his moments in the back of a transit too right enough....
I'm feeling queasy
sorry - have a snifter with Steph and Dom
Those too must have nearly 100% alcohol for blood!
Baboon's arse cocktails all round then
Those too must have nearly 100% alcohol for blood!
You say it as if it's a bad thing
Mad-donna in a leotard.
She's morphing into Bette Davis
I never get tired watching that.
Those too must have nearly 100% alcohol for blood!
You say it as if it's a bad thing
More observation than criticism
I never get tired watching that.
She's morphing into Bette Davis
a corpse?
She was almost garotted
another strange pair..
She's morphing into Bette Davis
a corpse?
If those stairs had had their way.....
I love Dom
Who are those oddballs?
Mullets galore
Who are those oddballs?
the bloke reminds me of an ex fm-er....
Naybores was huge.
I remember most people at work watched it.
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