That lady does not seem to think he is sexy. Although he is slowly turning into my late uncle, sort of.
That lady knows nothing!
Do you happen to look like your uncle..?
Steph never let's me down.
Reliable as ever
That lady does not seem to think he is sexy. Although he is slowly turning into my late uncle, sort of.
That lady knows nothing!
Do you happen to look like your uncle..?
Steph never let's me down.
Reliable as ever
Wolf Hall!
Wolf Hall!
I hope they show the reaction.
@ Steph.
Wolf Hall!
I hope they show the reaction.
Great reactions!
Wolf Hall!
I hope they show the reaction.
Great reactions!
Clearly a well filmed/acted production.
That lady does not seem to think he is sexy. Although he is slowly turning into my late uncle, sort of.
That lady knows nothing!
Do you happen to look like your uncle..?
Steph never let's me down.
Reliable as ever
No, afraid not, I'm more like Stewart Copeland.
Thanks for the company Cosi
No, afraid not, I'm more like Stewart Copeland.
Well mind where you point those drumsticks.
Until next time, EC
Waiting for Exhibitionist Sex Dog to liven things up
Oooooh 3 students
Ha ha ha - matching outfit for baby AND placenta
Snotty hippy family????
I bet everyone is watching red conk day programming.
Yep, makes me want to avoid Dec & Ant's tripe all the more.
Scarlet - homemade pizza from ASDA!!!
"you might as well stay fat at your age" !!
I love this. Even better with the Gogglers commenting.
Yes, they did make a lot out of the Harrison Ford plane crash.
"you might as well stay fat at your age" !!
I'd been trying to work out if those two were married or mother and son. He's her gay mate it turns out
We're going to lose Silent Jay
I'm sure there's an awkward silence joke in there somewhere.
I'm sure there's an awkward silence joke in there somewhere.
Awww, Leon (who I'm not keen on) and June watching Gladiator
Awww, Leon (who I'm not keen on) and June watching Gladiator
I liked the black woman's comment when she said "you've got to watch this Sandra" as the gladiator was killing the other guy (name escapes me).
I enjoyed Sandy and Sandra in the last episode, EC
Steph and Dom are still my faves though.
I enjoyed Sandy and Sandra in the last episode, EC
Steph and Dom are still my faves though.
Did you see the size of Doms... wine glass?
paint off
bake off
sew off
toss off...
I enjoyed Sandy and Sandra in the last episode, EC
Steph and Dom are still my faves though.
Did you see the size of Doms... wine glass?
Yes. It looked alright to me
JB..! They'll never televise THAT before the watershed.
Good call Kaffy
I would have missed it if you had not said something in the Masterchef thread!
I thought Jenny and Lee were Mother and son..!
Good call Kaffy
I would have missed it if you had not said something in the Masterchef thread!
I'm practically your PA tonight!
Thank God that hairdresser's shaved his bonce.. he looked ridiculous last week
Scarlet always makes me laugh.
I saw a bit of this programme and it did make me laugh now and again.
It's the "I'm not quite computing" look on Sandy and Sandra's faces that crack me up.
Wild horses wouldn't get me to a hypnotist
Wild horses wouldn't get me to a hypnotist
Don't worry, apparently you would not do something that you did not want to do.
I really dislike Leon.
It's the "I'm not quite computing" look on Sandy and Sandra's faces that crack me up.
Can Sandra get any more jewellry on ????
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