What was she looking for?
An earring Yogi
What was she looking for?
An earring Yogi
"Is it a Disney film"
What was she looking for?
An earring Yogi
Thanks Rog.
"Hasn't she got lovely teeth"
Great film.
Great film.
I thought it was bleedin awful, sorry EC
Brilliant Episode that
Thanks for the company everyone.
Thanks for the company, goodnight all.
Night night peeps
Watching it on +1 ... in the hope of some dirty antics from Exhibitionist Sex Dog
YES !!!
Vicar talks about UKIP and Exhibitionist Sex Dog get his ho-ho diddly out !!!
Dog privates!
Just for Saint.
THIS ^^^^
YES !!!
Vicar talks about UKIP and Exhibitionist Sex Dog get his ho-ho diddly out !!!
And that's not the half of it!! Tonight was a proper filf-fest
I'm glad this show is back, I love the two girls, they make me laugh, the Siddiqui family, June and hubby and the the Geordie lass....I'm not good at remembering names lol. I switched channels a couple of times as I didn't want to watch certain stuff they were watching. For one the talk about eating squirrels...really????? are some people sooooo desperate for food they want squirrels killed to satisfy their hunger?????? stuff like that always disgusts me!!! Having spent many years feeding squirrels and their families and enjoying their company I find that utterly sickening. I missed seeing the posh couple
Yeah, yeah, yeah, I forgot again!
Whaaaaaaaat !!!
Not liking this bit.
So I see.
I'm glad that Steph and Dom are still there manning the drinks cabinet
So I see.
I'm glad that Steph and Dom are still there manning the drinks cabinet
Hi Cosi
I checked in late tonight.
Yes, they did not appear last week.
Wotcha, EC I've missed a few weeks of this and have failed to watch on catch up too. They should have got rid of the vicar and the tangoed girl
Glad the Siddiqui family are still around.
It only started on the 20th.
Yes Siddiquies are funny.
If you mean Scarlet (tango girl) I quite like her whit.
That's not whit - that's stoooooooooooopidly fick!
I would question the provenance of that lump of wood.
That's not whit - that's stoooooooooooopidly fick!
This is not a good time for her, usually she has a good line in whit, although her intellect is somewhat lacking.
It only started on the 20th.
Oh..! I feel less behind now that I know that.
(I blame the old repeats )
"Just let the music come to you Dad".
That's not whit - that's stoooooooooooopidly fick!
This is not a good time for her, usually she has a good line in whit, although her intellect is somewhat lacking.
That's what bothers me. It's too Goody/Belo for my liking.
Gary Lineker's wearing a dead dormouse
He IS turning to Des Lynam (sp).
Is JosÃĐ reading out the lottery numbers ?
Is JosÃĐ reading out the lottery numbers ?
I wouldn't mind if he did.
Dog trying to sneak a biccy.
Is JosÃĐ reading out the lottery numbers ?
I wouldn't mind if he did.
That lady does not seem to think he is sexy. Although he is slowly turning into my late uncle, sort of.
Steph never let's me down.
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