That's what one way means
I'm singing Boney M now #one way ticket, one way ticket, one way ticket to the mooooon#
Do the neighbours like your singing?
That's what one way means
I'm singing Boney M now #one way ticket, one way ticket, one way ticket to the mooooon#
Do the neighbours like your singing?
That's what one way means
I'm singing Boney M now #one way ticket, one way ticket, one way ticket to the mooooon#
Do the neighbours like your singing?
Luckily (for them) the houses are pretty sound proof!
Aw Scarlet - monobrow!
Nut 'im, big guy!
Nut 'im, big guy!
I should not agree, but I agree.
Nut 'im, big guy!
I was thinking the same thing
lol He has a 'catheter' in his eye.
Dog privates!
Just for Saint.
Erm... where are Steph and Dom - are they not on it because he's been on that ski thing?
Erm... where are Steph and Dom - are they not on it because he's been on that ski thing?
Good point, but I saw them in the trailer, so may not feature this week.
Nut 'im, big guy!
I was thinking the same thing
Simon grew into a big bruiser - he should have
...and drop kicked him off the pier too!
Erm... where are Steph and Dom - are they not on it because he's been on that ski thing?
Good point, but I saw them in the trailer, so may not feature this week.
ah.. so long as they're still part of it, or I'd be really disappointed.
Oh come on you lot, it's just a fictitious programme.
Dog privates!
Just for Saint.
Chop them off!
Nut 'im, big guy!
I was thinking the same thing
Simon grew into a big bruiser - he should have
...and drop kicked him off the pier too!
This lot are easily confused.
Dog privates!
Just for Saint.
Chop them off!
This lot are easily confused.
Very much so.
Dog privates!
Just for Saint.
Chop them off!
Or get doggie pants?
It will only raise racial tensions if you don't have the ability to realise this is not a real programme.
Come on
Dog privates!
Just for Saint.
Chop them off!
Or get doggie pants?
When I was a wee girl, we had a neighbour who used to put pants on her dog when it was in season.
Dog privates!
Just for Saint.
Chop them off!
Or get doggie pants?
When I was a wee girl, we had a neighbour who used to put pants on her dog when it was in season.
ROFL !!!
Dog privates!
Just for Saint.
Chop them off!
What did I say?
When IS see this they will be laughing in their bunkers!
Gay guy with glasses is a bit waspy.
@ Sir Francis Drake
Gay guy with glasses is a bit waspy.
"An abbrevation for White Anglo-Saxon Prostestant. Basically it refers to a place that has no coulored people".
@ Sir Francis Drake
Which Drake were they referring to?
I'm clueless.
Gay guy with glasses is a bit waspy.
"An abbrevation for White Anglo-Saxon Prostestant. Basically it refers to a place that has no coulored people".
I just meant he was a nippy sweetie!
@ Sir Francis Drake
Which Drake were they referring to?
I'm clueless.
Don't ask me, I'm not down wiv da kids!
Gay guy with glasses is a bit waspy.
"An abbrevation for White Anglo-Saxon Prostestant. Basically it refers to a place that has no coulored people".
I just meant he was a nippy sweetie!
You really have at a disadvantage tonight Yogi
@ Sir Francis Drake
Which Drake were they referring to?
I'm clueless.
Don't ask me, I'm not down wiv da kids!
Gay guy with glasses is a bit waspy.
"An abbrevation for White Anglo-Saxon Prostestant. Basically it refers to a place that has no coulored people".
I just meant he was a nippy sweetie!
You really have at a disadvantage tonight Yogi
Apologies, I've been using my mum's phrases. He's snippy and grumpy.
Gay guy with glasses is a bit waspy.
"An abbrevation for White Anglo-Saxon Prostestant. Basically it refers to a place that has no coulored people".
I just meant he was a nippy sweetie!
You really have at a disadvantage tonight Yogi
Apologies, I've been using my mum's phrases. He's snippy and grumpy.
It woke them up, at least.
It woke them up, at least.
That was a bit of a surprise by the BBC.
Scarlet is spot on - I've been saying the same for years.
I really like her.
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